Python Output Based Questions Quiz 4 Share with others Enter details and click on Next Name Email School Name Q31. Write the output of the following: def hello(): print([ ])print("Hello")hello() Hello[] []Hello ErrorHello HelloError None Q32. Write the output of the following: def H(): print("HHH") print("H"*4)print("HH")H() HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH Error None Q33. Write the output of the following: i = 8 j = 9 x = -2 i = i + (j-2) x = i + j print(x) j = j**2 print(j) 2481 8124 2680 8120 None Q34. Write the output of the following: a=20b=15c="A"print(c*3,str(a)+str(b)) AAA2015 AAA Error AAA 2015 None Q35. Write the output of the following : print(1,2,3,4,sep=',' ,end = "$#$") 1234$#$ 1234 1,2,3,4$#$ 1,2,3,4,$,#,$ None Q36. Write the output of the following : print("CS","IP","LEARNING","HUB",sep="9") CS9IP9LEARNING9HUB CSIPLEARNINGHUB9 ERROR "CS" , "IP" , "LEARNING" , "HUB"9 None Q37. Write the output of the following: print(2+3,5 > 9,str(5)+"A") 5False5A 5 false Error 5 False 5A Error None Q38. Write the output of the following : for i in ("ABCDE"): print(i+i) if i=='C': pass AABBCCDDEE AABBDDEE ABDE Error None Q39. Write the output of the following: for i in ("boy"): print(ord(i)+3) boy boy 101114124 102115125 None Q40. Write the output of the following: print(34 + 8 **2 - 80//16) 45 93.0 93 92 None Time's upTime is Up! Related Share with others Leave a ReplyCancel reply