Q41. Which of the following is a mapping data type?
Q42. A ________ can be created by enclosing one or more characters in single, double or triple quote.
Q43. Characters in a string can be ____________ enclosed in quotes.
Q44. Each individual character in a string can be accessed using a technique called ____________
Q45. If we give index value out of the range then we get an _______________
Q46. The index of the first character ___________ in the string is 0
Q47. What type of error is returned by statement : >>> str[1.5]
Q48. Write the output of the following.
str = "python"
Q49. Content of string can not be changed, it means that string is ____________
Q50. What type of error is returned by following code
>>> str1 = "Hello World!"
>>> str1[1] = 'a'