Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers A. Multiple choice questions Q1. Sharing allows to edit the Spreadsheet by (a) single user(b) different users simultaneously(c) one by one users(d) one after other users Q2. Sharing spreadsheet feature allows to save the changes in (a) multiple sheets(b) … Read more

Green Skills Class 9 Question Answers

Green Skills Class 9 Question Answers Green Skills Class 9 Question Answers A. Multiple choice questions Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question. Q1. What are some of the environmental changes caused due to modern methods of agriculture? (a) Chemical pollution due to fertilisers(b) … Read more

Entrepreneur Skill Class 9th Book Solution

Entrepreneur Skill Class 9th Book Solution Entrepreneur Skill Class 9th Book Solution A. Multiple choice questions Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question. Q1. Business is a (an) _________ activity. (a) social(b) economic(c) hazardous(d) selling Q2. What is the aim of entrepreneurship? (a) Earn … Read more

Entrepreneur Skill Class 10th Book Solution

Entrepreneur Skill Class 10th Book Solution Entrepreneur Skill Class 10th Book Solution A. State whether the following statements are True or False 1. Entrepreneurs can create jobs in the market. 2. When many entrepreneurs sell mobile phones in a market, the prices of phones increase. 3. Entrepreneurs identify a need in the market and build … Read more

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions

Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions Class 10 Self Management Skills Book Solutions A. Subjective questions Q1. Describe stress and stress management in your own words. Q2. List your favourite stress management technique and elaborate why you find it the most effective. Ans. Few simple stress management techniques are: 1. Time management: Doing task … Read more

Communication Skill Class 10 IT 402 Book Solution

Communication Skill Class 10 IT 402 A. Multiple choice questions Read the questions carefully and circle the letter(s) (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answer(s) the question. (Note: There can be more than one correct choice) Q1. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication within the communication process cycle? (a) Channel(b) … Read more

Communication Skill Class 9 IT 402 Book Solution

Communication Skill Class 9 Communication Skill Class 9 A. Multiple choice questions Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question Q1. What is the purpose of communication? a. Inform (tell someone about something) b. Influence (get someone to do something you want) c. Share thoughts, … Read more

Best Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solutions IT 402

Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution A. Multiple choice questions 1. Which of the following is not a key for punctuation marks? (a) comma (,)(b) period (.)(c) semicolon (;)(d) equal sign (=) 2. Which of the following is not an arrow key? (a) top (^)(b) down (↓)(c) right (→)(d) left (←) 3. … Read more

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Solutions

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Solutions Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Solutions A. Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following technique can be used to allow only date value in cell? (a) Data formatting (b) Data sorting (c) Data filtering (d) Data validation 2) Which of the following options when selected deletes all data validation? (a) … Read more

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