Computer Network Class 12 Important Questions Answers

Computer Network Class 12 Questions Answers Q1. Define Network. Give examples of network in our daily life. Ans. A group of two or more similar things or people interconnected with each other is called network. Examples of network in daily life is : Social network Mobile network Network of computers Airlines, railway, banks, hospitals networks … Read more

NCERT Solution Class 11 Computer Science Chapter 1 Computer System

NCERT Solution Class 11 Computer Science Chapter 1 Class 11 Computer Science Chapter 1 SUMMARY : A computing device, also referred as computer, processes the input data as per given instructions to generate desired output. Computer system has four physical components viz. (i) CPU, (ii) Primary Memory, (iii) Input Device and (iv) Output Devices. They … Read more

NCERT Solution Chapter 11 Societal Impact Class 11 Computer Science

SOCIETAL IMPACT NCERT Solution Chapter 11 Societal Impact SUMMARY : Societal Impact Digital footprint is the trail of data we leave behind when we visit any website (or use any online application or portal) to fill-in data or perform any transaction. A user of digital technology needs to follow certain etiquettes like net-etiquettes, communication etiquettes … Read more

NCERT Solution Class 11 Computer Science Chapter 3 Emerging Trends

Class 11 Computer Science Chapter 3 SUMMARY : Class 11 Computer Science Chapter 3 Artificial intelligence (AI) endeavours to simulate the natural intelligence of human beings into machines thus making them intelligent. Machine learning comprises algorithms that use data to learn on their own and make predictions. Natural Language Processing (NLP) facilitates communicating with intelligent … Read more

Chapter 2 Number System Class 11 Computer Science NCERT Solution

Encoding Scheme & Number System Class 11 Computer Science NCERT Solution SUMMARY Encoding scheme maps text into the codes that facilitate communication among computers. Textual data is encoded using ASCII, ISCII or Unicode. Unicode scheme is a character encoding standard which can encode all the characters of almost all languages of the world. Computer being … Read more

Chapter 10 Tuples and Dictionaries in Python NCERT Solution

Tuples and Dictionaries in Python Tuples and Dictionaries in Python Tuples are immutable sequences, i.e., we cannot change the elements of a tuple once it is created. Elements of a tuple are put in round brackets separated by commas. If a sequence has comma separated elements without parentheses, it is also treated as a tuple. … Read more

NCERT Chapter 8 Python String Questions with Solution Class 11

NCERT Chapter 8 Python String Questions with Answers Summary: NCERT Chapter 8 String in Python Summary: NCERT Chapter 8 A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in single, double or triple quotes. Indexing is used for accessing individual characters within a string. The first character has the index 0 and the last character has … Read more

Chapter 7 Functions in Python Class 11 NCERT Solutions

Chapter 7 Functions in Python Class 11 NCERT Solutions Summary of Chapter 7 Functions in Python In programming, functions are used to achieve modularity and reusability. Function can be defined as a named group of instructions that are executed when the function is invoked or called by its name. Programmers can write their own functions … Read more

NCERT Solution Flow of Control in Python Class 11 Chapter 6

Flow of Control in Python Class 11 Summary of Chapter The if statement is used for selection or decision making. The looping constructs while and for allow sections of code to be executed repeatedly under some condition. for statement iterates over a range of values or a sequence. The statements within the body of for … Read more

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