Q41. Which of the following is feature of Dictionary?
Q42. A = {"A" : "Apple", "B" : "Ball", "C" : "Cat"}
Which of the following statement will return :
dict_items([('A', 'Apple'), ('B', 'Ball'), ('C', 'Cat')])
Q43. Which of the following are immutable data type?
a. String
b. Tuple
c. List
d. Dictionary
Q44. _________ function returns the value corresponding to the key passed as the argument.
Q45. Write the output of the following :
A = {"A" : "Apple", "B" : "Ball", "C" : "Cat"}
Q46. Which function helps to merge dictionary 'D1' and 'D2'?
Q47. Which function/statement delete the dictionary from the memory?
Q48. Which function/statement delete all the items of the dictionary?
Q49. Choose the correct statement, in reference to the following code:
D1.update(D2) #D1 and D2 are dictionaries
Q50. Write a statement to retrieve the value corresponding to the key 7 in dictionary 'D1'.