IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024 – Important for Exam

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IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

Sample Question Paper for Class X (Session 2024-2025)

Max. Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:

1. Please read the instructions carefully.

2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.

3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.

4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted
(maximum) time of 2 hours.

5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.


i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.


i. This section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.


Q1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)

1. Mother tongue refers to ________________

  1. A language which we learn in School.
  2. A language which we can read, write and speak.
  3. A language that we are exposed to since birth.
  4. Any foreign language like German, French etc.

2. Aman is curious to know about which of the following skills are required to perform well at work and life in general?

  1. Time Management
  2. Goal Setting
  3. Problem Solving
  4. All of the above.

3. Aman, who was previously working as a software engineer at XYZ Company, has recently switched to another company. What is his role in the context of employment?

  1. Employer
  2. Employee
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Self-Employed

4. Rishi, a student of Class 10, wants to manage his stress effectively but is unsure of the correct sequence of steps. Arrange the following steps in the correct order for managing stress:

a. Look out for the signs of stress
b. Find out the reason for stress
c. Apply stress management techniques

Which of the following sequences correctly represents the steps to manage stress?

  1. a → b → c
  2. b → a → c
  3. a → c → b
  4. b → c → a

5. Farmers can grow more food by using _____________

  1. Fertilizers
  2. Pesticides
  3. Hybrid Crops
  4. All of the above

6. Ram is a farmer who wants to increase his crop yield and improve the productivity of his farm. He is considering various methods and technologies to achieve this goal. He learns that certain agricultural practices and innovations can significantly enhance food production. After researching, he finds that using specific tools, methods, and techniques can lead to better soil health, efficient water usage, and increased crop yields.


Based on Ram’s goal of increasing crop yield and improving farm productivity, which of the following approaches would be most effective for him to achieve these outcomes?

a. Traditional farming methods with manual labor
b. Advanced irrigation systems and modern fertilizers
c. Organic farming without any technological input
d. Reducing the size of the farm to focus on fewer crops

Q2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

1. In LibreOffice Writer, at the bottom of the styles box, there is a drop-down list to filter the styles displayed. By default, this filter is set to the ____________________ option

  1. Hidden Styles
  2. Hierarchical
  3. Applied Styles
  4. Custom Styles

2. The last option in Style Action button of Style menu is ______________

  1. New Style
  2. Load Style
  3. Update Style
  4. Delete Style

3. The image file stored on the computer can be inserted into a document using _______________

  1. Copy and Paste
  2. Drag and Drop
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

4. Shivani knows that an image can be anchored to various elements like a character or a paragraph. However, she is confused about which option appears on top when she clicks on the Anchor tool. Can you help clarify this for her?

  1. To Character
  2. As Character
  3. To Paragraph
  4. To Page

5. Before creating a Table of Contents in a document, it is essential to understand the hierarchy of headings. What does the hierarchy of headings means in the context of a Table of Contents?

  1. The font size of the headings
  2. The colour of the headings
  3. The order and level of headings and subheadings.
  4. The space between the text of document.

6. _____________________ feature of writer helps to record all the changes made in original document.

  1. Style
  2. Template
  3. Track Changes
  4. Comparing document

Q3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

1. What is the keyboard shortcut to open the consolidate dialog box in LibreOffice Calc?

  1. Ctrl + D
  2. Alt + D
  3. Alt + C
  4. Ctrl + C

2. In LibreOffice Calc, which menu option contains the “Group and Outline” feature that Shivam can use to group data based on rows or columns?

  1. Data
  2. Format
  3. Edit
  4. Insert

3. In LibreOffice Calc, when you create a new macro, what is the default name of the macro, and where is it saved by default?

  1. Macro1, saved in MyMacros Library
  2. Main, saved in Standard Library in Module1
  3. Macro, saved in Personal Library
  4. DefaultMacro, saved in Standard Library in Module2

4. Anuj is trying to reference a cell from “Sheet2” in “Sheet1” in LibreOffice Calc. Arrange the following parts of the cell reference in the correct sequence:

  1. Sheet name
  2. Dot
  3. Dollar Symbol
  4. Cell address

Identify the correct sequence

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4
  2. 2, 1, 3, 4
  3. 1, 3, 2, 4
  4. 3, 1, 2, 4

5. __________________feature of Calc allows working in collaboration so that everyone can contribute, make changes and view it. This feature also save us of keeping track of multiple copies of same spreadsheet.

  1. Track Changes
  2. Record Changes
  3. Share Spreadsheet
  4. Macro

6. Extension of LibreOffice Calc is is _____________________

  1. .ods
  2. .odt
  3. .odb
  4. .odp

Q4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

1. Which of the following is the primary objective of DBMS?

  1. Ease of entering data.
  2. Efficient storage.
  3. Fast and Accurate retrieval.
  4. All of the above

2. Which of the following data type store only two values in LibreOffice base?

  1. Binary
  2. Date and Time
  3. Char
  4. Boolean

3. Ananya is creating a table in LibreOffice Base using Table wizard. She is on the last step and few options are visible on the screen. Which option is by default selected?

  1. Insert data immediately.
  2. Modify the table design.
  3. Create a form based on this table.
  4. None of the above.

4. The process of arranging the records in particular order on any field is called ________________________

  1. Filtering
  2. Sorting
  3. Arrangement
  4. Order

5. In _____________ relationship, one specific record of master table has one and only one corresponding record in transaction table.

  1. One to Many
  2. Many to Many
  3. Many to One
  4. One to One

6. Arjun created a query in design view of LibreOffice Base. Now he wants to execute the created query. Being a friend of Arjun, tell him the keyboard shortcut key to execute query.

  1. F5
  2. F6
  3. Ctrl + F5
  4. Ctrl + F6

Q5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

1. A __________________ is something that can cause harm to the people.

  1. Hazard
  2. Risk
  3. Safety
  4. Security

2. Which of the following is not mandatory to keep the good health of an employee?

  1. Cleanliness
  2. Food court
  3. Clean and fresh air
  4. Clean washroom

3. The PH value of the water can be measured through _________________ analysis.

  1. Physical
  2. Social
  3. Biological
  4. Chemical

4. Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as ________________

  1. Repetition Strain Injury
  2. Strain Injury
  3. Neck Injury
  4. Shoulder Injury

5. _______________________ is a serious or crisis situation that needs immediate attention and action.

  1. Accident
  2. Emergency
  3. Hazards
  4. Safety

6. Which extinguisher type is NOT suitable for Class D fires involving metals like magnesium and potassium?

  1. Dry powder extinguisher
  2. Foam extinguisher
  3. Sand extinguisher
  4. Sodium chloride extinguisher


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks) Answer each question in 20– 30 words.

Q6. Name the method of communication which is represented by the following picture.


IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024
IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024


IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024
IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

Q7. What are some key qualities of successful entrepreneurs?

Q8. What is windows bitlocker?

Q9. Ravi and his best friend, Shiv, have been practicing diligently for the annual school dance competition, where they performed solo. On the day of the competition, Shiv emerged as the winner. Ravi felt deeply saddened and dejected, reacting by shouting at Shiv, crying, and not speaking to his parents for several hours.

Name the feature that Ravi should develop to better manage such feelings of failure. Also write the steps to manage that.

Q10. What do you mean by SDG? Who developed it and when? Name any four SDG.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

Q11. Describe the steps to create a custom paragraph style named ‘MyStyle1’ using From Selection method.

Q12. What do you mean by Electrical Hazards at workplace?

Q13. Explain any two features used for data analysis in LibreOffice Calc.

Q14. What is Macro? Write the rules for naming a Macro.

Q15. Differentiate between Primary key and Foreign key.

Q16. Expand the following terms.

  1. DoIT
  2. OH&S

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50 – 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)

Q17. a) Rimjhim has created a report on Environmental Pollution in LibreOffice Writer. She has applied proper heading styles to all section headings of the document. Write the steps to add table of contents to the document with the heading/title as “Pollution”.

b) Write the name of all the tabs that appeared in Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box. Which tab shows the option to change the background colour of the Table of Content.

Q18. Mr. Aman is working in LibreOffice Calc. He selects some data, then clicks on the ‘X’ menu and chooses the ‘Y’ option, which opens a dialog box as shown below.

IT Paper 2024-25
IT Paper 2024-25

Based on above condition, answer the following

a) What is ‘Y’, and define it in the context of LibreOffice Calc?

b) Identify ‘X’ menu. Also write any two options from this menu.

Q19. a) Find X and Y in the following Paragraph

_____X___________ is a real world object about which information is to be stored in a database. For example, if we want to store information about Student in a school, then we need to have his admission number, roll number, name, father’s name, date of birth, etc. These details associated with the _____X___________ are called _____Y_______.

b) Define the following terms

  1. Candidate Key
  2. Alternate Key

Q20. Write any four guidelines which must be followed by organisation to keep the surrounding air and water clean.

Q21. Consider the following two tables and answer the questions based on these tables





Q1. Name the primary key in table “Student”

Q2. Identify the Primary key and Foreign Key from table “Book”

Q3. Mention the appropriate data type for the attributes of table “Book”

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IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

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IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

IT Sample Paper Class 10 2024

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