Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

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Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answer
Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answer

A. Multiple choice questions

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a type of text data type?

(a) Memo
(b) Varchar
(c) Float
(d) Char

Q2. A currency data type can only store monetary data that is in dollars.

(a) True
(b) False
(c) Neither a nor b
(d) Both a and b

Q3. Which of the following data type can store date?

(a) Date
(b) Time
(c) Both date and time
(d) Neither date nor time

Q4. Which of the following is true about LibreOffice Base?

(a) It is a spreadsheet software
(b) It is free and open source software
(c) It can store only character data
(d) It is a licensed software.

Q5. Which of the following methods can be used to create a table in Base?

(a) Using a table wizard
(b) Design View
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b

Q6. The related objects of a database can be seen in _______________ pane of the Base Database window.

(a) Database
(b) Task
(c) Title Bar
(d) Menu Bar

Q7. Which is the shortcut key to open an existing database?

(a) Ctrl+ D
(b) Ctrl+O
(c) Ctrl+E
(d) Ctrl+F

Q8. The Design view of Table Creation window in LibreOffice Base is divided into ___________ sections or panes.

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

Q9. While entering records in a table, we can move to the next field by pressing the _____________ key.

(a) Tab
(b) Ctrl
(c) Enter
(d) Shift

Q10. Which of the following is true about primary key of a table?

(a) Every table must have a primary key
(b) The data values in primary key field cannot be duplicated.
(c) A primary key field cannot be left blank
(d) All of the above

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answer
Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answer

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The text data can contain special characters.

2. Memo data type can be used to store descriptive data.

3. A Boolean data type can have two or more than two values.

4. We cannot store audio data in LibreOffice Base.

5. The properties of a field change according to the data type selected.

6. Field description may or may not be entered while designing a table.

7. is pressed to move to the last record.

8. appears when the record is being edited.

9. A table once created in a database cannot be edited.

10. Sort dialog box can only help to sort data in ascending order.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A __________________ refers to the type of data that will be stored in that particular field.

2. The __________________ data is a combination of letters, numbers or special characters.

3. _______________ data type can be used to store Aadhar number.

4. The ______________ data type used to store digitized images.

5. The shortcut key to save a table is _______________.

6. _________________ on the Base Interface Window displays information about the type of view of the object in the database.

7. A _________________ icon appears before the field name indicating that it is a primary key.

8. The data can be entered in a table only in ____________ view.

9. The black pointing arrow just before the field name in a table is called ___________________.

10 The process of arranging the records in particular order on any filed is called ___________________.

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answer
Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answer

D. Answer the given questions

Q1. Differentiate between:

(a) Memo and Varchar data type

(b) Number and Decimal data type

(c) Design View and Datasheet view of a table

Q3. Name the menu items present on the Base User Interface.

Q4. Label the components – Title Bar, Database Pane, Tasks Pane, Status Bar of the LibreOffice Base User Interface.

Q5. How can we define a primary key in a table?

Q6. Write steps to sort the table in descending order of primary key.

Q7. What is the use of navigation box with respect to tables in a database?

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Chapter 8. Introduction to DBMS – NOTES

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Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

Ch 9 Starting with Libre Office Base Questions Answers

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