Q41. Which of the following are ways of indexing to access Data elements in a DataFrame?
Q42. DataFrame.loc[ ] is an important method that is used for ______________ with DataFrames
Q43. The following statement will return the column as a __________
>>> DF.loc[:,'Name'] #DF is a DataFrame object
Q44. The following two statement will return ______________
>>> DF.loc[:,'Name'] #DF is a DataFrame object
>>> DF['Name'] #DF is a DataFrame object
Q45. The following statement will display ____________________ rows of DataFrame 'DF'
print(df.loc[[True, False,True]])
Q46. We can use the ____________ method to merge two DataFrames
Q47. We can merge/join only those DataFrames which have same number of columns.(T/F)
Q48. What we are doing in the following statement?
>>> dF1=dF1.append(dF2) #dF1 and dF2 are DataFrame object
Q49. ____________ parameter is used in append( ) function of DataFrame to get the column labels in sorted order.
Q50. ________________ parameter of append()method may be set to True when we want to raise an error if the row labels are duplicate.