RDBMS 10 Quiz 7 Share with others Welcome to your RDBMS 10 Quiz 7 Name School Name Email Q61. Which language help to extract/fetch data from table in Open Office Base? MySQL Python XML HTML None Q62. We can create query(Open Office Base) in ______________ In design view Using wizard Both of the above None of the above None Q63. Queries are commands that are used to define the structure and modify the data in a table.(T/F) True False None Q64. We can not delete the data using queries.(T/F) True False None Q65. SQL stands for ______________ Structural Query Language Structured Query Language Skeletal Query Language None of the above None Q66. __________ statement is used to retrieve data from table. Delete Update Print Select None Q67. ____________ is the most common DML command. Delete Update Select Drop None Q68. DML stands for ______________ Data Manipulation Language Database Manipulation Language Data Modify Language None of the above None Q69. Which of the following clause return specific rows? Order By Where Having Specific None Q70. Which of the following clause return records in ascending order? Order By Where Order Asc Order Inc None Time's upTime is Up! Related Share with others 3 thoughts on “RDBMS 10 Quiz 7” Q65’s answer is wrong… CROSS CHECKED WITH YOUR GIVEN MCQ’s Reply In 65, I think structured query language is right answer Reply the questions are really amazing … they are indeed helpful one error : ques 65 the answer will be structured query language while it is showing structural query language please check into it! Reply Leave a ReplyCancel reply
the questions are really amazing … they are indeed helpful one error : ques 65 the answer will be structured query language while it is showing structural query language please check into it! Reply
Q65’s answer is wrong…
In 65, I think structured query language is right answer
the questions are really amazing … they are indeed helpful
one error : ques 65
the answer will be structured query language while it is showing structural query language
please check into it!