According to CBSE Latest Sample Paper 2020 , weightage of Computer Network Unit is approximately 15 marks .
This article is giving all the expected/important questions of unit COMPUTER NETWORK
Computer Network
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 1
Q1. What do you mean by Computer Network?
Ans. A collection of interconnected computers to share data and resources is called computer network.
Q2. Write two advantages of computer network,
Ans. Two advantages of computer network are :
Resources can be shared through network like printer, scanner etc. It reduces communication cost.
Q3. What do you mean by workstation?
Ans. Those computers which are connected with computer to share data and resources is called workstation or nodes.
Q4. Define the term protocol.
Ans. A set of rules that governs data transmission in a network.
Q5. Expand the following term
Ans. Expanded forms are:
PAN : Personal Area Network LAN : Local Area Network MAN : Metropolitan Area Network WAN : Wide Area Network
Q6. What do you mean by PAN.
Ans. PAN stands for Personal Area Network. It is a small network which is established between computer and other devices up to a proximity of 10m using wired or wireless system like bluetooth or infrared.
Q7. A computer network which covers a small geographical area like in school, office is _______ (LAN/MAN/WAN)
Ans. LAN
Q8. Name three types of cables used in computer network.
Ans. Three types of cables are.
Twisted Pair Cable Coaxial Cable Optical Fibre Cable
Q9. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of Twisted Pair cable.
Ans. Advantage : It is cheap and flexible cable. Disadvantage : Only suitable for short distances.
Q10. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of Coaxial cable.
Ans. Advantage : Less susceptible to electromagnetic fields.
Disadvantage : Less flexible and costlier than Twisted Pair Cable.
Computer Network
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 2
Q11. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of Optical Fibre.
Ans. Advantage : Most efficient cable for computer network, transfer data with high speed.
Disadvantage : Most expensive and difficult installation.
Q12. Write two factors on which selection of transmission media depends.
Ans. Selection of transmission media depends on the following:
Cost Data transmission speed Distance
Q13. Which of the following is short frequency wave.
Radiowave Microwave Infrared
Ans. Infrared
Q14. Write the full form of the following:
Ans. AM : Amplitude Modulation,
FM : Frequency Modulation
Q15. Out of Microwave and Radiowave signals, which travels in a straight line?
Ans. Microwave.
Q16. Which wireless medium is used by your TV remote?
Ans. Infrared
Q17. Bluetooth is used to establish ___________.(PAN/LAN/MAN)
Ans. PAN
Q18. What is bluetooth technology?
Ans. It is a wireless technology used for creating personal networks with in a range of 10m.
Q19. Write the full form of Wi-Fi.
Ans. Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity
Q20. Write one advantage of Satellite communication.
Ans. It covers a large geographical area.
Computer Network
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 3
Computer Network -Test 3
Q21. Write one disadvantages of Infrared.
Ans. It do not pass through solid object like wall.
Q22. What do you mean by cloud computing?
Ans. Cloud computing means storing and accessing data on internet instead of our own’s computer’s hard drive.
Q23. Give two examples of public clouds.
Ans. Google Drive, One Drive
Q24. Expand VPN
Ans. Virtual Private Network
Q25. Expand IoT.
Ans. Internet of Things
Q26. What is NIC?
Ans. NIC stands for Network Interface Card. This device helps the computer to connect to a network and communicate. It is also known as Ethernet Card.
Q27. Name two devices which helps to connect multiple computer together to form a network.
Ans. Hub and Switch
Q28. Write one difference between Hub and Switch.
Ans. Hub transfer the information to all the connected computer/nodes while Switch transfer the information only to the intended node.
Q29. Why switch is called intelligent hub?
Ans. Switch is called intelligent hub as it transfer the data/information to intended node only.
Q30. What is repeater?
Ans. A repeater is a device which regenerates the signal and re-transmit the signal to it’s destination.
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 4
Computer Network -Test 4
Q31. What is gateway in reference to network.
Ans. A gateway is a device which helps to connect different network.
Q32. What is Router?
Ans. It is a device which sends the data from source computer to destination computer via shortest path.
Q33. Expand WAP.
Ans. Wireless Access Point
Q34. Write one example of valid IP address.
Ans. (it could be any other numbers from 0 to 255)
Q35. What is IP address?
Ans. Every machine in a network has a unique 32bit address called IP address. It is represented by 4 numbers( 0 to 255) separated by dot(.) for example
Q36. IPv4 is a _____ bit address while IPv6 is a ______ bit address.
Ans. 32, 128
Q37. Expand DHCP
Ans. Dynamic Host Communication Protocol
Q38. Write full form of DNS
Ans. DNS stands for Domain Name System
Q39. Identify the domain name from the given URL :
Ans. Domain name is :
Q40. What do you mean by Domain Name System?
Ans. Domain Name System (DNS) is the system for mapping website names to numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses like a book index maps a topic name/chapter name to a specific page number.
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 5
Computer Network -Test 5
Q41. Write the full form of FDMA.
Ans. FDMA stands for Frequency Division Multiple Access
Q42. Expand CDMA
Ans. Code Division Multiple Access
Q43. GSM stands for _________________________________________________________________
Ans. Global System for Mobile Communication.
Q44. What do you mean by Wi-Fi
Ans. It stands for Wireless Fidelity. It is a technology used for wireless LAN.
Q45. Name two devices which can use wi-fi.
Ans. Laptop, Smart Phone , Tablets, Digital Camera etc
Q46. VoLTE is a ___________________ technology.(Voice/Sound).
Ans. Voice
Q47. What is Telnet?
Ans. It is a protocol which help a user to access remote computer.
Q48. What is FTP?
Ans. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This protocol is used to transfer file from server to client computer.
Q49. SMTP stands for _________________________________________________
Ans. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Q50. We have different protocols for sending and receiving mail.(T/F)
Ans. True
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 6
Q51. Which protocol is used for receiving mails?
Ans. POP (Post Office Protocol)
Q52. Write the full form of VoIP.
Ans. Voice Over Internet Protocol.
Q53. Name the first computer network.
Q54. Network of Networks is called ________________.
Ans. Internet.
Q55. Write full form of ISP.
Ans. Internet Service Provider.
Q56. What is Interspace?
Ans. This software allows multiple users to communicating(Sending and receiving data files) with each other in client server architecture
Q57. Name two switching technique.
Ans. Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Q58. What do you mean by Circuit Switching?
Ans. In Circuit Switching a dedicated path/link established between sender and receiver. This method of switching is used in analog telephone lines.
Q59. Define the term Packet Switching.
Ans. In packet switching, the data is break down into several fragments of same size called packets. Each packet has a source and destination address. There is no physical connection established between sender and receiver.
Q60. Write two difference between Circuit and Packet Switching.
Packet Switching Circuit Switching No physical Connection between sender and receiver Physical Connection established between sender and receiver No dedicated path for packets Dedicated path for packets
Computer Network
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 7
Q61. Which switching technique store and forward packets?
Ans. Message Switching
Q62. What is bandwidth?
Ans. The maximum amount of data that can be transferred through communication channel at one time is called bandwidth
Q63. Bandwidth is measured in ___________________.
Ans. Hertz
Q64. Which is bigger : 1KHz or 1MHz
Ans. 1MHz
Q65. Define channel in reference to data communication.
Ans. A path through which data is transferred from sender to receiver is called channel.
Q66. What do you mean by data transfer rate?
Ans. The amount of data transfer from sender to receiver at per unit time is called data transfer rate.
Q67. Data transfer rate is usually measured in ___________
Ans. bps(bits per second)
Q68. What is Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps?
Kbps – Kilobits per Second Mbps – Megabits per Second Gbps – Gigabits per Second Tbps – Terabits per Second
Q69. 1 baud is equivalent to __________________
Ans. 1 bits per Second
Q70. What is Modem?
Ans. Modem is short form of Modulator Demodulator. It is a device which convert digital signal to analog signal and vice versa.
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 8
Q71. Which jack is used to connect computers on LAN?
Ans. RJ-45
Q72. What is wi-fi card?
Ans. A wi-fi card has built in antenna. This card is used in desktop computers which will help user to connect with internet.
Q73. Define Topology.
Ans. The way of connecting several computer/devices in a network with each other is called topology.
Q74. What is start topology?
Ans. A topology in which each device/computer is connected with central hub/switch/server is called star topology.
Q75. Write two advantages of star topology.
Ans. Two advantages of star topology are:
Installation is easy. Removal or addition of node is easy in this topology
Q76. Write two disadvantages of star topology.
Ans. Two disadvantages of star topology are :
Additional hardware is required. If the central switch/server is not working then the entire network is down.
Q77. What is bus topology?
Ans. A topology in which all the nodes are connected to single cable is called bus topology.
Q78. Write two advantages of bus topology.
Ans. Two advantages of bus topology are:
Installation is easy. It requires less cable length as compared to star topology .
Q79. Write two disadvantages of bus topology.
Ans. Two disadvantages of bus topology are :
The entire network will be down if there is a fault in backbone (main cable) Identification of fault is difficult if the entire network is down .
Q80. What do you mean by Tree topology?
Ans. A tree topology is a combination of bus and star topology. It has an inverted tree structure.
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 9
Q81. Write two advantages of tree topology.
Ans. Two advantages of tree topology are:
Fault identification is easy. Nodes can be added easily
Q82. Define Communication media.
Ans. A transmission media through which data can be transferred between different devices of network.
Q83. Name two types of communication media.
Ans. Guided media and unguided media
Q84. What do you mean by GSM?
Ans. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It provides the user roaming facility, voice quality through digital signal.
Q85. Expand GPRS
Ans. Global Packet Radio Services.
Q86. Name two services provided by GPRS.
Ans. Two services provided by GPRS are :
Sending and receiving messages High speed internet access
Q87. What is WLL?
Ans. WLL stands for Wireless in Local Loop. It provides user wireless phone facility to communicate with each other.
Q88. What is mobile processor?
Ans. A mobile processor is required to run an operating system. Processor provides necessary resources to run application and some other task.
Q89. Name two mobile processor.
Ans. Qualcomm Snapdragon and apple mobile processor
Q90. Name two protocols used for email.
Ans. POP and SMTP
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 10
Q91. What do you mean by Video Conferencing?
Ans. It is a technology which help user to hold/conduct face to face meeting from remote places.
Q92. Name two software used for video conferencing.
Ans. Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet are common software for Video Conferencing (Write any two)
Q93. IRC stands for ______________________________________
Ans. Internet Relay Chat
Q94. Write one protocol for chat.
Ans. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Q95. Write protocols for video conferencing.
Ans. H.323 and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
Q96. Name a protocol used for transfer of voice data.
Ans. VoIP
Q97. Expand IMAP
Ans. Internet Message Access Protocol.
Q98. Which provide fast internet access : 3G or 4G
Ans. 4G
Q99. Expand TDMA
Ans. Time Division Multiple Access
Q100. PPP stands for ________________________
Ans. Point to Point Protocol
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 11
Q101. What is Virus in Computer?
Ans. It is a malicious program that are created accidentally or intentionally to damage computer files and data.
Q102. Write two symptoms of virus in computer.
Ans. Two symptoms are:
Computer frequently restarts on its own. Speed of computer becomes slower.
Q103. What is worm in computer?
Ans. A worm is a self replicating program that spread itself from one computer to other computer in a network.
Q104. What is Trojan Horse in computer?
Ans. A Trojan Horse is a program which appears safe/harmless but it damages the computer on running application.
Q105. What do you mean by Spam?
Ans. Unwanted bulk mail send by an unknown person to fill the space of computer (to make it slower) is called spam.
Q106. How spam can be avoided?
Ans. Spam can be avoided by using Email Filtering or Spam traps.
Q107. What is cookie?
Ans. A cookie is a small piece of data which is stored in our computer by browser when we browse any website.
Q108. What is Firewall?
Ans. A Firewall is a software/hardware which protects our network from any unauthorized access.
Q109. Out of Virus, Worms and Trojans, which can not replicate itself?
Ans. Trojans
Q110. Write the main purpose of virus, worm and trojan.
Ans. The main purpose are :
Virus : To modify the information Worm : To eat the computer space. Trojan : To steal information.
Practice Questions of Computer Network -Test 12
Q111. What do you mean by Cyber Law?
Ans. Cyber law is also known as IT law which deals with computer and internet.
Q112. What is cyber crime?
Ans. Any crime which is committed on internet is called cyber crime.
Q113. Expand IPR
Ans. IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights.
Q114. Define Hacking.
Ans. Hacking refers to unauthorized access of computer or network to steal information.
Q115. What is WWW?
Ans. It stands for World Wide Web which is a collection of web resources and web documents. It is commonly known as Web.
Q116. What is HTML?
Ans. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language which is used to create web pages.
Q117. What is the difference between HTML and XML
HTML XML It stands for Hypertext Markup Language It Stands for Extensible Markup Language It is not case sensitive It is case sensitive
Computer Network
Q118. Expand HTTP.
Ans. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Q119. What do you mean by URL?
Ans. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator which is a unique address of a webpage.
Q120. What is Web page?
Ans. An HTML document is called web page.
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