Q21. The following code will return data as __________
B = {'A' : "Apple", 'B' : "Bat", 'C' : "Cat", 'D' : "Doll"}
Q22. Write the output of the following code :
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"}
B = {'A' : "Apple", 'B' : "Bat", 'C' : "Cat", 'D' : "Doll"}
Q23. Write the output of the following code :
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"}
B = {'A' : "Apple", 'B' : "Bat", 'C' : "Cat", 'D' : "Doll"}
print(A.get(4,"Key Not Found"))
Q24. Write the output of the following:
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"}
B = {'A' : "Apple", 'B' : "Bat", 'C' : "Cat", 'D' : "Doll"}
for i in A:
Q25. Which statement is not correct for the following code?
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"}
A[4] = "Four"
Q26. There is no index value in dictionary like we have in List.(T/F)
Q27. The following code is an example of ___________________
N = {A: {'name': 'Ravi', 'age': '5', 'sex': 'M'}, B: {'name': 'Golu', 'age': '2', 'sex': 'F'}}
Q28. pop( ) function delete and _______ the element of dictionary.
Q29. Which of the following is not method of dictionary?
Q30. Write the output of the following code :
A = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"}
print(A[2] + A[1])
q29.del() is also considered a method in dictionary right?