Most Common Python List Questions

Q1. Write a function find(name) in python to display all the names from a list of names which are starting from alphabet ‘p’.
Ans. name = ['Amit' , 'Sumit', 'Pooja' , 'Mini' , 'Ronit' , 'Abdul', 'Poonam'] def find(name): for i in name: if i[0]=='p' or i[0]=='P': print(i) find(name) OUTPUT: Pooja Poonam
Most Common Python List Questions
Q2. Write a function disp(name) in python to display all the names from a list of names whose length is of four characters.
Ans. name = ['Amit' , 'Sumit', 'Pooja' , 'Mini' , 'Ronit' , 'Abdul', 'Poonam'] def disp(name): for i in name: if len(i)==4: print(i) disp(name) OUTPUT: Amit Mini
Most Common Python List Questions
Q3. Write a function previous(List, name) which is accepting list of names and a name and display the index value of the first occurence of the name passed in the list.
Ans. name = ['Amit' , 'Sumit', 'Pooja','Mini' , 'Ronit' , 'Abdul', 'Poonam'] def previous(L,n): c=-1 for i in L: c = c + 1 if i.lower()==n.lower(): print("Index Value is ",c) break else: print("Name not found") previous(name, 'sumit') OUTPUT : Index Value is 1
Most Common Python List Questions
Q4. Write a program in python which multiply all the numbers in the list by 3.
L = [‘Amit’ , ‘Suman’, 4, 8, ‘Jack’, 9]
Ans. L = ['Amit' , 'Suman', 4, 8, 'Jack', 9] c=0 for i in L: if str(i).isdigit(): L[c]=L[c]*3 c=c+1 print(L) OUTPUT: ['Amit', 'Suman', 12, 24, 'Jack', 27]
Most Common Python List Questions
Q5. Write a program in python which add all the numbers in the list.
L = [‘Keyboard’, 7, ‘Ram’ , 9, ‘Monitor’ , 11 , ‘Mouse’]
Ans. L = ['Keyboard', 7, 'Ram' , 9, 'Monitor' , 11 , 'Mouse'] s=0 for i in L: if str(i).isdigit(): s=s+i print(s) OUTPUT: 27
Most Common Python List Questions
Q6. Write a program in python which convert all the odd numbers in the list to even by adding 1.
Ans. L = [13,21,32,24,55,26,17,38,59] for i in range(len(L)): if L[i] % 2 != 0: L[i] = L[i]+1 print(L) OUTPUT : [14, 22, 32, 24, 56, 26, 18, 38, 60]
Most Common Python List Questions
Q7. Write a program in python which print the table of first even number. like the list is L = [23, 13, 101, 6, 81, 9, 4] so table of 6 will be printed.
Ans. L = [23, 13, 101, 6, 81, 9, 4] for i in range(len(L)): if L[i]%2==0: for j in range(1,11): print(L[i] * j) break L[i]=L[i]+1
Most Common Python List Questions
Q8. Write a program in python which swap the alternate members of list (assuming that even number of elements in the list). like as shown below:
Original List : L = [23, 45, 67, 29, 12, 1]
After Swaping : L = [45,23, 29, 69, 1, 12]
Ans. L = [23, 13, 101, 6, 81, 9, 4, 1] for i in range(0, len(L), 2): L[i], L[i+1] = L[i+1], L[i] print(L) OUTPUT: [13, 23, 6, 101, 9, 81, 1, 4]
Most Common Python List Questions
Q9. Write a function mul7(list) in python which takes list as argument and multiply only those numbers which are multiples of 7.
Ans. def mul7(L): r = 1 for i in L: if i %7 == 0: r = r*i print(r) L = [34, 23, 21, 49, 7, 8] mul7(L) OUTPUT: 7203
Most Common Python List Questions
Q10. Write a program in python which concatenate all the numbers present in the list.
Original List : [12, 34, 43, 2, 34]
Output = 123443234
Ans. L = [34, 23, 21, 49, 7, 8] r = "" for i in L: r = r + str(i) print(r) OUTPUT: 3423214978
Most Common Python List Questions

Q11. Write a program in python which display only those names from the list which have ‘i’ as second last character. like L = [“Amit”, “Suman”, “Sumit”, “Montu” , “Anil”]
Output :
Ans. L = ["Amit" , "Suman" , "Sumit" , "Montu" , "Anil"] for i in L: if i[-2]=='i': print(i) OUTPUT : Amit Sumit Anil
Most Common Python List Questions
Q12. Write a program in python which display only those names from the list Whose first character is vowel. like L = [“Amit”, “Suman”, “Sumit”, “Montu” , “Uma”, “Emil”]
Ans. L = ["Amit" , "Suman" , "Sumit" , "Montu" , "Uma" , "Emil"] vow="aeiouAEIOU" for i in L: if i[0] in vow: print(i) OUTPUT : Amit Uma Emil
Q13. Write a program in python which removes the last element from the list and insert it in the beginning. like
Original List : L = [1, 3, 2, 34, ‘amit’, 7, 5]
News List : L = [5, 1, 3, 2, 34, ‘amit’, 7]
Ans. L = [1, 3, 2, 34, 'amit', 7, 5] L.insert(0, L.pop()) print(L)
Q14. Write a function countf(List, num) which takes a list of numbers and a number as an argument and display the frequency of that number in the list.(without using inbuilt function ‘count’)
Ans. L = [1, 3, 2, 34, 3, 7, 5] def countf(L, n): c=0 for i in L: if i==n: c=c+1 print("frequency of" , n , "is" , c) countf(L,3)
Q15. Write a function change(L, n) which takes a list and number as an argument and remove that much elements from the end of the list and add those numbers in the beginning of the list. for example
Original List : L = [34, 23, 12, 54, 43, 89, 67]
Output List : L = [43, 89, 67, 34, 23, 12, 54 ] # if the number passed is 3
Original List : L = [34, 23, 12, 54, 43, 89, 67]
Output List : L = [54, 43, 89, 67, 34, 23, 12] # if the number passed is 4
Ans. L = [34, 23, 12, 54, 43, 89, 67] def change(L, n): for i in range(n, 0, -1): L.insert(0, L.pop()) print(L) change(L, 4) OUTPUT : [54, 43, 89, 67, 34, 23, 12]

Q16. Write a function double(L) in python which take a list as an argument and if an element is numeric then multiply it by 3 and if it is a string then concatenate that element with itself. for example
Original List : L = [1, 2, ‘amit’, 5, ‘list’]
Output List : L = [3, 6, ‘amitamit’ , 15 , ‘listlist’]
Ans. L = [1, 2, 'amit', 5, 'list'] def double(L): for i in range(len(L)): if str(L[i]).isdigit(): L[i]=L[i]*3 else: L[i]=L[i]*2 print(L) double(L) OUTPUT : [3, 6, 'amitamit' , 15 , 'listlist']
Q17. Write a program that arrange all odd numbers on left side of the list and even numbers on the right side of the list. for example
Original List : L = [23, 44, 65, 78, 34, 21, 9]
Output List : L = [9, 21, 65, 23, 44, 78, 34]
Ans. L = [23, 44, 65, 78, 34, 21, 9] for i in L: c=0 k=0 if i%2!=0: k=L.index(i) L.insert(c, L.pop(k)) c=c+1 else: c=c+1 print(L) OUTPUT: [9, 21, 65, 23, 44, 78, 34]
Q18. Write a function disp(L) which takes a given list of five names as argument and display only those names which are starting from either ‘A’ or ‘E’. L = [“Amit”, “Esha”, “Sumit”, “Naman”, “Anuj”]
L = ["Amit", "Esha","Sumit", "Naman", "Anuj"]
def disp(L1):
for i in L1:
if i[0] in' AaEe':

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