MCQ on RDBMS Class 10 IT 402 UNIT -3
CBSE has removed the commands used to create queries from Unit 3: Database Management System using LibreOffice Base. So Please do not learn/prepare the question of writing the queries.
For your Convenience, I added a word [Deleted] in front of each question from this topic.

MCQ on RDBMS Class 10 IT 402 UNIT -3
Q1. A database is an organized collection of _______________.
a. data
b. Attributes
c. Record
d. None of the above
Q2. Which of the following software is appropriate to store data about school students?
a. MS-Access
b. Writer
c. Calc
d. Impress
Q3. Which of the following is not a database programs?
a. MySQL
b. Oracle
c. Writer
d. OObase
Q4. __________ store data in Single table.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Single File
d. One File
Q5. ___________ are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and run only DBMS and related Software.
a. Main Server
b. Web Server
c. Database Server
d. Non Database Server
Q6. GUI act as front end and database server act as _____
a. Container
b. Back End
c. End
d. None of the above
Q7. Duplication of data is called _________.
a. Inconsistency
b. Consistency
c. Redundancy
d. Foreign Key
Q8. Which of the following is not the advantage of database?
a. Sharing of Data
b. Reduce Data Redundancy
c. Increase Data Inconsistency
d. Data Security
Q9. Data Integrity means that data is accurate and consistent in the database.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q10. A database can have only one table.(T/F)
a. True
b. False

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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q11. Which of the following will help to maintain unique record in the table?
a. Foreign Key
b. Primary Key
c. Composite Key
d. Alternate Key
Q12. Which of the following field of table “Book” can act as primary key?
a. Book_number
b. Subject
c. price
d. Author_name
Q13. When primary key is made up of two or more columns then it is called __ primary key.
a. Mixed
b. Reference
c. Composite
d. Compost
Q14. Duplicate values can be entered in primary key.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q15. A key which is referring to the primary key of another table is called _______
a. Alternate Key
b. Primary Key
c. First Primary Key
d. Foreign Key
Q16. A field which is ______ for each and every record is called Primary key.
a. Common
b. Same
c. Unique
d. None of the above
Q17. When data is stored, maintained and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software are required called ______
c. Special DBMS
d. All of the above
Q18. Identify the Foreign Key from table “Sales”
Table Client:
ClientID (primary Key)
Table : Sales
SalesID (Primary Key)
a. SalesID
b. Profit
c. Clientphone
d. ClientID
Q19. Which of the following is not valid field of table “Student”
a. admno
c. fees
d. salary
Q20. There can be multiple primary key in a table.(T/F)
a. True
b. False

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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q21. In RDBMS, data is organized in the form of __________________
a. Table
b. Record
c. Field
d. None of the above
Q22. SQL stands for _________________
a. Structured Queue Language
b. Structured Query Language
c. Structured Query Lang
d. None of the above
Q23. All the values in ________ are of same type.
a. Records
b. Table
c. Database
d. Fields
Q24. ___________ represent a single data item in a table.
a. Tuples
b. Attributes
c. Relation
d. All of the above
Q25. In tables, data is organized in the form of rows and columns.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q26. Every row in a table has the same structure.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q27. Libre Office base is not an open source software.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q28. _______________ are the basic building blocks of a database.
a. Tables
b. Record
c. Fields
d. All of the above
Q29. We can create table :
a. in design view
b. use Wizard
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q30. By default data type of fields is.
a. Text[Varchar]
b. Text[Char]
c. Int
d. Long
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q31. Base automatically adds the column as Primary Key if we don’t add.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q32. By default the length of Varchar data type is __
a. 20
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50
Q33. By default the name of the table is ______
a. Tab 1
b. Table 1
c. First Table
d. Untitled 1
Q34. __________ are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.
a. Datatype
b. Record
c. Table
d. Attributes
Q35. Which data type will be appropriate to store information as Salary, Fees, Price etc
b. Alphanumeric Data types
a. Numeric Data type
c. Binary Data types
d. Date Time
Q36. Which of the following is not a numeric data type?
a. Tinyint
b. Smallint
c. Boolean
d. Date
Q37. Which of the following data types can not store decimal values?
a. Decimal
b. Real
c. Numeric
d. Boolean
Q38. Which of the following will occupy more space in computer memory?
a. Bigint
b. Integer
c. Smallint
d. Boolean
Q39. _______ data types are used for storing photos, music files etc
a. Binary
b. Alphanumeric
c. Numeric
d. Special
Q40. Char is a ______ length data type and varchar is a ______ length data type.
a. Fixed, Variable
b. Variable, Fixed
c. Variable, Variable
d. Fixed, Fixed
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q41. Which field is suitable for storing records of employees?
a. EmpNo
b. Empname
c. Salary
d. All of the above
Q42. Auto Value is a property of __ data type .
a. Numeric
b. Character
c. Binary
d. Date
Q43. Which of the following property help to set the number of characters in Varchar type.
a. Auto value
b. Required
c. Default Value
d. Length
Q44. Which property ensures that field can not be left blank?
a. Entry required
b. Format
c. Required Entry
d. Required
Q45. By default the length of the Integer data type is ______________
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 25
Q46. Which of the following property to be turned “yes” so that value will be auto incremented?
a. Default
b. Format
c. Auto value
d. Length
Q47. Which of the following is not the binary data types?
a. Longvarbinary
b. Varbinary
c. Binary
d. Charbinary
Q48. Which of the following is not the date time data types?
a. Date
b. Time
c. Datestamp
d. Timestamp
Q49. Which data type is used to store value of fields like “Date of Birth”?
a. Date Time
b. Varchar
c. Integer
d. Other
Q50. A record in table is also known as Attribute.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q51. We can ____________________ data in table.
a. modify
b. insert
c. delete
d. all of the above
Q52. In which view data can be entered in table?
a. Datasheet view
b. Design view
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q53. In which mode we can change the structure of table?
a. Datasheet view
b. Design view
c. Structure view
d. All of the above
Q54. After inserting records in table, we can not modify the structure of table.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q55. Sorting means to arrange data in _______________ order.
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. increasing or decreasing
d. None of the above
Q56. Referential Integrity is used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q57. In Base data can be linked between two or more tables with the help of _________________
a. primary key
b. foreign key
c. primary and foreign key
d. None of the above
Q58. Relationship can be created between
a. two tables only
b. one table only
c. two or more tables
d. none of the above
Q59. Relationship between tables can be created from _____________________ menu.
a. View
b. Insert
c. Windows
d. Tools
Q60. There are __________________ types of relationship which can be created between tables.
a. three
b. two
c. four
d. infinite
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q61. Which language help to extract/fetch data from table?
a. MySQL
b. Python
c. OOBase
Q62. We can create query (in Libre Office Base) in __________________
a. In design view
b. Using wizard
c. In SQL view
d. All of the above
Q63. Queries are commands that are used to define the structure and modify the data in a table.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q64. We can not delete the data using queries.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q65. SQL stands for __________________
a. Structural Query Language
b. Structured Query Language
c. Skeletal Query Language
d. None of the above
Q66. ___________ statement is used to retrieve data from table.[Deleted]
a. Delete
b. Update
c. Print
d. Select
Q67. ____________ is the most common DML command.
a. Delete
b. Update
c. Select
d. All of the above
Q68. DML stands for ____________
a. Data Manipulation Language
b. Database Manipulation Language
c. Data Modify Language
d. None of the above
Q69. Which of the following clause return specific rows?[Deleted]
a. Order By
b. Where
c. Having
d. Specific
Q70. Which of the following clause return records in ascending order?[Deleted]
a. Order By
b. Where
c. Order Asc
d. Order Inc
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q71. Command to display all the data in the table “emp” is.[Deleted]
a. Select * from emp
b. Select * from emp;
c. Select all from emp
d. Select all from emp;
Q72. Which command is used to create table?[Deleted]
a. Select
b. Create
c. Open
d. New
Q73. Shortcut to execute query in Create Query in SQL View is __
a. F7 Key
b. F5 Key
c. F8 Key
d. F6 Key
Q74. Which command is used to display the salary of all the employees after incrementing by 1000.[Deleted]
a. Select
b. Update
c. Modify
d. Change
Q75. Select “salary” from emp; [Deleted]
a. will display all the records of table emp
b. will display only particular columns of table emp;
c. will display only salary column of table emp;
d. None of the above
Q76. Select “empname”, “salary” * 3 from emp;[Deleted]
a. will increase the salary three times of all employees in table
b. display name and three times salary
c. give error
d. None of the above
Q77. To get details about the list of students whose favorite color is blue. Query for this is : [Deleted]
a. select all from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;
b. select name from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;
c. select * from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’;
d. select all from Stud where fav_Color is ’Blue’;
Q78. select * from Stud order by “Rollno” ASC;[Deleted]
a. display all the records of table.
b. display records in increasing order of roll number.
c. both of the above
d. none of the above
Q79. Which command is used to modify data in table?[Deleted]
a. delete
b. select
c. modify
d. update
Q80. Which command is used to delete data from table?[Deleted]
a. select
b. delete
c. insert
d. remove
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q81. Update statement is used to modify data in a table.(T/F) [Deleted]
a. True
b. False
Q82. Command to increase the salary of all employees by 15000.(table name emp and column name sal) [Deleted]
a. update emp set sal = sal + 15000;
b. update emp set sal = 15000;
c. update set sal = sal + 15000;
d. None of the above
Q83. By default data is arranged in _____ order using order by clause.[Deleted]
a. Ascending
b. Descending
c. Primary Key
d. None of the above
Q84. Which of the following is DML commands?[Deleted]
a. Insert
b. Update
c. Delete
d. All of the above
Q85. A ________ provides a systematic way of storing information into the database.
a. Report
b. Query
c. Form
d. None of the above
Q86. Which of the following act as an interface to view, enter and change data in database?
a. Report
b. Table
c. Query
d. Form
Q87. A _____________ helps to display the data in a summarized data.
a. Report
b. Form
c. Query
d. None of the above
Q88. A _______ helps to collect specific information from the pool of data.
a. Query
b. Report
c. Form
d. None of the above
Q89. Which of the following is to be created first?
a. Report
b. Query
c. Form
d. Table
Q90. Which of the following field is invalid for storing information of “Library” Table?
a. Cost
b. Booknumber
c. Authorname
d. Dateofbirth
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q91. Which of the following is suitable to act as a primary key in table student?
a. Rollno
b. Name
c. Class
d. Section
Q92. A foreign key is a reference of the ________ key in another table.
a. Alternate
b. Primary
c. Candidate
d. None of the above
Q93. A table is a collection of logically related data.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q94. _______ tables can be created in a database.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. More than 3
Q95. In primary key we can enter NULL values.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q97. Primary key increases data redundancy.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q98. In a table we can have only ______ primary key.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. more than 3
Q100. Duplicate values can be entered in Foreign key.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q101. _________________ can be visualise as a container of information.
a. Database
b. Form
c. Report
d. Query
Q102. Which of the following is an organised collection of data?
a. Form
b. Report
c. Database
d. Query
Q103. Parth own a stationary shop, he need to keep detailed records of the materials available in his shop. He also need to store information about pricing, stock levels for reordering, old stocks, etc. Which of the following program will help him to organize the data as per his business need?
a. Microsoft Access
b. LibreOffice Base
c. MySQL
d. All of the above
Q104. Which of the following is not a database program?
a. MySQL
b. Access
c. Calc
d. Base
Q105. The database concept has evolved since ________
a. 1960s
b. 1970s
c. 1975s
d. 1980s
Q106. DBMS stands for _________
a. Database Management Source
b. Database Management System
c. Database Management Software
d. Database Management Systematic
Q107. A database management system is a ______
a. Software
b. Hardware
c. Malware
d. Freeware
Q108. Which of the following statement is not correct about DBMS.
a. It is a computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and use of a database.
b. It allows organizations to conveniently develop databases for various applications.
c. A DBMS allows different user to concurrently access the same database
d. DBMS stands for Database Management Software.
Q109.Which of the following file type will be preferred for less amount of data?
a. Flat File
b. Relational File
c. One File
d. Second File
Q110. Databases available on the database servers are accessed through command line or graphic user interface tools. Such tools are referred as _____
a. Backend
b. Firstend
c. Frontend
d. Lastend
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q111. When multiple copies of the same data exist in database server. This is called ______
a. Data Integrity
b. Data Redundancy
c. Data Consistency
d. Data Security
Q112. The users of the database can share the data among themselves. There are various levels of authorisation to access the data, and consequently the data can only be shared based with the authorized users. In this, we are discussing about the ________
a. Advantage of Database
b. Disadvantage of Database
c. Database Servers
d. Structure of Database
Q113. __________ means that the data is accurate and consistent in the database.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Data Security
c. Data Integrity
d. Data Privacy
Q114. Data Security is an important concept in a database. It says ________________________
a. Only authorised users should be allowed to access the database.
b. Users identity should be authenticated using a username and password.
c. Both of the above
d. Unauthorised users should be allowed to access the database under any circumstances
Q115. Which of the following is advantage of database?
a. It reduces Data Redundancy
b. In a database, the users of the database can share the data among themselves.
c. It maintains the security of data.
d. All of the above
Q116. _______ means, multiple mismatching copies of the same data.
a. Data Privacy
b. Data Consistency
c. Data Inconsistency
d. Data Integrity
Q117. Database Management System automatically takes care of backup and recovery. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q118. A database can have ____ table.
a. only one
b. one or many
c. only two
d. only three
Q119. Which of the following is an example of database?
a. Notebook
b. Address Book
c. Math Book
d. All of the above
Q120. Identify the wrong statement.
a. A database can have one or more tables.
b. A table can have one or more database.
c. Database is a container that holds tables and other objects.
d. All of the above
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q121. When data is to be stored, maintained, and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software is required known as ____________
Q122. In the RDBMS data can be integrated using ________
a. Primary Key
b. Composite Primary Key
c. Foreign Key
d. All of the above
Q123. Which of the following field is most appropriate primary key in Client table?
a. Client_id
b. Client_name
c. Client_address
d. Client_location
Q124. A _____ is a set of attributes in a table, that refers to the Primary key in another table
a. Foreign Key
b. Candidate Key
c. Alternate Key
d. Composite Primary Key
Q125. Column in a table is also known as _______
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Both of the above
d. Tuple
Q126. Tuple in a table is also known as _______
a. Row
b. Record
c. Both of the above
d. Attribute
Q127. A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical __________ and horizontal ____________
a. columns, rows
b. rows, columns
c. columns, columns
d. rows, rows
Q128. Which of the following are identified by their name?
a. Table
b. Column
c. Both of the above
d. Row
Q129. A table has a defined number of ______________ but can have any number of ______
a. columns, rows
b. rows, columns
c. tuple, columns
d. tuple, degree
Q130. _____________represents a single, data item in a table
a. Rows
b. Columns
c. Attribute
d. Field
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q131. Aman created an object ‘X’ in Base to store the value in the form of rows and columns. Identify ‘X’
a. Column
b. Table
c. Row
d. Database
Q132. Which of the following contain data of same data type?
a. Column
b. Record
c. Tuple
d. All of the above
Q133. Give an example of Open Source RDBMS.
a. Oracle
b. Microsoft SQL Server
c. Microsoft Access
d. Libre Office Base
Q134. Which of the following method will help to create table step by step?
a. Create table in Design View
b. Use Wizard to Create Table
c. Create View
d. None of the above
Q135. Identify the odd one out.
a. Numeric Types
b. Alphanumeric Types
c. Binary Types
d. Date & Day Type
Q136. What is the default length of TINYINT data type?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q137. Which of the following is not the category of Libre Office data type?
a. Numeric Types
b. Alphanumeric Types
c. Date time
d. Bool Type
Q138. Name the data type which is suitable for storing Item Price, roll number, door number, year of school admission, true or false statements, statistical values.
a. Numeric Types
b. Alphanumeric Types
c. Date time
d. Binary Type
Q139. Which of the following data type can stores character/data upto the length specified by the user?
a. Varchar
b. Char
c. Varchar_IgnoreCase
d. All of the above
Q140. Which of the following data type is most suitable to store a very large amount of data?
a. LongVarchar or Memo
b. Varchar_IgnoreCase
c. Varchar
d. Char
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Q141. Dhriti wants to store the details of students as well as their pictures in a table named “school”. She is confused about the data type used to store pictures. Suggest her the suitable data types from the following.
a. Memo
b. Boolean
c. Binary
d. Varchar
Q142. Which of the following is not a Date Time data type?
a. Date
b. Time
c. Timestamp
d. Stamptime
Q143. Which of the following data type is suitable to store values for ‘date of birth’ field?
a. Date
b. Time
c. Both of the above
d. Timestamp
Q144. Which of the following data type stores hours, minutes and second information?
a. Date
b. Time
c. Stamptime
d. Timer
Q145. Binary data types are used for storing data in _________________ formats
a. boolean
b. binary
c. image
d. sound
Q146. Which of the following is not the binary data types?
a. LongVarbinary
b. LongBinary
c. Binary
d. Varbinary
Q147. To insert values into the table, just ________ on the table name.
a. Click
b. Double click
c. Right Click
d. None of the above
Q148. Ananya is creating a table in Base to store the details of all the students in class ‘9A’. She wants to create the field ‘Rollnumber’ as a primary key. She knows that there are maximum 40-50 students in that class. Which of the following data type is most suitable for this primary key?
a. Boolean
b. Binary
c. Tiny Integer
d. Small Integer
Q149. Parth is a student of class X. He is working in Libre Office Base. He created a table but forgot to create the primary key. Does Libre Office Base automatically create the primary key. If yes then what would be the default name of primary key?
a. No, Libre office will not create primary key automatically.
b. Yes, ID is the default name
c. Yes, IDs is the default name
d. Yes, PK is the default name
Q150. Data in a table created in Base can be ___________
a. Inserted
b. Modified
c. Deleted
d. All of the above
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Q151. Steps to delete a record from table are given below. Arrange them in order.
1. Select the delete option.
2. Open the table.
3. Right click on selected data.
4. Select the data.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 4, 3, 2, 1
c. 2, 4, 3, 1
d. 2, 3, 1, 4
Q152. Data in a table can be entered in _______ view.
a. Design View
b. Datasheet View
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q153. Structure of a table can be changed in _______ view.
a. Design View
b. Datasheet View
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q154. Field Properties can be set in ____________
a. Datasheet View
b. Design View
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q155. Which of the following field property is for Numeric data type?
a. AutoValue
b. Default Value
c. Length
d. All of the above
Q156. Parth is working in an IT company. He wants to store the details of all employees along with their employee number. He wants to do a setting that employee number(Integer type) will automatically incremented by 1. Suggest him the suitable property.
a. Default Value
b. Length
c. Format
d. Auto Value
Q157. Aman wants to store the mobile number of all workers in a particular format in Libre Office Base. Which of the following property will help him?
a. Auto Value
b. Default Value
c. Format
d. Length
Q158. What is the default length of Integer data type?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 100
Q159. What is the default value of field property ‘Entry Required’?
a. Yes
b. No
c. True
d. False
Q160. If ________________ property is set to yes then it will be must to insert the value in the field.
a. Entry Required
b. Length
c. Auto Value
d. Format
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Q161. ____________ property help to set the value which automatically inserted in a field when new record is created.
a. Length
b. Format
c. Default Value
d. Entry Required
Q162. Which of the following column has sorted data?
Rollno Name Salary
3 Amit 2500
5 Ashu 3200
9 Anil 3000
a. Rollno
b. Name
c. Salary
d. All of the above
Q163. To arrange the data in ascending or descending order, First select the column(s) and then click on _________________ buttons
a. Arrange
b. Sort
c. View
d. Save
Q164. When a primary key from one table appears in another table, it is called a ________.
a. Composite Primary Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Main Key
d. Secondary Key
Q165. Referential integrity refers to the _______________ between tables.
a. relationship
b. joining
c. communication
d. consistency
Q166. Referential integrity helps to avoid:
a. Adding records to a related table if there is no associated record available in the primary key table.
b. Changing values in a primary if any dependent records are present in associated table(s).
c. Deleting records from a primary key table if there are any matching related records available in associated table(s).
d. All of the above
Q167. We can create a relationship between any two tables by selecting _____ option from the __________ menu.
a. Relationships, Edit
b. SQL, Tools
c. Relationships, Tools
d. Filter, Edit
Q168. Which of the following relationship can not be created in Libre Office Base?
a. One to One
b. One to Many
c. Many to Many
d. Many to All
Q169. In ____ relationship, one of the table must have primary key column.
a. Many to Many
b. One to Many
c. One to One
d. Many to All
Q170. In ____ relationship, both the tables must have primary key columns.
a. Many to Many
b. One to Many
c. One to One
d. Many to All
MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q171. In _____ relationship, no table has the primary key column.
a. Many to Many
b. One to Many
c. Many to One
d. One to One
Q172. Once the relationships applied on the tables can not be removed. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q173. To remove the relationship between tables, right click on the relationship thread and select _____________ option.
a. Edit
b. Delete
c. Remove
d. Clear
Q174. ____ is used to collect specific information from the pool of data.
a. Form
b. Report
c. Query
d. Table
Q175. Which language is used to write query in Libre Office Base?
a. VB
b. C
c. C++
d. SQL
Q176. ______ are the commands that are used to define the data structure and also to manipulate the data in the database.
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
Q177. Which of the following command is used to retrieve data from the table?[Deleted]
a. Delete
b. Insert
c. Create
d. Select
Q178. Which of the following clauses can be used with SELECT statement?[Deleted]
a. Where clause
b. Order by Clause
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q179. Select statement can retrieve data only from one table.(T/F)[Deleted]
a. True
b. False
Q180. Ananya wants to display all the records from table ‘Book’. She is not able to write the SQL query. Help her in choosing the correct query to perform this task.[Deleted]
a. Select * from Book;
b. Select all from Book;
c. Select * Book;
d. Select from Book;
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q181. Which of the following operators are used to perform simple calculations in Base?
a. Arithmetic Operators
b. Logical Operators
c. Relational Operators
d. Membership Operators
Q182. Ananya is working in an IT company. She has to display the salary of all the employees after incrementing it as twice the amount of present salary. Help her to write the query.[Deleted]
a. Select salary + 2 from employee;
b. Select salary – 2 from employee;
c. Select salary * 2 from employee;
d. Select salary / 2 from employee;
Q183. To display the records containing the same type of values ________ clause can be used with the Select SQL Command[Deleted]
a. Where
b. Order By
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q184. ‘Where’ and ‘Order by’ clause can be used together in a single query.(T/F)[Deleted]
a. True
b. False
Q185. Which of the following query will display the details of all the students in increasing order of Roll number?[Deleted]
a. Select * from student order by ‘Rno’ ;
b. Select all from student order by ‘Rno’ ;
c. Select * from student orderby ‘Rno’ ;
d. Select * student order by ‘Rno’ ;
Q186. We can add, modify or delete records using the ___________, _____ and ________ commands respectively.[Deleted]
a. Insert, Update and Remove
b. Add, Update and Delete
c. Insert, Update and Delete
d. Insert, Modify and Delete
Q187. What is the purpose of Update command?[Deleted]
a. It is used to modify the structure of the table.
b. It is used to modify the data of the table.
c. It is used to delete the table.
d. It is used to insert data in the table
Q188. What the following query will do?[Deleted]
Update student set fee = 3000;
a. It will modify the fees of all students.
b. It will modify the fees of few students.
c. It will modify the fees of only first student.
d. It will modify the fees of only those students whose fees is less than 3000.
Q189. A ___________ helps the user to systematically store information in the table.
a. Table
b. Form
c. Query
d. Report
Q190. By default, data is arranged in _________ order using ORDER BY clause[Deleted]
a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
c. Alphabetical
d. Descending
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MCQ on RDBMS class 10 IT 402 Unit 3
Q191. Anjali has written the following query in Libre Office Base. What will happen if we remove the word “asc” from the query?[Deleted]
Select * from Student order by Rollno asc;
a. Query will return an error.
b. Query will return all the records in descending order.
c. Query will return all the records in ascending order.
d. System will shut down
Q192. Srijan is working in a multinational company “LoveTech “as trainee. His boss asked him to increase the salary of all employees by Rs.1000. Help him to write the correct query. (Table Name : Employee and Column Name : Salary)[Deleted]
a. Update Employee set Salary = Salary + 1000;
b. Update table Employee set Salary = Salary + 1000;
c. Update table Employee set Salary = 1000;
d. Update * Employee set Salary = Salary + 1000
Q193. ______________ statement is used to remove one or more records in a Database.
a. Remove
b. Erase
c. Delete
d. Del
Q194. Which clause of Select statement helps to display specific data?[Deleted]
a. Order By
b. Where
c. Between
d. None of the above
Q195. Name an interface in a user specified layout that lets users to view, enter, and change data directly in database objects such as tables.
a. Report
b. Query
c. Form
d. Table
Q196. Can we insert records in table using Form.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q197. Which toolbar help us to move from one record to another in a form?
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Image Toolbar
d. Form Navigation Toolbar
Q198. _______ help us to get the summarized data.
a. Report
b. Form
c. Query
d. Table
Q199. To create a form you need to select ________ option available under Database section.
a. Report
b. Query
c. Table
d. Form
Q200. Which of the following option is not available under Database section of Libre Office Base?
a. Table
b. Form
c. Reporting data
d. Query
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MCQ on RDBMS Class 10 IT 402 UNIT -3
Disclaimer : I tried to give you the correct questions and answers of “MCQ on RDBMS Class 10 IT 402 ” , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in the questions or answers of “MCQ on RDBMS Class 10 IT 402 “ given above, you can directly contact me at csiplearninghub@gmail.com. Also Share your feedback so that I can give better content to you.
Please give the MCQs for other lessons also.
Very good MCQs
Provide the MCQs for other lessons also.
Thank you so much. Other Chapters MCQs are already there, please explore http://www.csiplearninghub.com
Very good mcqs, you have been provided.
Thank you Anant.
Actually in the test 7 65th question answer is given Structural Query Language. But in The test the option is given as Structured Query Language.
KIndly Make changes
Thankyou Maanysh for your feedback.
my name is not Maanya
thank you for this
please correct the 78th question ! answer should be c- both of the above
Aditya Dixit
Hi Aditya, We have to choose the most appropriate answer which is (b)
Very good mcqs sir ,but please correct que no. 65 ,the answer should be structured query language
Thankyou so much for your feedback.
for Qs 67, is the ans ‘select’ or is it ‘all of the above’?
Thank u, This website has really helped me to study for my IT exams.
Mam,this site show error
Very good MCQ’s the questions are also coming in cbse sample papers also…..thank you so much for this
Hello.. all the questions helped me in my IT exam but Question no. 69.. actually the correct answer should be Order By not Where..
That’s all I found incorrect thank you
Hi Vaishnav
Thanks for your feedback. Answer of Q69 is Where Clause