Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ

Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q1. ________________ stress makes a person worrisome, less productive and may lead to various disorders.
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q2. Stress refers to _________strain/tension.
a. Physical
b. Mental
c. Emotional
d. All of the above
Q3. ______________ refers to human efforts for maintaining healthy body and mind..
a. Stress Management
b. Self Motivation
c. Self Regulation
d. None of the above
Q4. Stress causing agents are :
a. Mental
b. Physical
c. Financial
d. All of the above
Q5. Students may feel __________ stress if they are unable to submit their assignment.
a. Physical
b. Financial
c. Mental
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q6. Issues related to health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and cause ___________stress.
a. Financial
b. Emotional
c. Mental
d. Physical
Q7. Importance of stress management is/are
a. Improves mood
b. Boosts immune system
c. Increases efficiency
d. All of the above
Q8. Breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in stomach, indigestion etc are sign of _________ stress.
a. Mental
b. Physical
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q9. Stress management prevents _____________________
a. psychological disorders
b. behavioural problems
c. both of the above
d. none of the above
Q10. Irritation, impatience, loneliness, upset mood, anxiety are sign of _____________________ stress.
a. Mental
b. Physical
c. Emotional
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ

Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q11. Which of the following help to manage stress?
a. Self-awareness of symptoms of stress.
b. Speaking out to the well-wishers like family and friends.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q12. _____________ is/are Stress Management Technique.
a. Physical Exercise
b. Yoga
c. Meditation
d. All of the above
Q13. ______________ includes a series of postures and breathing exercises to control body and mind.
a. Meditation
b. Yoga
c. Physical Exercise
d. None of the above
Q14. _____________ is a practice where an individual is supposed to focus his/her mind.
a. Yoga
b. Physical Exercise
c. Meditation
d. Nature Walk
Q15. Which of the following help to manage stress?
a. Recreational activities like watching movies etc
b. Going On Vacations with Family and Friends
c. Taking Nature Walks
d. All of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q16. Self-Reliance means _____
a. Ability to Work Independently.
b. Take ownership of the task assigned and leave no stone unturned in accomplishing the task.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q17. Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is called as _____
a. Self-Regulation
b. Self-Motivation
c. Self-Awareness
d. None of the above
Q18. Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being _____________
a. Self-aware
b. Self-motivated
c. Self-regulated
d. All of the above
Q19. Importance of The Ability to Work Independently is/are ___
a. Ensures greater learning.
b. It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q20. Which of the following is not a Stress management technique?
a. Taking Nature Walk
b. Focusing on negative aspects of life.
c. Maintaining a positive attitude towards life.
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q21. Being _________ means that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses
a. Self-Aware
b. Self Motivated
c. Self Regulated
d. None of the above
Q22. Which of the following statement is showing weakness of Ravi?
a. Ravi play guitar very well.
b. Ravi is good at creative writing.
c. Ravi find it difficult to solve mathematics problems.
d. None of the above
Q23. _________________ is simply the force within you that drives you to do things.
a. Self-Awareness
b. Self-Regulation
c. Self-Motivation
d. None of the above
Q24. ___________________ makes you to complete work or studies without others cheering you.
a. Self – confidence
b. Communication
c. Self – motivation
d. Self – Esteem
Q25. . Which of the following are types of motivation?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q26. Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Intermediate
d. None of the above
Q27. Ram performed on annual day function and learn something new, such as dancing, singing, etc What type of motivation is this?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Intermediate
d. None of the above
Q28. Suresh participated in a 100m race and won a prize. This motivated him to go for practice every morning. What type of Motivation is this?
a. Internal
b. Intermediate
c. External
d. None of the above
Q29. Rekha gets up at 5 am and goes for her dance classes. Then she comes home and finishes her homework before going to school. This is an example of ____
a. Self Awareness
b. Self Motivation
c. Self Regulation
d. None of the above
Q30. Neha spends all her after-school hours to practice more and more sample question papers. She wants to do well in her exams. This is an example of __________
a. Self Awareness
b. Self Motivation
c. Self Regulation
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q31. __________________ are a set of dreams with a deadline to get them.
a. Goals
b. Goal Setting
c. Vision
d. None of the above
Q32. ________ is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve them.
a. First Goal
b. Goal setting
c. Goal Keeping
d. None of the above
Q33. We can use ______ method to set goals.
d. None of the above
Q34. Goals should be ____________
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Achievable
d. All of the above
Q35. Which of the following is an un realistic goal?
a. I will read my entire year’s syllabus of all subjects in one day.
b. I will write 1 page daily to improve my hand writing..
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q36. ____________ is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well and do all that you want to do.
a. Self management
b. Time management
c. Goal management
d. None of the above
Q37. Time management is the thinking skill that helps you to ________
a. complete tasks on time
b. make a daily timetable.
c. not waste time during the day.
d. All of the above
Q38. Sameera is always punctual at school. She has a regular schedule that she follows everyday. Nisha usually arrives late to work. She does not submit her assignments on time. She sometimes forget the main task. Who is better in Time Management Skill?
a. Sameera
b. Nisha
c. Sameera and Nisha both
d. None of the above
Q39. What is ‘S’ in SMART method of Goal Setting?
a. Smart
b. Short
c. Specific
d. None of the above.
Q40. Qualities of Self-motivated People is/are ____________
a. They are focused
b. They know what is important
c. They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams
d. All of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q41. Aman can control his emotions, thoughts and behaviour in different situation. He is good in _________________ skills.
a. Communication
b. ICT
c. Self Management
d. Green
Q42. _______ is the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviour effectively in different situations.
a. Self Management
b. Self Control
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q43. People with strong self-management skills can do certain things better than others. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q44. To perform well at work and life in general, we must be able to manage and improve ourself in __________ skills
a. Discipline
b. Goal-Setting
c. Problem Solving
d. All of the above
Q45. Which of the following skills we must master to succeed in life?
a. Self-Awareness
b. Responsibility
c. Time Management
d. All of the above
Q46. Ananya is a student of class X. Her class teacher has assigned a task to Ananya. She was unable to complete it on time. She reported it to the class teacher and complete it. What quality is shown by Ananya?
a. Self Awareness
b. Responsibility
c. Time Management
d. Adaptability
Q47. We should prioritise our things that we have to do. We should make a time table and follow it diligently. In this we are talking about ______
a. Self Awareness
b. Responsibility
c. Time Management
d. Adaptability
Q48. Which skill help us to prepare for new changes, so that we can do transition seamlessly.
a. Self Awareness
b. Responsibility
c. Time Management
d. Adaptability
Q49. Some times stress motivates us to achieve more in life. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q50. Read the following lines and identify that who is in stress?
1. Amit worried that he will not pass in an exam.
2. Suman knows that she is not going to get full marks in Math.
3. Ananya plays harmonium .
4. Sagar feel pressurised when people around him bring up certain topics for discussion (issues that he is not comfortable with)
a. Amit & Suman
b. Ananya & Sagar
c. Ananya & Suman
d. Amit & Sagar
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q51. _____ causes health problems and mental troubles.
a. Stress for a prolonged period of time (Chronic Stress)
b. Stress for a short period of time. (Acute Stress)
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q52. Stress causing agents are called _______________.
a. Stressors
b. Stross
c. Stressents
d. None of the above
Q53. What is ‘A’ in ABC of stress management?
a. Advice
b. Adorable
c. Adequate
d. Adversity
Q54. Identify the instances where stress can be helpful.
a. A fire alarm is causing a stress that alerts you to avoid danger.
b. The stress created by a deadline to finish a paper or assignment.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q55. Stress management can help us to _______
a. have a joyful life.
b. focus and complete tasks on time.
c. be more energetic and spend quality time with your friends and family.
d. All of the above
Q56. Which of the following is not the sign of stress?
a. Headache
b. Sleeplessness
c. Nervousness
d. Pain in leg
Q57. First step to manage stress is _____
a. Apply stress management methods.
b. Identify what is causing you stress.
c. Be aware that you are stressed.
d. Identify the stressors.
Q58. Which of the following is not the stress management techniques.
a. Time management
b. Physical exercise and fresh air.
c. Thinking negative memories
d. Healthy diet
Q59. A healthy lifestyle is essential for __________________
a. Students
b. Teachers
c. Doctors
d. All of the above
Q60. Which of the following activity will make you more active?
a. Yoga
b. Meditation
c. Walk in a park
d. All of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q61. Which of the following help to reduce stress?
a. Proper time management
b. Taking a walk or playing in the park
c. Eating a balanced diet
d. All of the above
Q62. Focussing on negative aspects of life will help to reduce stress.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q63. Stress can be reduced by _______
a. Finishing all assignments on time.
b. Taking good night’s sleep for at least 7 hours.
c. Going for a break from the normal routine and come back afresh..
d. All of the above
Q64. Which of the following activity will recharge our brain and body to function better in the next day.
a. Taking good sleep of atleast 3hrs daily.
b. Taking good sleep of atleast 7hrs daily.
c. Taking good sleep of atleast 10hrs daily.
d. Taking good sleep of atleast 12hrs daily.
Q65. Ananya can work independently because ___________
a. she is becoming self-aware, self-monitoring and self-correcting.
b. she knows what she need to do.
c. she has the ability to learn continuously.
d. All of the above
Q66. _______ is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
a. Emotional intelligence
b. Emotional awareness
c. Emotional Skill
d. Harnessing emotions
Q67. _______ is the ability to identify and name one’s own emotions.
a. Emotional intelligence
b. Emotional awareness
c. Emotional Skill
d. Harnessing emotions
Q68. Steps to manage emotional intelligence are _________
a. Understand your emotions
b. Do not take decisions abruptly; be rational in your thinking.
c. Do meditation and yoga to keep yourself calm.
d. All of the above
Q69. ______ will help in converting your weakness into strength and strength into an exceptional talent.
a. Self Regulation
b. Self Motivation
c. Self-Awareness
d. None of the above
Q70. ______ actually means knowing your inner strengths, hidden talents, skills and even weaknesses.
a. Self Regulation
b. Self Motivation
c. Self-Awareness
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q71. Which of the following are showing the strength of Ananya?
a. She is good at creative writing.
b. She find it difficult to solve mathematics problems
c. She play guitar very well
d. Both (a) and (c)
Q72. “Whenever Aman is free, he would like to do painting” This statement shows his ___________
a. Ability
b. Interest
c. Weakness
d. None of the above
Q73. An acquired or natural capacity of Ananya is her ___________
a. Ability
b. Interest
c. Weakness
d. None of the above
Q74. An internal push to achieve our goal and improve our quality of life is _________
a. Self Regulation
b. Self Awareness
c. Self Motivation
d. None of the above
Q75. There are ___________ types of Self Motivation.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q76. When you perform on your annual day function and you learn something new, such as dancing, singing, etc., you feel good. This is an example of __________
a. Internal Motivation
b. External Motivation
c. Real Motivation
d. None of the above
Q77. Parth participated in a 400m race and won a prize of Rs2000. This motivated him to go for practice every morning. This is an example of __________
a. Internal Motivation
b. External Motivation
c. Real Motivation
d. None of the above
Q78. Which of the following are qualities of Self-motivated People?
a. They are focussed.
b. They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams.
c. They know what is important.
d. All of the above.
Q79. There are ___________ steps for building self-motivation.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q80. Which of the following is the first step for building Self-Motivation?
a. Develop a plan to achieve your goals
b. Set and focus on your goals
c. Stay loyal to your goals
d. Find out your strengths
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q81. ____ is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve them.
a. Goal
b. Goal setting
c. Goal vision
d. Goal keeping
Q82. Which of the following method is used to set goals?
Q83. What is ‘M’ in SMART method of Goal setting?
a. Meeting
b. Measurement
c. Measurable
d. Member
Q84. Which of the following is an example of measurable goal?
a. I want to be rich.
b. I want to be a millionaire.
c. I want to earn Rs100000 in one month.
d. None of the above
Q85. Which of the following is an example of realistic goal?
a. I will read my entire year’s syllabus in one day and get good marks.
b. I spend 3 hours every day of the year after school to revise my subjects to get good marks in the exams.
c. I will count stars in the sky.
d. None of the above
Q86. Which of the following are benefits of ‘Goal Setting’?
a. Goals help us to stay motivated.
b. Goals help us to stay focused.
c. Goals forces to set priorities.
d. All of the above
Q87. Read the following and idientify who is good in Time management skills.
Sameera is always punctual at school. She has a regular schedule that she follows
everyday. She plans for study and play time in advance.
Nisha usually arrives late to work. She does not submit her assignments
on time. She sometimes gets carried away in certain activities and forgets
the main tasks in hand.
a. Both Nisha and Sameera
b. Only Nisha
c. Only Sameera
d. None of the above
Q88. Which of the following is the first step of effective Time Management?
a. Organise
b. Priortise
c. Control
d. Track
Q89. What is ‘T’ in SMART method of goal setting?
a. Time measure
b. Time bound
c. Time layer
d. Time less
Q90. Tips for Practicing the Four Steps for Effective Time Management is ___________
a. Prepare a ‘To-do’ list
b. Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity
c. Use waiting time productively
d. All of the above
Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
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I think the first answer is wrong. It should be negative stress.
Thanks Sandeep.
Very satisfied
All qiestion is good
Thank for question 🙏🏻
Thank you Malhi. God bless you.
All your questions are really nice. But please make MCQ questions on communication skills
Thankyou so much Sameer. Communication skills MCQ will be released soon.
There is any objective type questions or mcqs for communication skills
Hello Nandini, Check this link
Hloo csip learning your mcq’s Aree very helpful forr 😊😊 us thank youu so much…….
Thank you so much Riya Rana.
Please recheck the 2nd no. question , it would be ‘mental’
Hi Omm, Correct answer is “All of the above”
Thank you so much ….this will help me a lot.. to get good marks in tomorrow’s exam✨
Most welcome Raagini and All the best for your exam.
Sir or mam, your IT mcq you provide us are amazing, pls provide us mcq of science and maths
Thankyou Manthan.
Nice Mcq
Thank you Yash.
Thank you 🙏 for these mcq …..
My Pleasure Mahi.
Thank u so much❤️ …. I have Term 1 xams soon but as i haven’t got the book yet ☹️, these MCQs helped me a lot … 🙂😅…. God bless u 🙂
Thankyou Sohani Deb Nath.
Thanks for the great mcqs
These helped me alot in my Pre board exam
Once again thank you so much for your help.
Thankyou so much Utkarsh Surana.
Thank you sooo much😀
Very helpful… thanks for ur efforts ..
According to me 29th answer is wrong
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