Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q1. We can insert _______________ in presentation.
a. Image
b. Video
c. Audio
d. All of the above
Q2. ______________ is used in teaching the concepts that are difficult to explain.
a. Writer
b. Calc
c. Impress
d. None of the above
Q3. ___________ is a free, open source and widely used by large community to create presentation.
a. Microsoft PowerPoint
b. Impress
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q4. Which of the following is not the component of LibreOffice?
a. Impress
b. Calc
c. Writer
d. Internet Explorer
Q5. The presentation created in LibreOffice Impress can be opened in MS PowerPoint.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q6. LibreOffice Impress runs on _________ operating system.
a. Windows
b. Linux
c. Mac
d. All of the above
Q7. ____________ is/are an online presentation software.
a. MS-Office 365 PowerPoint
b. Google Presentation
c. Microsoft SkyDrive PowerPoint
d. All of the above
Q8. A good presentation is one which ________
a. can convey the message clearly to the audience
b. has 5 – 8 lines in one slide.
c. has good color combination.
d. All of the above
Q9. Font size used in presentation depends on ____
a. Size of the room where we have to play the presentation
b. Distance between the audience and the screen.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q10. Characteristics of a good quality presentation is/are _____
a. The grammar and language should be correct in your presentation
b. Avoid inserting more than two graphics (images, drawings, tables or charts) in any slide.
c. Pay attention to target group
d. All of the above
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q11. To start LibreOffice Impress in Windows
a. Double click its shortcut icon on the desktop
b. Click on Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Impress.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q12. Components of Impress Windows is/are _____
a. Title bar
b. Workspace
c. Slide Pane
d. All of the above
Q13. Which of the following shows the name of the presentation file?
a. Status bar
b. Menu bar
c. Title bar
d. None of the above
Q14. Which of the following bar shows Minimize, Maximize/ Restore and Close buttons.
a. Blue bar
b. Title bar
c. Standard Toolbar
d. None of the above
Q15. Extension of file in Impress is ____________________
a. .odf
b. .odn
c. .odp
d. .opd
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q16. Which menu contains functions for copying, cutting and pasting text segments.
a. File
b. View
c. Insert
d. Edit
Q17. ______________ menu is used to insert various objects like tables, shapes, textbox, and charts into a presentation.
a. File
b. Edit
c. Insert
d. View
Q18. _____________ menu is used to insert new slide, duplicate slide or delete slide.
a. Slide
b. Slide Show
c. Insert
d. View
Q19. Which of the following menu is used to control spelling of text in a presentation?
a. Slide
b. View
c. Insert
d. Tools
Q20. __________ menu is used for saving a file, opening an existing file, creating a new file etc.
a. File
b. Edit
c. View
d. Tools
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q21. _______ bar displays information about the active presentation, the current position of the cursor and also contain zoom slider.
a. Status
b. Zoom
c. Menu
d. None of the above
Q22. _____ toolbar, helps to make various artistic works in the presentation.
a. Insert
b. View
c. Slide
d. Drawing
Q23. Shortcut to close the Impress application is __________
a. Alt+F4
b. Ctrl+Q
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q24. In LibreOffice Impress, ______________ shortcut is used to open new presentation.
a. Ctrl + O
b. Ctrl + N
c. Ctrl + P
d. Ctrl + S
Q25. Which menu has the option to open a new presentation?
a. File
b. Edit
c. Slide
d. Slideshow
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q26. We can select a slide layout by clicking on ____
a. Slide → Slide Layout
b. Slideshow → Slide Layout
c. Insert→ Slide Layout
d. Edit → Slide Layout
Q27. Shortcut to save presentation is ________
a. Ctrl + P
b. Ctrl + S
c. Alt + S
d. Ctrl + R
Q28. Which toolbar has icon to save the presentation?
a. Formatting
b. Standard
c. Status
d. None of the above
Q29. To save the presentation with a different name select _____
a. File→ Save As
b. File→ Save
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q30. Shortcut for Save As is ______________________
a. Shift+Ctrl+S
b. Alt+Ctrl+S
c. Shift+Alt+S
d. None of the above
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q31. Which of the following method is used to run slide show in LibreOffice Impress is/are ______
a. Click Slide Show→Start from First Slide
b. Click the Slide Show icon on the Presentation toolbar
c. Press F5
d. All of the above
Q32. During slide show, we can move to the next slide by ___________
a. Clicking the mouse button
b. Pressing right arrow keys on the keyboard.
c. Press the Spacebar key on the keyboard
d. All of the above
Q33. Just after the last slide of presentation, you will get a message ____
a. Click anywhere to exit presentation.
b. Click to exit presentation.
c. Press any key to exit presentation.
d. None of the above
Q34. To exit the slide show at any time, just press the _________key
a. Escape
b. Enter
c. Space
d. None of the above
Q35. To publish the presentation on the web save it in _______ format.
a. PDF
b. PNG
d. None of the above
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q36. To save the presentation in html format ___________
a. Click on File → Export
b. Click on File → Save As
c. Click on View → Export
d. None of the above
Q37. PDF stands for ___________
a. Portable Document Frame
b. Print Document Format
c. Portable Document Format
d. Portable Document Form
Q38. Keyboard shortcut to close the presentation is _________
a. Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + E
c. Ctrl + Q
d. Ctrl + W
Q39. Keyboard shortcut to open File menu is ________
a. Ctrl + F
b. Alt + F
c. Ctrl + M
d. Ctrl + E
Q40. Keyboard shortcut to open an existing presentation is ___
a. Alt + O
b. Ctrl + O
c. Alt + N
d. Ctrl + N
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q41. Keyboard Shortcut to open Help in LibreOffice Impress is ___
a. F1 Key
b. F2 Key
c. Ctrl + H
d. None of the above
Q42. New slide can be inserted in Impress by _____________
a. Slide → New Slide
b. Ctrl + M
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q43. To move the slide to another location use ___________ process.
a. copy and paste
b. cut and paste
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q44. To copy the slide to another location use ________ process.
a. copy and paste
b. cut and paste
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q45. Which of the following shortcut is incorrect?
a. For Cut –-> Ctrl + X
b. For Copy –-> Ctrl + C
c. For Paste –-> Ctrl + V
d. None of the above
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q46. Slides can be deleted by ________________
a. Right click the mouse button on the selected slide & select the Delete Slide option from the context menu.
b. Select the slide and press the Delete button from the keyboard
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q47. By default the name of the first slide is ____
a. Slide 1
b. Slide I
c. S 1
d. None of the above
Q48. Which of the following keys help to delete the text from the slide?
a. Delete
b. Backspace
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q49. _____ button deletes the character on the left of the cursor.
a. Backspace
b. Delete
c. Home
d. End
Q50. Pressing delete key or backspace keys deletes one _________ at a time
a. Word
b. Line
c. Paragraph
d. Character
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q51. Slide Layout option is available in _________ menu.
a. Slide show
b. Slide
c. View
d. Insert
Q52. Duplicate slide can be inserted by ____
a. Selecting Slide → Duplicate Slide
b. Right-click on the slide and select Duplicate Slide from the context menu
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q53. Sometimes we may delete some text or image by mistake. To revert this mistake, there is an option called _________
a. Undo
b. Redo
c. Reverse
d. None of the above
Q54. Undo and Redo options are available in _______ toolbar.
a. Formatting
b. Standard
c. Drawing
d. None of the above
Q55. Keyboard Shortcut for Undo is ___
a. Ctrl + Y
b. Ctrl + R
c. Ctrl + Z
d. Ctrl + U
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q56. Keyboard Shortcut for Redo is __________________
a. Ctrl + Z
b. Ctrl + R
c. Ctrl + Y
d. Ctrl + M
Q57. If you want to rollback your undo command, you can use ________.
a. Edit —> Redo
b. Ctrl + Y
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q58. Zoom slider on the Status bar has ________ marked sections.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q59. Which of the following view is not available in LibreOffice Impress?
a. Normal
b. Outline
c. Notes
d. Slide Notes
Q60. _________ view is used to format and design and to add text, graphics, and animation effects.
a. Outline
b. Notes
c. Normal
d. Slide Sorter
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q61. __________ view shows only slide text inside the Workspace in the form of a structure.
a. Normal
b. Outline
c. Notes
d. Slide Sorter
Q62. Which of the following view is used to add notes to a slide?
a. Slide Sorter view
b. Normal View
c. Outline View
d. Notes View
Q63. ____________ view is suitable for rearranging the slide order by drag and drop.
a. Slide Sorter
b. Normal
c. Notes
d. Outline
Q64. Which of the following text alignment is not available in LibreOffice Impress?
a. Left
b. Right
c. Central
d. Justified
Q65. To make the text bold ______________
a. Press Ctrl + B
b. Select Format —>Text —> Bold
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q66. Keyboard Shortcut of Increase Font Size is _____________
a. Ctrl + >
b. Ctrl + ]
c. Ctrl + [
d. Ctrl + <
Q67. Decrease Font Size icon shows ___________ arrow.
a. Upward
b. Downward
c. Left
d. Right
Q68. Which of the following option help us to write the formula of water.
a. Superscript
b. Subscript
c. Font Style
d. None of the above
Q69. Keyboard Shortcut of Superscript is _________________
a. Ctrl + Shift + P
b. Ctrl + Shift + S
c. Shift + P
d. Ctrl + P
Q70. Which of the following option raises the selected text above baseline?
a. Superscript
b. Subscript
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q71. A bulleted list is called ________________
a. Ordered List
b. Unordered List
c. Nested List
d. None of the above
Q72. When we have to write the steps of doing a task , we preferred ________
a. Bulleted or Unordered List
b. Numbered or Ordered List
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q73. Insertion point or cursor can be moved to next column in table by ______
a. Pressing Tab key from Keyboard
b. Pressing Right arrow key
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q74. In LibreOffice Impress, to select a cell within a table, position the mouse cursor along its left edge, and when the cursor changes to a sloped white arrow, press __________ mouse button.
a. Left
b. Left and Right together
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q75. We can not adjust the row height or column width in LibreOffice Impress.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q76. Which of the following is not the vertical alignment of text?
a. Top align
b. Bottom align
c. Left align
d. None of the above
Q77. _____________ dialog box helps to apply border and background in a table.
a. Table Properties
b. Properties of Table
c. Table Formatting
d. None of the above
Q78. Which of the following tab is not available in Table Properties dialog box?
a. Font
b. Font Effects
c. Font Color
d. None of the above
Q79. Keyboard Shortcut to insert text box in Impress is __
a. F1
b. F2
c. F3
d. F4
Q80. We can insert a new column _________ side of selected cell.
a. only left
b. only right
c. Either left or right
d. None of the above
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q81. In LibreOffice Impress Images can be inserted from _______
a. Gallery
b. local hard disk of Computer
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q82. Insert image dialog box can be opened by clicking ________
a. Insert → Image
b. View → Image
c. Format → Image
d. None of the above
Q83. To insert an image from the gallery:
a. Select Insert → Image → Gallery
b. Select Insert → Picture → Gallery
c. Select Insert → Media → Gallery
d. None of the above
Q84. The Image toolbar can be displayed by selecting ____
a. View → Toolbars → Image
b. Insert→ Toolbars → Image
c. Format → Toolbars → Image
d. None of the above
Q85. To activate drawing toolbar, select ________________
a. View → Media →Drawing
b. Tools → Media →Drawing
c. View → Toolbars →Drawing
d. None of the above
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q86. When we create a group of two objects then it is treated as a ________________ object
a. different
b. single
c. multiple
d. None of the above
Q87. Keyboard shortcut to select all objects of a slide in LibreOffice Impress is ______________
a. Ctrl + O
b. Ctrl + A
c. Ctrl + T
d. Ctrl + R
Q88. To select all the objects, go to _______________
a. Edit → Select All
b. Edit → Select All Objects
c. Insert → Select All
d. Insert → Select All Objects
Q89. To group all objects together after selecting the objects go to _______________
a. Edit→Group
b. View→Group
c. Insert→Group
d. Format→Group
Q90. Keyboard shortcut for making group of objects is ___________
a. Ctrl + Shift + G
b. Ctrl + G
c. Ctrl + Alt + G
d. None of the above
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q91. To ungroup objects in LibreOffice Impress go to _________
a. Format → Group → Ungroup
b. Format → Ungroup
c. Insert → Group → Ungroup
d. None of the above
Q92. Keyboard Shortcut to ungroup objects is ________________
a. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U
b. Ctrl + Shift + U
c. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G
d. Ctrl + Alt + U
Q93. We can ungroup objects in LibreOffice Impress by _____
a. Format → Ungroup
b. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U
c. right-click on the group and select Ungroup from the context menu.
d. All of the above
Q94. From the side bar in LibreOffice Impress, we can open ___
a. Slide Transition
b. Animation
c. Master Slide
d. All of the above
Q95. To apply transition to all slides, click _______
a. Apply to All Slides.
b. Apply Transition to All Slides.
c. Apply to ALL
d. None of the above
Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q96. Shortcut to open Format menu is _____
a. Ctrl + F
b. Ctrl + O
c. Alt + F
d. Alt + O
Q97. Shortcut to begin Slideshow from Current slide is ________
a. F5
b. Shift + F5
c. Ctrl + F5
d. Alt + F5
Q98. Slide masters are available in the Master Pages section of the _____________________________.
a. Sidebar
b. Title bar
c. Status bar
d. None of the above
Q99. To play the sound repeatedly during presentation, the __________________is used.
a. loop until next
b. until next sound
c. loop until next sound
d. None of the above
Q100. There can be ___________ slide master in a presentation.
a. Only 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
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Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
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