Python Fundamentals Quiz 10

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Welcome to your Python Fundamentals Quiz 10

Q91. Which of the following is number data type in python?

Q92. Which of the following is an invalid relational operator in Python?

Q93. print(3 != 4) will evaluates __________________

Q94. Which of the following is an assignment operator?

Q95. Statement x += y is equivalent to _______________

Q96. Write the output of the following

>>> num1 = 7
>>> num2 = 3
>>> num1 //= num2
>>> num1

Q97. Write the output of the following :

>>> a = 'India'
>>> a *= 3
>>> a

Q98. Which of the following is invalid logical operator?

Q99. print(bool(3 and 6)) evaluates to _____________

Q100. print(bool(True and True or False)) evaluates to _____________

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