Introduction to SQL Quiz-7

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Welcome to your Introduction to SQL Quiz-7

Q61. Write an SQL statement to view all the inserted records in table "employee"

Q62. Which of the following syntax is used to insert values of specific columns?

SYNTAX-1 : INSERT INTO tablename (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

SYNTAX-2 : INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

Q63. Which of the following types of values should be enclosed in single quotes while inserting into table?

Q64. Amit has written the following query in MySQL to insert a record in table 'Student' which has degree 6. Read this query carefully and tell that how many NULL values will be inserted in this record?

Insert into student(Rolno, Name, Class, Section) Values (1, NULL, 'X', 'A');

Q65. Which of the following will display detail of all from table 'Student' in increasing order of Roll Number?

Q66. Can we insert two records with the same roll number? Identify the most appropriate option from the following.

Q67. The following query is returning an error. Identify the correct query from the following.

Select salary from emp where name = NULL;

Q68. In case we want to rename any column while displaying the output, we can do so by using _______________ in the query.

Q69. The following query is returning an error. Identify the correct query from the following.

Select salary * 12 as Annual Salary from emp;

Q70. The SELECT statement when combined with ___________________ clause, returns records without repetition.

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