Electronic Spreadsheet Quiz 3

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Welcome to your Electronic Spreadsheet Quiz 3

Q21. Column Heading of 27th Column in Calc sheet is ___________

Q22. The intersection of a row and column is called ___________.

Q23. Which of the following is invalid Cell Address?

Q24. Which of the following is not true about Currently Selected Cell?

Q25. Address of cell formed by intersection of tenth column and nineteenth row is ____________

Q26. Cell address of first row and first column _________

Q27. Which key combination moves the active cell (Selected Cell) to the end of the data range in a particular direction?

Q28. Which key combination moves the active cell (Selected Cell) to A1 cell?

Q29. Which key / key combination moves the worksheet one screen up?

Q30. A block of adjacent cells in a worksheet which is highlighted or selected is called ____________

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