Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

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Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions
Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

A. Subjective questions

Q1. Describe stress and stress management in your own words.

Q2. List your favourite stress management technique and elaborate why you find it the most effective.

Ans. Few simple stress management techniques are:

1. Time management: Doing task on time is one of the most effective stress-relieving techniques.

2. Physical exercise and fresh air: A healthy lifestyle is essential for everyone. Stress is generally lower in people who maintain a healthy routine. Doing yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises help in proper blood circulation and relaxes the body.

3. Healthy diet: Having a healthy diet will also help you to reduce stress. Eating a balanced diet will give you the strength to do your daily work efficiently.

4. Positivity: Focussing on negative aspects of life will add more stress. Instead, look at the good things and stay positive.

5. Sleep: We should get a good night’s sleep for at least 7 hours so that our brain and body gets recharged to function better the next day.

NOTE: You can write any one given above as your favourite stress management technique

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions
Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

A. Multiple choice questions

Q1. What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?

(a) Self-confidence
(b) Communication
(c) Self-motivation
(d) Self-esteem

Ans. (c) Self-motivation

Q2. Which of the following are types of motivation?

(a) Internal
(b) Intermediate
(c) External
(d) Extensive

Ans. (a) Internal and (c) External

Q3. Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?

(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Both internal and external
(d) Not any specific type of motivation

Ans. (b) External

A. Subjective questions

Q1. What is Goal Setting?

Ans. Goal setting is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve them.

Q2. In SMART goals, what does ‘S’ stand for? Explain.

Ans. ‘S’ stands for Specific. A specific and clear goal answers six questions. Who is involved in the goal? What do I want to do? Where do I start? When do I start and finish? Which means do I use? Why am I doing this?

Q3. What is the best way to work on long-term goals?

Ans. The best way to work on long-term goals are:

1. Plan a long term goals using SMART goal framework.

2. Make priority list of your goals.

3. Break your long term goal into short term goals.

4. Track your goals and stay positive.

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions
Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

A. Subjective questions

Q1. What is time management and how can you manage your time?

Ans. Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day and do all that you want to do. Steps to manage Time is given below:

1. Organise: We should plan our day to-day activities and also we should make a timetable that we can follow.

2. Pritortise: We should make a to-do list that has all our activities and we rank them in the order of their importance.

3. Control: We should have a control over our activities and time.

4. Track: We should identify and note where we have spent our time. This will help us analyse if we have used our time effectively or not.

Q2. How can tracking your time help you?


Tracking our time is to prepare a note where we have spent our time. This will help us to analyse whether we have used our time effectively or not. It also helps us to identify time-wasting activities.

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions
Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

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Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

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