ICT Skills Class 9 Quiz 15

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Welcome to your ICT Skills Class 9 Quiz 15

Q141. In the _____________ , we write the email-id of the person to whom we are sending the mail.

Q142. In which of the following section, we write the email-ids of all the people to whom we want to send copies of the message.

Q143. In which of the following section, we write the topic of the mail.

Q144. In which of the following section, we write the actual message that we want to send.

Q145. Which of the following folder holds all the e-mail you have started writing, but not yet sent.

Q146. Which of the following folder holds e-mails that you have sent to people.

Q147. Which of the following folder holds e-mails that you no longer need and have deleted.

Q148. The Attach button often has a _______________ as its symbol

Q149. After typing the message in the main body of the e-mail, you need to click on __________ button to send the e-mail.

Q150. Once you have read the e-mail, you can ___________________ the mail

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