Even Odd Program in Python using Function #2

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Even Odd Program in Python using Function

Even Numbers : Those numbers which are completely divisible by 2 are called even numbers. for example : 2, 4, 6, 8 are even numbers. When we divide 242 by 2, it returns remainder ZERO which shows that 242 is an even number.

Odd Numbers : Those numbers which are not completely divisible by 2 are called odd numbers. for example when we divide 31 by 2, it returns remainder ONE, which shows that it is an odd number.

In Python Modulus Operator(%) is used to find the remainder. for example

print(75 % 2) will print 1 # Since remainder is 1 so 75 is an odd number
print(44 % 2) will print 0 # Since remainder is 0 so 44 is an even number

Write a program in python to find whether a number is even or odd using function.


Write a function evenodd() which takes a number as an argument and check whether a number is even or odd.



Even Odd Program in Python using Function
Even Odd Program in Python using Function

In the above code we are passing a static number ie 10 as an argument to the function. The above program will always return the same output shown below :

OUTPUT of above code is :

10, is an even number

Even Odd Program in Python using Function
Even Odd Program in Python using Function

In the above code, we are taking number as an input from the user and passing that number as an argument to the function.


Even Odd Program in Python using Function
Entering 27 as an argument to the function


Even Odd Program in Python using Function
Entering 8 as an argument to the function

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Disclaimer : I tried to give you the correct coding of ” Even Odd Program in Python using Function” , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in the code or explanation of “ Even Odd Program in Python using Function “ given above, you can directly contact me at csiplearninghub@gmail.com.

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