Class 12 Computer Science
1. Prerequisites
Computer Science- Class XI
2. Learning Outcomes
- Apply the concept of functions.
- Ability to use Python libraries.
- Apply the concept of file handling.
- Ability to use basic data structures: Stacks.
- Explain the basics of computer networks.
- Ability to use connectivity between Python and SQL.
Unit I: Computational Thinking and Programming – 2
- Revision of the basics of Python covered in Class XI.
- Functions: scope, parameter passing, mutable/immutable properties of data objects, passing strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries to functions, default parameters, positional parameters, return values, functions using libraries: mathematical and string functions.
- File handling: Need for a data file, Types of file: Text files, Binary files and CSV (Comma separated values) files.
- Text File: Basic operations on a text file: Open (filename – absolute or relative path, mode), Close a text file, Reading and Manipulation of data from a text file, Appending data into a text file, standard input /output and error streams, relative and absolute paths. ● Binary File: Basic operations on a binary file: Open (filename –absolute or relative path, mode), Close a binary file, Pickle Module –methods load and dump; Read, Write/Create, Search, Append and Update operations in a binary file.
- CSV File: Import csv module, functions – Open, Close a csv file, Read from a csv file and Write into a csv file using csv.reader ( ) and csv.writerow( ).
- Using Python libraries: Import Python libraries.
- Data-structures: Lists as covered in Class XI, Stacks – Push, Pop using a list.
Unit II: Computer Networks
- Evolution of Networking: ARPANET, Internet, Interspace Different ways of sending data across the network with reference to switching techniques (Circuit and Packet switching).
- Data Communication terminologies: Concept of Channel, Bandwidth(Hz, KHz, MHz) and Data transfer rate (bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps,Tbps).
- Transmission media: Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, optical fiber, infrared, radio link, microwave link and satellite link.
- Network devices: Modem, RJ45 connector, Ethernet Card, Router, Switch, Gateway, WiFi card.
- Network Topologies and types: Bus, Star, Tree, PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN.
- Network Protocol: TCP/IP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), PPP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, Remote Login (Telnet) and Internet, Wireless / Mobile Communication protocol such as GSM, GPRS and WLL.
- Mobile Telecommunication Technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G; Mobile processors;
- Electronic mail protocols such as SMTP, POP3, Protocols for Chat and Video Conferencing: VoIP, Wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and WiMax
- Network Security Concepts:
- Threats and prevention from Viruses, Worms, Trojan horse, Spams Use of Cookies, Protection using Firewall, https; India IT Act, Cyber Law, Cyber Crimes, IPR issues, hacking.
- Introduction To Web services: WWW, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML); Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Domain Names; URL; Website, Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting
Unit III: Database Management
- Database Concepts: Introduction to database concepts and its need.
- Relational data model: Concept of domain, relation, tuple, attribute, degree, cardinality, key, primary key, candidate key, alternate key and foreign key;
- Structured Query Language:
- General Concepts: Advantages of using SQL, Data Definition
- Language and Data Manipulation Language;
- Data Types: number / decimal, character / varchar / varchar2, date;
- SQL commands covered in class XI (2019-20)
- SQL functions: SUM ( ), AVG ( ), COUNT ( ), MAX ( ) and MIN ( );
- Joins: equi-join and natural join
MySQL Connectivity
Interface of Python with an SQL database – Connecting SQL with Python – Creating Database connectivity Applications – Performing Insert, Update, Delete queries – Display data by using fetchone(),fetchall(),rowcount
Suggested Practical List:
- Read a text file line by line and display each word separated by a #.
- Read a text file and display the number of vowels/ consonants/
- uppercase/ lowercase characters in the file.
- Create a binary file with name and roll number. Search for a given roll number and display the name, if not found display appropriate message.
- Create a binary file with roll number, name and marks. Input a roll number and update the marks.
- Remove all the lines that contain the character `a’ in a file and write it to another file.
- Write a random number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6 (simulates a dice).
- Write a Python program to implement a stack and queue using a list data-structure.
- Take a sample of ten phishing e-mails (or any text file) and find most commonly occurring word(s)
Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2020-2021.
Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper Marking Scheme
Class 12 Computer Science Test Series