Q61. Which of the following statement is Transposing the DataFrame 'DF1'?
Q62. Following statement will display __________ rows from DataFrame 'DF1'
Q63. Which of the following function display the last 'n' rows from the DataFrame?
Q64. Which property of dataframe is used to check that dataframe is empty or not?
Q65. Write the output of the statement >>>df.shape , if df has the following structure
Name Class Rollno
0 Amit 6 1
1 Anil 7 2
2 Ravi 8 3
Q66. Write the output of the statement >>>df.size , if df has the following structure
Name Class Rollno
0 Amit 6 1
1 Anil 7 2
2 Ravi 8 3
Q67. Write the output of the statement >>>df.empty , if df has the following structure
Name Class Rollno
0 Amit 6 1
1 Anil 7 2
2 Ravi 8 3
Q68. Parameters of read_csv( ) function is _________________
Q69. Which of the following function is used to load the data from the CSV file into a DataFrame?
Q70. The default value for sep parameter is ________________
Q70. Wrong answer.
In the pd.read_csv() function in pandas, the default value for the sep parameter is ‘,’ (comma).