MySQL Class 12 Quiz-2

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Welcome to your MySQL Class 12 Quiz-2

Q11. Which of the following is not the DDL commands?

Q12. Which command is used to change the structure of the table in MySQL?

Q13. Which command is used to create the table?

Q14. Name the command used to change the existing data of the table.

Q15. ______________ command help to insert new record in a table.

Q16. DML stands for ______________________

Q17. Which of the following is an invalid value for a field "Price" having data type as float(5,2)?

Q18. Which of the following is a fixed length string data type?

Q19. In MySQL _______________ value represents an unknown value.

Q20. When we create a table, we can specify that a column should not contain a Null value by using _____________________ constraint.

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