Introduction to SQL

Q1. Which of the following is not an example of RDBMS?
a. MySQL
b. Oracle
c. PostgreSQL
d. None of the above
Q2. ___________ is the most popular query language used by major relational database management systems.
a. Structured Query Language
b. Structured Language of Query
c. Language of Structured Query
d. Query of Structured Language
Q3. SQL is a case sensitive language. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q4. Which of the following symbol is used to end SQL statements?
a. Comma (,)
b. Colon (:)
c. Semi Colon (;)
d. Question mark (?)
Q5. Identify the odd one out in reference to data type in MySQL.
a. Char (5)
b. Varchar (5)
c. String (5)
d. Integer
Q6. Which of the following is not correct about data type in MySQL?
a. Data type indicates the type of data value that an attribute can have.
b. The data type of an attribute decides the operations that can be performed on the data of that attribute.
c. Arithmetic operations can be performed on numeric data but not on character data.
d. Data type of at least two attribute in a table should be same..
Q7. Which of the following is fixed length data type?
a. Char(5)
b. Varchar(5)
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q8. Which of the following is variable length data type?
a. Char(5)
b. Varchar(5)
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q9. Char(n) Specifies character type data of length n where n could be any value from ________.
a. 0 to 254
b. 0 to 256
c. 0 to 255
d. 0 to 257
Q10. Varchar(n) specifies character type data of length ‘n’ where n could be any value from ____________
a. 0 to 655
b. 0 to 65535
c. 0 to 65536
d. 0 to 656
Introduction to SQL

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Introduction to SQL
Q11. INT data type in MySQL specifies an integer value. Each INT value occupies ________________ of storage
a. 6 bytes
b. 8 bytes
c. 4 bytes
d. 2 bytes
Q12. __________ data type holds numbers with decimal points.
a. INT
Q13. Each FLOAT value in MySQL occupies ______
a. 2 bytes
b. 4 bytes
c. 6 bytes
d. 10 bytes
Q14. Default format of date in MySQL is ______
Q15. Name an attribute for which fixed length string is suitable?
a. Name
b. Address
c. Pin Code
d. City
Q16. It is mandatory to define constraint for each attribute of a table. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q17. ____ are certain types of restrictions on the data values that an attribute can have.
a. Data type
b. Constraints
c. Data Consistency
d. Data Redundancy
Q18. Which of the following is not the constraint in MySQL?
a. Primary Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Candidate Key
d. Unique
Q19. The column which can uniquely identify each record in a table is called _________
a. Primary Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Candidate Key
d. Unique
Q20. The column which refers to value of an attribute defined as primary key in another table is called ______
a. Primary Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Candidate Key
d. Unique
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Introduction to SQL
Q21. A value which automatically appears in a column as soon as we enter the new record is called ________
a. Default Value
b. Primary Value
c. Auto Value
d. Unique Value
Q22. Which constraint ensures that a column cannot have NULL values?
Q23. _______ statement is used to create a database and its tables.
a. Use
b. New
c. Create
d. Design
Q24. DDL stands for ___________
a. Data & Database Language
b. Defining Data Language
c. Data Definition Language
d. None of the above
Q25. Write a command to create a database named ‘stock’ in MySQL.
a. Create stock;
b. Create database stock;
c. Create databases stock;
d. Use stock;
Q26. ________ command that lists names of all the tables within a database.
a. Show tables;
b. Show table;
c. Show all tables;
d. Show all table;
Q27. Which of the following command is used to open the database that we want to use?
a. Open
b. Use
c. New
d. Define
Q28. What is the degree of a table which has ‘N’ columns and ‘M’ tuples in a table?
a. N * M
b. N + M
c. N
d. M
Q29. What is the cardinality of a table which has ‘N’ columns and ‘M’ tuples in a table?
a. N * M
b. N + M
c. M
d. N
Q30. By default, each attribute can take NULL values except for the ________
a. Foreign Key
b. Primary Key
c. Alternate Key
d. None of the above
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Introduction to SQL
Q31. Suppose we store guardian’s 12 digit Aadhaar number as GUID (Guardian ID) in School table, we can declare GUID as _________ since Aadhaar number is of fixed length and we are not going to perform any mathematical operation on GUID.
a. CHAR(12)
b. VARCHAR(12)
c. INT(12)
d. FLOAT(13,1)
Q32. Can we have a CHAR or VARCHAR data type for contact number (mobile, landline)?
a. YES
b. NO
Q33. Write a command to view the structure of table named ‘School’.
a. Desc School;
b. Describe School;
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q34. What is the purpose of following command?
Show tables;
a. It shows all the tables in the MySQL.
b. It shows all the tables in the current database.
c. It return error.
d. None of the above
Q35. We can change the structure of the table by using the ____________ statement.
a. Modify
b. Alter
c. Update
d. Add
Q36. Ananya created a table ‘School’ in MySQL but forgot to declare an attribute ‘Rollno’ as primary key. Which command will help her to add primary key after table creation?
a. Update
b. Add
c. Modify
d. Alter
Q37. What is composite primary key?
a. When a table has two primary key then it is called composite primary key.
b. When a table has two or more primary key then it is called composite primary key.
c. When two or more field combined together and uniquely identify each record then it is called composite primary key.
d. A field uniquely identifies each record in a table then it is called composite primary key.
Q38. Write a command to add primary key to the ATTENDANCE relation. The primary key of this relation is a composite key made up of two attributes — AttendanceDate and RollNumber.
Q39. A relation may have multiple foreign keys. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q40. Which of the following points need to be taken care while adding foreign key to a relation
a. The referenced relation must be already created.
b. The referenced attribute must be a part of primary key of the referenced relation.
c. Data types and size of referenced and referencing attributes must be same.
d. All of the above
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Introduction to SQL
Q41. Which command will help to set Foreign key in MySQL?
a. Update
b. Select
c. Create
d. Alter
Q42. ____ key involved two tables.
a. Primary
b. Foreign
c. Alternate
d. Candidate
Q43. Candidate key – Primary key = ____________
a. Alternate Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Candidate Key
d. Primary Key
Q44. UNIQUE constraint means no two values in that column should be same. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q45. Which command is used to add an attribute to an existing table.
a. Create
b. Alter
c. Update
d. Select
Q46. Write a command to add a new column “contactno” of data type char(10) in an already existing table “school”.
a. Alter table school add contactno char(10);
b. Alter school add contactno char(10);
c. Alter table school new contactno char(10);
d. Alter table school add contactno datatype char(10);
Q47. Suppose the principal of the school has decided to award scholarship to some needy students for which income of the guardian must be known. But school has not maintained income attribute with table GUARDIAN so far. Therefore, the database designer now needs to add a new attribute ‘income’ of data type INT in the table GUARDIAN.
a. Alter table GUARDIAN add attribute income INT;
b. Update table GUARDIAN add income INT;
c. Alter table GUARDIAN add income INT;
d. Modify table GUARDIAN add income INT;
Q48. Alter statement in MySQL is used to __________
a. Add a new column in a table
b. Delete a column from the table
c. Modify the data type of a column
d. All of the above
Q49. Suppose we need to change the size of attribute NAME from VARCHAR(30) to VARCHAR(40) of the SCHOOL table. The MySQL statement will be
c. Alter table STUDENT MODIFY column NAME VARCHAR(40);
d. Alter table STUDENT MODIFY NAME data type VARCHAR(40);
Q50. We can change an attribute’s constraint from NULL to NOT NULL using _________
a. Create Statement
b. Modify Statement
c. Update Statement
d. Alter Statement
Introduction to SQL
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Introduction to SQL
Q51. What is the purpose of following command?
Alter Table Student Drop Fee;
a. It will delete Fee column from table Student.
b. It will delete Student column from table Fee.
c. It will delete last column of table Student.
d. It will remove table Student completely from MySQL
Q52. Write a command to remove primary key of table EMP.
a. Alter EMP Drop Primary Key;
b. Alter table EMP Drop Primary Key;
c. Alter table EMP Remove Primary Key;
d. Alter table EMP Delete Primary Key;
Q53. Name a constraint used to specify the default value to an attribute in a table.
a. By Default
b. Default
c. Set
d. Update
Q54. Write a command to remove an attribute “Author” from the table “Book”.
a. Alter Book drop column Author
b. Alter Book drop Author
c. Alter table Book drop Author
d. Alter Book delete column Author
Q55. What is the purpose of following query?
a. It will remove the primary key column from the table.
b. It will remove the primary key constraint from the table.
c. It will delete the entire table.
d. None of the above
Q56. We can use ______ statement to remove a database permanently from the system.
a. Remove
b. Delete
c. Drop
d. Cut
Q57. We can use ______ statement to remove a table permanently from the system.
a. Remove
b. Delete
c. Drop
d. Cut
Q58. Write a command to delete table ‘Stock’ permanently.
a. Drop Stock
b. Drop table Stock Permanently.
c. Drop table Stock
d. Drop Stock Permanently
Q59. Write a command to delete database ‘mydb’ permanently.
a. Drop mydb;
b. Drop database mydb Permanently;
c. Drop databases mydb;
d. Drop database mydb;
Q60. ________ statement is used to insert new records in a table.
a. Insert into
b. Alter
c. Create
d. Update
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Introduction to SQL
Q61. Write an SQL statement to view all the inserted records in table “employee”
a. Select all from employee;
b. Select all records from employee;
c. Select * from employee;
d. Show * from employee;
Q62. Which of the following syntax is used to insert values of specific columns?
SYNTAX-1 : INSERT INTO tablename (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
SYNTAX-2 : INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
c. Both SYNTAX-1 & SYNTAX-2
d. None of the above
Q63. Which of the following types of values should be enclosed in single quotes while inserting into table?
a. Integers
b. Text
c. Date
d. Both Text & Date
Q64. Amit has written the following query in MySQL to insert a record in table ‘Student’ which has degree 6. Read this query carefully and tell that how many NULL values will be inserted in this record?
Insert into student(Rolno, Name, Class, Section) Values (1, NULL, ‘X’, ‘A’);
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q65. Which of the following will display detail of all from table ‘Student’ in increasing order of Roll Number?
a. Select * from Student;
b. Select * from Student order by Rolno;
c. Select Rolno from Student order by Rolno;
d. Select * from Student order by Rolno desc;
Q66. Can we insert two records with the same roll number? Identify the most appropriate option from the following.
a. Yes, we can if roll number is not a primary key.
b. No, we can not
c. Yes we can if roll number is a primary key.
d. No, we can not if roll number is not a primary key.
Q67. The following query is returning an error. Identify the correct query from the following.
Select salary from emp where name = NULL;
a. Select salary from emp where name == NULL;
b. Select salary from emp where name is NULL;
c. Select salary from emp where name = “NULL”;
d. Select salary from emp where name NULL;
Q68. In case we want to rename any column while displaying the output, we can do so by using ______________ in the query.
a. as
b. change
c. rename
d. alternate
Q69. The following query is returning an error. Identify the correct query from the following.
Select salary * 12 as Annual Salary from emp;
a. Select salary * 12 Annual Salary from emp;
b. Select salary * 12 as Annual Salary from emp
c. Select salary * 12 as “Annual Salary” from emp;
d. Select salary * 12 from emp as Annual Salary;
Q70. The SELECT statement when combined with _______ clause, returns records without repetition.
Introduction to SQL
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Introduction to SQL
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