Q51. The parameter ___________ of append() method in DataFrame may be set to True, when we do not want to use row index labels.
Q52. The append() method of DataFrame can also be used to append ____________to a DataFrame
Q53. Which of the following attribute of DataFrame is used to display row labels?
Q54. Which of the following attribute of DataFrame is used to display column labels?
Q55. Which of the following attribute of DataFrame is used to display data type of each column in DataFrame?
Q56. Which of the following attribute of DataFrame display all the values from DataFrame?
Q57. Which of the following attribute of DataFrame display the dimension of DataFrame
Q58. If the following statement return (5, 3) it means _________________
>>> DF.shape #DF is a DataFrame object
Q59. Transpose the DataFrame means _______________
Q60. Which of the following is used to display first 2 rows of DataFrame 'DF1'?