String Slicing in Python Exercise
String Slicing in Python is an important topic for Exams
What is String Slicing in Python?
String slicing in Python is to obtain a substring from the main string. Slice of string means part (substring) of string.
Syntax of String Slicing in Python
<String Name>[Start : Stop : Step]
Start : A position from where we have to start the cutting of string.
Stop : A position before what we have to cut the string.
Step : Number of characters to be skipped during string slicing in python.
NOTE : Position of stop is not included in the slicing By default Start is 0 By default Step is 1
Solved Examples of String Slicing in Python
Q1. Write the Answers of the following in reference to given String:
str = “string slicing”
Str | s | t | r | i | n | g | s | l | i | c | i | n | g | |
+ve Index | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
-ve Index | -14 | -13 | -12 | -11 | -10 | -9 | -8 | -7 | -6 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |
a) print(str[3 : 6])
Here Slicing is starting from index 3 (from alphabet ‘i’) and ending position is before 6 (till alphabet ‘g’)
Output : ing
b) print(str[4 : 10])
Here Slicing is starting from index 4 (from alphabet ‘n’) and ending position is before 10 (till alphabet ‘i’)
Output : ng sli
c) print(str[ : ])
Output : string slicing
d) print (str[7 : ])
Output : slicing
e) print(str[-7 : ]
Output : slicing
f) print(str[-9 : -3]
Output : g slic
g) print(str[2 : 10 : 2])
Output : rn l
h) print(str[-1 : -1 : -1])
Output : Nothing will print
h) print(str[-11 : -4])
Output : ing sli
i) print(str[-14 : : -3])
Output : si in
j) print( str[ : : -3])
Output : gcsnt
Exercise of String Slicing – 1
Q1. Write the output of the following code
str = “Welcome to my blog”
a. print( str [3 : 18]
b. print ( str[ 2 : 14 : 2])
c. print( str [ : 7])
d. print( str[8 : -1 : 1])
e. print(str [-9 : -15])
f. print(str[0 : 9 : 3])
g. print(str[9 : 29 : 2])
h. print(str[-6 : -9 : -3])
i. print(str[-9 : -9 : -1])
j. print(str[8 : 25 : 3])
a) come to my blog
b) loet y
c) Welcome
d) to my blo
e) No Output
f) Wce
g) om lg
h) y
i) No Output
j) tmbg
Exercise of String Slicing – 2
Q1. Write the output of the following :
str = “String Slicing in Python”
a) print(str [13 : 18])
b) print(str[ -2 : -4 : -2])
c) print(str [12 : 18 : 2])
d) print(str[-17 : -1 : 1])
e) print(str[-6 : -20 : -2])
f) print(str[0 : 9 : 3])
g) print(str[19 : 29])
h) print(str[-6 : -9 : -3])
i) print(str[-9 : -0 : -1])
j) print(str[2 : 16 : 3])
a) g in
b) o
c) n n
d) Slicing in Pytho
e) Pn ncl
f) Si
g) ython
h) P
i) i gnicilS gnirt
j) rgli
Programs Based on String Slicing
Q1. Accept a string from the user and display the string with first character of each word Capital. (Without using inbuilt function)
Ans. str = input("Enter any String") str1 = "" L=str.split() for i in L: str1 = str1 + i[0].upper() + i[1:] +" " print(str1)
Q2. Write a program to accept a string from the user and display n characters from the left of the string. (Accept n from the user)
Ans. str = input("Enter any string") n=int(input("Enter number of characters to be extract from left")) L = len(str) if n > L : print("Enter less number of characters") else: print(str[ : n ])
Q3. Write a program to reverse the string using slicing.
Ans. str = "String Slicing in Python" print(str[: : -1]) OUTPUT is: nohtyP ni gnicilS gnirtS
Q4. Write a program to accept a string from the user and display n characters from the right of the string. (Accept n from the user)
Ans. str = "String Slicing in Python" n = int(input("Enter number of characters")) l = len(str) print(str[l-n : : ])
Q5. Accept a String from the user and display first two characters of each word in same line separated by space.
Ans. str = "String Slicing in Python" word = str.split() for i in word: print(i[0 : 2], end = " ") OUTPUT : St Sl in Py
Important Links :
Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2020-2021.
Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper Marking Scheme
Class 12 Computer Science Test Series
The solution of part (c) of Q1 of Exercise of string slicing -1 is wrong
Please correct that.
Thanks Mohit for your feedback