String in Python Quiz 3 Share with others Enter details and click on Next Email Name School Name Q21. Write the output of the following: >>>2 + '3' 2 3 23 SyntaxError TypeError None Q22. Which operator is used for string concatenation? * // + - None Q23. Write the output of the following code : for i in (1,2,3): print("@" * i) Error @@@@@@ @ @@ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ None Q24. How many operators are used in the following statement? 7 + 4 * 8 //2**2-6/1 5 6 7 None Q25. Write the output of the following code : s="blog"for i in range(-1,-len(s),-1): print(s[i],end="$") g$o$l$b$ g$o$l$ Error None Q26. Write the output of the following code : s= "str"s1 = "string"print(s1 in s) True False Error None Q27. Write the output of the following code : print("Amita" > "amit") True False Error None Q28. What is the ASCII value of "A"? 97 66 65 96 None Q29. Write the output of the following code : print("Str"[1:2]) t No Output TypeError None Q30. Write the output of the following code : for i in range(65,70): print(chr(i)) Error TypeError ABCDE ABCDE None Time's upTime is Up! Related Share with others Leave a ReplyCancel reply