Q41. ________________ conversion converts automatically one data type to another data type.
Q42. Which of the following is valid identifier?
Q43. _______________ function convert a string into tuple.
Q44. To access an individual element of a list is called ________________
Q45. Write the output of the following code:
s = "Myview"
L = tuple(s)
Q46. Write the output of the following :
s = 23 + 45%5 *2 -2
Q47. What is the data type of L in the following code?
L = (1, 2, "A", "the", 78)
Q48. What is n1 and n2 represent in the following code?
def fun(n1, n2):
n1 = n1 +7
n2 = n1 + 7
fun(7, 5)
Q49. ______________ is truncation division operator.
Q50. Write the output of the following:
for i in range(-3,-10,-3):
print("[",i+1,"]", end="")