Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

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Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Database Management System Questions Answers
Database Management System Questions Answers

A. Multiple choice questions

Q1. Which of the following can not be considered as an example of a database?

(a) Dictionary
(b) Telephone directory
(c) Marks Register
(d) Newspaper

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a DBMS?

(a) MS Access
(b) Open Office Base
(c) MS Excel
(d) MySQL

Q3. DBMS stands for __________.

(a) Data and Books Management System
(b) Database Management System
(c) Duplicate Books Management System
(d) Data Management Multi System

Q4. Which of the following data models sets a relation between the two or more tables?

(a) Relational Data Model
(b) Network Data Model
(c) Hierarchical Data Model
(d) Connection Data Model

Q5. The details associated with an entity are called ________________.

(a) Table
(b) Attributes
(c) Records
(d) Primary key

Q6. A ________________ is represented as rows in a table.

(a) field
(b) attribute
(c) record
(d) candidate key

Q7. In which of the following forms can a data value be represented?

(a) Numeric
(b) Character
(c) Alphanumeric
(d) All of the above

Q8. Which of the following uniquely identifies a row in a table?

(a) Primary key
(b) Alternate key
(c) Foreign key
(d) Candidate key

Q9. A ___________is a feature of a database using which we can enter data in a table in an easy and user friendly manner.

(a) query
(b) report
(c) form
(d) field

Q10. A _______________ is a question asked from a database.

(a) query
(b) report
(c) form
(d) field

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. A database cannot be organised.

2. Data is the collection of raw facts.

3. A table can be created without a primary key.

4. Two tables can be related in a network data model.

5. MS Access is an example of a database.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. The raw facts constitutes _________________.

2. An ___________________ is a real world object about which information is to be stored in a database

3. The output of a query may be displayed in the form of _______________________.

4. The data values for all the fields related to a person or object is called a _____________________.

5. All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are the ___________________ keys for that table

D. Answer the following questions

Q1. Define the terms

(a) Database
(b) Data redundancy
(c) Report

Q2. Give one point of difference between

(a) Data and Information,
(b) Form and Query,
(c) Network and hierarchical data model

Q3. Give any four advantages of a DBMS.

Q4. Consider the table given below and answer the questions
that follow

database management system questions

(a) Name the fields in the given table.

(b) Which field should be made the primary key?

(c) Is there any alternate key in the table?

(d) How is primary key different from foreign key? Explain with example.

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Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

Ch 8 Introduction to Database Management System Questions Answers

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