What is Python Dictionary?
A python dictionary is a collection of elements where each element is a combination of Key-Value pair. Each value/values is associated with a unique key. All the Key-Value pairs are enclosed in Curly braces. In other words we can say that ” Dictionaries are mutable, unordered collection of elements in the form of Key-Value Pairs which are enclosed in curly braces“.
Example of Dictionary:
A = {1 : “One”, 2 : “Two”, 3 : “Three”}
B = {“A” : “Apple”, “B” : “Ball”, “C” : “Cat”}
Dictionary A has numeric Keys (1, 2, 3)and Values(“One”, “Two”, “Three” ) are in String, while dictionary B has both Keys(‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) and Values(“Apple”, “Ball”, “Cat”) are in string.
Characteristics of Python Dictionary:
- The combination of Key and Value is called Key-Value Pair.
- Keys and it’s values are separated by colon(:)
- Different Key-Value pairs are separated by comma(,).
- Keys are unique for each Value.
- Keys of dictionary must be of immutable type like string, number etc.
Method to create Empty Dictionary
There are two ways to create an empty dictionary which are as follows
- A = { } # A is an empty dictionary
- A = dict( ) # dict( ) method will create an empty dictionary.
Method to create Dictionary at run time :
Q1. Write a program to enter roll number and names of five students and store the data in dictionary.
d = { }
for i in range(5):
rno=int(input("Enter roll number"))
name=input("Enter name of student")
d[rno] = name
#Execution of Above Program
Enter roll number: 1
Enter name of student: Amit
Enter roll number: 2
Enter name of student: Sunil
Enter roll number: 3
Enter name of student: Lata
Enter roll number: 4
Enter name of student: Suman
Enter roll number: 5
Enter name of student: Ravi
{1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 3: 'Lata', 4: 'Suman', 5: 'Ravi'}
Q2. Write a program to store book id, book name and price of three books and store the data in dictionary named “dict”
dict = {}
for i in range(3):
b_id = int(input("Enter book id : "))
b_name = input("Enter book name : ")
b_price = int(input("Enter price of book : "))
dict[b_id] = temp
#Execution of Above Program
Enter book id : 1
Enter book name : CS
Enter price of book : 350
Enter book id : 2
Enter book name : GK
Enter price of book : 100
Enter book id : 3
Enter book name : IP
Enter price of book : 250
{1: ['CS', 350], 2: ['GK', 100], 3: ['IP', 250]}
Traversing a Python Dictionary
It means to access each element of dictionary by using loop. for example
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"} for k in A: print(k, "--->", A[k]) OUTPUT 1--->One 2--->Two 3--->Three
How to append value in python Dictionary
We can easily add new element in dictionary by the following way
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"} A[4] = "Four" print(A) OUTPUT {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three", 4 : "Four"}
We can also join two dictionaries into one by using update() method. It merge the keys and values of one dictionary into other and overwrites the values of the same key.
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"} B = {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} A.update(B) print(A) OUTPUT {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 3: 'Three', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} #It over writes the values of same keys and add the values of different keys
Update values in a Python Dictionary :
We can not change the key of an element, but can change the value of a respective key as follows
B = {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} B[2] = 'Ram' print(B) OUTPUT: {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Ram', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'}
Removing an element from a Dictionary
There are two ways by which we can delete the elements of dictionary:
1.By using del statement :
Syntax of using del statement is : del <dictionary-name>[key of element]
B = {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} del B[2] # It will remove the element of key 2 print(B) OUTPUT: {1: 'Amit', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} B = {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} del B[3] # It will return an error (KeyError) if the key given is not present in the dictionary print(B) OUTPUT: KeyError
2. By Using pop() function : This function not only delete the element of required key but also return the deleted value.
B = {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} a=B.pop(2) #It returns the element of Key - 2 print(a) print(B) OUTPUT Sunil {1: 'Amit', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B = {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 6: 'Suman', 7: 'Ravi'} a=B.pop(6) #It returns the element of Key - 6 print(a) print(B) OUTPUT Suman {1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sunil', 5: 'Lata', 7: 'Ravi'}
Click Here for Python Dictionary Methods
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