Python Text File (Solved) Questions – For beginners

Q1. Write a program in python to read entire content of text file (“data.txt”)
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = ) print(d)
Q2. Write a program in python to read first 5 characters from the text file(“data.txt”)
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = print(d)
Q3. Write a program in python to read first line from the text file(“data.txt”)
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readline( ) print(d)
Q4. Write a program in python to display number of lines in a text file(“data.txt”).
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readlines( ) print(len(d))
Q5. Write a program in python to display first line from the text file(“data.txt”) using readlines().
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readlines( ) print(d[0])
Q6. Write a program in python to display first character of all the lines from the text file(“data.txt”).
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readlines( ) for i in d: print((i[0]))
Q7. Write a program in python to display all the lines from the text file(“data.txt”) with first character in uppercase.

Q8. Write a program in python to find the number of characters in a text file (“data.txt”).
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = ) print(len(d))
NOTE: The above program will also count EOF character so displayed length of file is different from actual length of file
Q9. Write a program in python to find the number of characters in first line of text file (“data.txt”) using readline()
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readline( ) print(len(d))
Q10. Write a program in python to find the number of characters in first line of text file (“data.txt”) using readlines().
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readlines( ) print(len(d[0]))
Q11. Write a program in python to display last two characters of all the lines from the file(“data.txt”).
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = f.readlines( ) for i in d: print((i[-2:]))
Q12. Write a program to read all the characters from the file(“data.txt”) and display in uppercase.
Ans. f = open("data.txt", 'r') d = ) print(d.upper( ))
Q13. Write a program to count all the upper case characters from the file (“data.txt”).

Q14. Write a program to count number of spaces from the file (“data.txt”).

Q15. Write a program to count number of vowels in a file (“data.txt”).
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') l = ) c = 0 vow = "aeiouAEIOU" for i in l: if i in vow: c = c + 1 print("Total vowels are = " , c)
Q16. Write a program to write following data in a file “data.txt”
I am learning python
I am writing this blog.
Welcome to my blog
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'w') f.write("I am learning python \n") f.write("I am writing this blog. \n") f.write("Welcome to my blog . ") f.close( )
NOTE: While writing, we need to add EOF(\n) after every line.
Q17. Write a program to read data from “data.txt” and write in another file “dest.txt”
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') cd = ) f1.write(cd) f1.close( ) f.close( )
Q18. Write a program to read all data from “data.txt” and write entire data in another file “dest.txt” except the spaces.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') cd = ) for i in cd: if(not i.isspace( ) or i=='\n') f1.write(i) f1.close( )
Q19. Write a program to read all data from “data.txt” and write in another file “dest.txt” except the vowels.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') cd = ) vow = "aeiouAEIOU" for i in cd: if (not i in vow) : f1.write(i) f1.close( ) f.close( )
Q20. Write a program to read all data from “data.txt” and write alternate line (write first line, skip second line and so on)to another file “dest.txt”.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') li = f.readlines( ) for i in range(len(li) ): if i % 2 == 0: f1.write(li[i]) f1.close( ) f.close( )
Q21. Write a program to read data from file “data.txt” and count the frequency of word input from user.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') d = ) word = input("Enter the word to search: ") print(d.count(word))
Q22. Write a program to read entire data from the file “data.txt” and write only those lines to file “dest.txt” which starts from word “The”.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') l = f.readlines( ) for i in range(len(l)): if (l[i][0:3] == "The"): f1.write(l[i]) f1.close( ) f.close( )
Q23. Write a program to read entire data from file “data.txt” using readline() method.
Ans. f = open(data.txt" , 'r') while True: l = f.readline( ) if not l: break print(l)
NOTE: We can read entire data of a file using read(), readline() and readlines()
Q24. Write a program to read the content from file “data.txt” and write to file “dest.txt” after changing the case(convert lower case to upper case and vice-versa)
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') data = ) f1.write(data.swapcase( ) ) f1.close( )
Q25. Write a program to create a list of 5 numbers (input from user) and write that list in a file “data.txt”.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'w') l = list( ) c=0 while True: n1 = input("Enter number") l.append(n1) c = c + 1 if c == 5: break f.writelines( l ) f.close( )
Q26. Write a program to create a list of 5 numbers(input from user) and write list in file “data.txt”. Now read the numbers from data.txt and write only even numbers to another file “dest.txt”.
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'w') l = list( ) c=0 while True: n1 = input("Enter number") l.append(n1) c = c + 1 if c == 5: break for i in l: f.write(i) f.write('\n') f.close( ) f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') d = f.readlines( ) for i in d: if (int(i)%2 == 0): f1.write(i) f1.close( ) f.close( )
Q27. Write a program to read a file “data.txt” and replace word “school” by “college” and write in “dest.txt”
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') f1 = open("dest.txt" , 'w') d = f.readlines( ) for i in d: f1.write(i.replace("school" , "college")) f1.close( )
Q28. Write a program to replace a word “school” to “college” in the same file(“data.txt”).
Ans. f = open("data.txt" , 'r') d = ) nd = d.replace("school" , "college") f.close( ) f = open("data.txt" , 'w') f.write(nd) f.close( )
Disclaimer : I tried to give you the correct code of all the python Text File Handling programs, but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in the programs given above, you can directly contact me at Also Share your valuable feedback about the above Programs or any other suggestion so that I can give better content to you.
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It is really good for practicing good questions …thanks
Thank you So much.