MySQL Class 12 Quiz-6

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Welcome to your MySQL Class 12 Quiz-6

Q51. We can specify two columns in the ORDER BY clause of MySQL?

Q52. Write a query to display the details of all those employees whose salary is unknown.

Q53. Write a query to display details of all employees who have been given a salary (i.e., salary is not null) and works in the department D1.

Q54. SQL provides a ______________ operator that can be used with the WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column.

Q55. In MySQL "Like" operator uses two wild characters with where clause. Identify them from the following.

Q56. Which of the following wild character (use with Like) represent exactly single character?

Q57. Which of the following wild character (use with Like) represent multiple characters?

Q58. Write a query to display details of all those employees whose name starts with 'M'.

Q59. Write a query to display details of all those employees whose name ends with 'L'.

Q60. Write a query to display details of all those employees whose name contains 'A'.

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