Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ

Q1. Business is an ________________ activity
a. Economic
b. Relative
c. Societal
d. Communication
Q2. Businesses can be for _________
a. Profit Entities
b. Non-profit Organisations
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q3. Business is related to selling _____________
a. Goods
b. Services
c. Products
d. All of the above
Q4. Those people who fills the gap between the society needs and the availability of products by providing necessary products and services are ______________
a. Large scale business man
b. Small scale business man
c. Entrepreneur
d. Creative
Q5. An entrepreneur is a person who is _______
a. Wage-employed
b. Self-employed
c. An employee who is getting salary
d. None of the above
Q6. All self-employed persons are not entrepreneurs. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q7. The owner of a Kirana Shop is _____________
a. Self-Employed
b. Wage-Employed
c. Wage Earner
d. None of the above
Q8. The process of developing a business plan, launching and running a business using innovation to meet customer needs and to make a profit is _________
a. Creative Business
b. Creativity
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Business to Business Plan
Q9. An ______ is a project or undertaking that is bold and fulfills a need of the society which no one has ever addressed.
a. Enterprise
b. Entrepreneur
c. Creative Business
d. Creative Plan
Q10. What is the aim of entrepreneurship?
a. Earn a profit
b. Solve customers’ need innovatively
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
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Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
Q11. When more and more entrepreneurs of a country create business opportunities then country grows ____________
a. Economically
b. Socially
c. Actually
d. Technically
Q12. Economic Development of country means ___________
a. Circulation of money
b. Creation of various jobs
c. Improved Standard of Living
d. None of the above
Q13. A small village did not have good quality soap because of which the villagers used to fall sick. Being an Entrepreneur what you will do for villagers?
a. Spread awareness about cleanliness
b. Arrange Doctors for villagers
c. Going to the city to collect antibacterial soap and sold it to the villagers
d. None of the above
Q14. Entrepreneur always work for _______________
a. Economic development of Country
b. Social development of Country
c. Improving Standard of Living of people
d. All of the above
Q15. Ramu is chai wala selling tea near a busy bus stop. He earns a lot and makes a good profit. Rani also started a tea stall on the road side. She decided to sell different flavours of tea, just like expensive tea parlours in the mall, at a reasonable price. Who is an entrepreneur?
a. Rani
b. Ramu
c. Both Ramu and Rani
d. Neither Ramu nor Rani
Q16. An Entrepreneur should have ________ quality
a. Patience
b. Positivity
c. Hardworking
d. All of the above
Q17. Which of the following is not the quality of an Entrepreneur?
a. Hard working
b. Patience
c. Don’t care about the society
d. Confident
Q18. An entrepreneur always look into a problem as ______________
a. Opportunity
b. Difficult situation
c. Chance to show talent
d. Disaster
Q19. A person who has does not take risks, is not open to new ideas and is running the business only to earn a steady source of income is an entrepreneur.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q20. The _______ earned is the excess earning after deducting all expenses.
a. Loss
b. Profit
c. Discount
d. Tax

Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
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Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
Q21. Entrepreneur takes ___________________ to make a profit
a. Bribe
b. Risks
c. Lives
d. Goods
Q22. ___________ means organising, developing and managing a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make profit.
a. Life managing Skills
b. Entrepreneur
c. Entrepreneurship Skills
d. Green Skills
Q23. Characteristics of entrepreneurship is _____________
a. Ability to take up risks
b. Believe in hard work and discipline
c. Effective planning and execution
d. All of the above
Q24. Ananya is working as a chef in a five star hotel. She is ____________
a. Wage Employed
b. Self Employed
c. Entrepreneur
d. None of the above
Q25. In wage employment, there are always two parties. One is known as the ______ and the other is the _____
a. Employee, Advocate
b. Witness, Employee
c. Employer, Employee
d. Employer, Tenant
Q26. Aman is working in a company and earns 5 lakhs monthly salary. Hari is a vegetable vendor and earns 50 thousand rupees monthly. Who is an entrepreneur among them?
a. Hari
b. Aman
c. Both Aman and Hari
d. Neither Aman nor Hari
Q27. Rahul starts a shop to sell Chaat and special Paani Puri. He is an _____
a. Employee
b. Entrepreneur
c. Customer
d. Client
Q28. Shahid becomes the manager of a dealership selling food products. He is an __________
a. Employee
b. Entrepreneur
c. Customer
d. Client
Q29. Ritu leaves the company she worked for and starts catering food for marriages, birthday parties etc. She is an _____.
a. Employee
b. Entrepreneur
c. Customer
d. Client
Q30. Parth Work for himself, and not for others. He is an __________
a. Employee
b. Entrepreneur
c. Customer
d. Client

Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
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Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
Q31. Which of the following is not the type of business activity?
a. Product Business
b. Service Business
c. Transit Business
d. Hybrid Business
Q32. Aman has opened a Sports Shop. What type of business activity is he doing?
a. Product Business
b. Service Business
c. Transit Business
d. Hybrid Business
Q33. A business where a seller and buyer exchange an item, which can be seen and touched, is called a ___________
a. Product Business
b. Service Business
c. Transit Business
d. Hybrid Business
Q34. Rohit is a sports person and he is working as a Sports teacher in a school. Due to some reason he has to leave his job. After one month he opened a Cricket coaching center. What type of business is this?
a. Product Business
b. Hybrid Business
c. Service Business
d. None of the above
Q35. A business where a seller helps the buyer to finish some work is called ______
a. Service Business
b. Hybrid Business
c. Product Business
d. None of the above
Q36. Rahul is an engineer. He opened a coaching institute where he is giving tuition to students and also selling books, bags and other stationary items to the students. What type of business is he doing?
a. Product Business
b. Hybrid Business
c. Service Business
d. Mixed Business
Q37. Anmol was going from school to home. On his way he saw a restaurant where many customers were sitting and enjoying there food. Restaurant is also providing catering services. In what type of business does the restaurant involved?
a. Service Business
b. Mixed Business
c. Product Business
d. Hybrid Business
Q38. Tea-Stall is an example of ______
a. Hybrid Business
b. Product Business
c. Service Business
d. Mixed Business
Q39. Barber Shop is an example of ______
a. Hybrid Business
b. Product Business
c. Service Business
d. Mixed Business
Q40. Motorcycle repair shop is an example of ______
a. Hybrid Business
b. Product Business
c. Service Business
d. Mixed Business
Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
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Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
Q41. Which of the following statement is not correct about product or product business?
a. In product business customer pays for physical exchange of things.
b. A product can be transported to different places where shopkeepers sell it.
c. A product can not be stored
d. Product can be seen and touched.
Q42. Read the following case-study and identify what kind of business is this?
Sana wears beautiful new earrings every day which she makes by herself. She finds the designs online, buys cheap materials and makes them at home with the help of her sister. Her friends at the college were amazed and placed orders for similar earrings.
a. Product Business
b. Hybrid Business
c. Service Business
d. Transit Business
Q43. Read the following case-study and identify what kind of business is this?
Pragya’s parents bought her a bike on her birthday last year. She used it to go to her college and to meet her friends. Since her friends usually had to take a bus for transport, in case of an emergency, they would sometimes ask her to drop them. This gave her an idea of starting a quick, goods-delivery service using
her bike! In her free time, she started the delivery service for people in her area. She became famous!
She later employed five people to work in her delivery company.
a. Product Business
b. Hybrid Business
c. Transit Business
d. Service Business
Q44. Suman was buying earrings from a wholesale market and selling it to people. What kind of business is this?
a. Hybrid Business
b. Product Business
c. Service Business
d. None of the above
Q45. Products for selling are made at _______
a. Home
b. Factory
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q46. Trade and Manufacturing businesses are types of ___________
a. Product Business
b. Hybrid Business
c. Service Business
d. None of the above
Q47. Wholesalers, distributors and retail shops are examples of _____
a. Manufacturing Business
b. Trade Business
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q48. The first steps of starting a business is _________________
a. to come up with a business idea.
b. getting money and material
c. Understanding customer needs
d. Improving Product/ service
Q49. In the _____ learning system of Entrepreneurship development, training programmes are conducted to bring about awareness, knowledge and skills related to entrepreneurship
a. Informal
b. Formal
c. Uniform
d. Parallel
Q50. __________ development is the process of improving the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs
a. Customer
b. Employee
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Employer
Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
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Q51. Which of the following is not the function of an entrepreneur? [CBSE Sample Paper]
a. Taking risk
b. Provides raw materials
c. Divide income
d. Making decisions
Q52. When we discuss about the role of Entrepreneurship, there is potential for increase in large-scale employment opportunities with increase in entrepreneurial activity. As more enterprises, offices, factories, businesses, trading entities etc. are set up, numerous job opportunities are created for skilled, unskilled and unemployed people, especially in developing countries. What kind of Role is this?
[CBSE Sample Paper]
a. Capital Formation
b. Employment generation
c. Value Creation
d. Wealth Distribution
Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
Disclaimer : I tried to give you the important questions of Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in the questions of Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ given above, you can directly contact me at csiplearninghub@gmail.com. NCERT Book and Study material available on CBSE official website are used as a reference to create above Entrepreneur Skills Class 9th MCQ
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