Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ

Q1. ______________ skill is needed to speak and write properly.
a. Communication
b. Management
c. ICT
d. Writing
Q2. An effective speaker is the one who is __________
a. speaking appropriately whilst maintaining eye contact with the audience.
b. using varied vocabulary.
c. using varied articulate speech to suit the need of the audience.
d. All of the above
Q3. Which of the following skills are essential for effective communication?
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Listening
d. All of the above
Q4. The word ‘Communication’ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre, meaning _______
a. to give
b. to know
c. to share
d. to follow
Q5. __________ is the ‘sharing’ of information between two or more individuals or within a group to reach a common understanding.
a. Common
b. Communication
c. Writing
d. Reading
Q6. Communication skills are needed ________
a. to give facts or information to someone.
b. to influence or change someone.
c. to express your feelings.
d. All of the above
Q7. Communication is a _________ exchange of information, i.e., giving and receiving.
a. two-way
b. one-way
c. no way
d. three-way
Q8. ___________ to someone is example of giving information.
a. Speaking
b. Writing
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q9. _________ to someone are examples of receiving information.
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q10. The communication process starts from ___________
a. Sender
b. Receiver
c. Channel
d. None of the above
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q11. Anil is asking something from Ravi about “Cloud Computing”. In reference to this communication process, Anil is a ___
a. Sender
b. Receiver
c. Channel
d. None of the above
Q12. _________ are ideas, views, or fixed ways of thinking.
a. Respectives
b. Communication
c. Channel
d. Perspectives
Q13. Aman wants to talk to Simran but She said “I am not feeling well, therefore, I don’t want to talk.” Which of the following factor affecting communication?
a. Past Experience
b. Visual Perception
c. Feelings
d. Environment
Q14. Which of the following is not 7C’s of communication?
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Correct
d. Conscious
Q15. Which of the following is 7C’s of communication?
a. Coherent
b. Concise
c. Complete
d. All of the above

Q16. ___________ is a forms of communication.
a. Verbal
b. Non-verbal
c. Visual
d. All of the above
Q17. “Be respectful, friendly and honest”. Which of the following principle of 7C’s is represented by this statement?
a. Complete
b. Concrete
c. Concise
d. Courteous
Q18. “Your message should have all the needed information”. Which of the following principle of 7C’s is represented by this statement?
a. Complete
b. Concrete
c. Concise
d. Courteous
Q19. “Use Correct spellings, language and grammar”. Which of the following principle of 7C’s is represented by this statement?
a. Complete
b. Correct
c. Concise
d. Courteous
Q20. What is the purpose of communication?
a. Inform (tell someone about something)
b. Influence (get someone to do something you want)
c. Share thoughts, ideas, feelings
d. All of the above
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q21. Which of the following methods are used to receive information from the sender through a letter?
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading
d. Writing
Q22. __________ is the sharing of information by using words.
a. Non-Verbal communication
b. Verbal communication
c. Visual Communication
d. Sign language
Q23. Which of the following is an example of written communication?
a. Writing letter to friend
b. Sending SMS (Short Message Service)
c. Sending email to others
d. All of the above
Q24. Advantages of verbal communication is/are ___________
a. Verbal communication is easy and quick
b. We can say what we want and get a quick response
c. It is an easier form of communication when you have to exchange ideas.
d. All of the above
Q25. Which of the following is not the 3P’s of Public Speaking?
a. Prepare
b. Promotion
c. Practice
d. Perform
Q26. Anuj is feeling nervous, speaking in front of a large group. His friend Sonam suggest him to use the ___________ to get over your fears, and become a confident and effective speaker.
a. 3Ps method
b. 3As method
c. 3Cs method
d. 3Rs method
Q27. Choose the correct example of oral communication.
a. Reports
b. Newspapers
c. Face-to-face conversation
d. Notes
Q28. When we communicate verbally, we should use ___________.
a. difficult words
b. simple words
c. confusing words
d. abbreviations
Q29. Why do we send emails?
a. To reach on time
b. To share documents and files
c. To talk to each other
d. To meet each other
Q30. Classroom teaching is an example of ______
a. Written Communication
b. Verbal Communication
c. Non – Verbal Communication
d. None of the above
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q31. A communication in which you can see the listener is _________
a. Face-to-face conversation
b. Written Communication
c. Phone conversations
d. None of the above
Q32. Expressions, Postures, Gestures are examples of __________ Communication
a. Verbal
b. Non-Verbal
c. Written
d. None of the above
Q33. Which of the following is not an example of non-verbal communication?
a. Touch
b. Eye-contact
c. Smell
d. Hand-Shake
Q34. When we greet someone by raising/waving hand, then we are communicating by non verbal method using ________
a. Eye contact
b. Expressions
c. Gestures
d. None of the above
Q35. A facial expression shows the _________ of a person.
a. Mental level
b. IQ
c. feelings
d. None of the above
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q36. We can show our happiness or sadness to others by our ____
a. Facial Expressions
b. Postures
c. Touch
d. None of the above
Q37. Biting nails shows _______
a. Happiness
b. Angerness
c. Nervousness
d. Confidence
Q38. Walking with a straight body posture shows _______
a. Happiness
b. Angerness
c. Nervousness
d. Confidence
Q39. We should avoid ____________ during formal communication?
a. Stroking our hair
b. Scratching our nose
c. Tugging on our clothes
d. All of the above
Q40. _________________ is the tone of our voice, speed and volume that makes a difference in the meaning of the communication.
a. Paralanguage
b. Language
c. Screaming
d. None of the above
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q41. Which of the following is not the method of Communication?
a. Verbal Communication
b. Non-Verbal Communication
c. Visible Communication
d. None of the above
Q42. _______ involves sending and understanding messages only through images or pictures.
a. Visual Communication
b. Visible Communication
c. Verbal Communication
d. Non-Verbal Communication
Q43. Advantages of Visual Communication is _____________
a. We do not need to know any particular language for understanding it.
b. It is simple and easy to understand.
c. It remains same across different places.
d. All of the above
Q44. Which of the following is example of Visual Communication?
a. Traffic symbol which communicates not to blow horn.
b. Traffic Lights—Red for Stop; Yellow for Wait and Green for Go.
c. Sign for ladies and gents toilet.
d. All of the above
Q45. A Sign or symbol showing railway crossing is an example of _______
a. Verbal Communication
b. Non – Verbal Communication
c. Visual Communication
d. Image Communication
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q46. Which of these is a positive (good) facial expression?
a. Staring hard
b. Nodding while listening
c. Wrinkled forehead
d. Looking away from the speaker
Q47. Which of these is not an appropriate non-verbal communication at work?
a. Putting arm around a coworker’s shoulder
b. Shaking hands firmly
c. Looking at the speaker with a smile
d. Standing with an upright posture
Q48. When you are preparing for a presentation, you should ______.
a. focus on the objectives of the presentation
b. practice your speech in front of a mirror or friend
c. do rehearsals to time your presentation of slides
d. All of the above
Q49. A ____________ is a group of words that communicates a complete thought.
a. Phrase
b. Sentence
c. Antonyms
d. Synonyms
Q50. A group of words, which does not make complete sense, is known as a _____
a. Phrase
b. Sentence
c. Antonyms
d. Synonyms
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q51. A Sentence always begins with a _______________ .
a. Capital letter
b. Small letter
c. Symbol
d. None of the above
Q52. Question mark(?) symbol is used at the ________ of the sentence.
a. Middle
b. Beginning
c. End
d. All of the above
Q53. Which of the following symbol represent exclamation sign?
a. ?
b. !
c. ” “
d. ;
Q54. ____________ is a set of simple rules that help you to capitalise words correctly.
Q55. Which of the following is not a punctuation mark?
a. ?
b. <
c. !
d. ,
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q56. We use _____________ followed by an ‘s’ to show that something belongs to someone.
a. Apostrophe
b. Comma
c. Question mark
d. Full stop
Q57. Which of the following is a part of speech?
a. Noun
b. Pronoun
c. Verb
d. all of the above
Q58. A __________ is a word for a person, place, thing, or idea.
a. Noun
b. Pronoun
c. Verb
d. Adverb
Q59. A ___________ is a word used in place of a noun.
a. Verb
b. Pronoun
c. Adverb
d. Adjective
Q60. _______________ is a word used to express emotion.
a. Interjection
b. Conjunction
c. Preposition
d. Adjective
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q61. What is a sentence?
a. A group of ideas that form a complete paragraph
b. A group of words that communicate a complete thought
c. A set of rules that we must follow to write correctly
d. A set of words that contains all the basic punctuation marks
Q62. In the formation of sentence in English, A ______ is the person or thing that does an action.
a. Object
b. Subject
c. Verb
d. Adverb
Q63. Find the subject in the given sentence?
Divya reads a book
a. Divya
b. reads
c. a
d. book
Q64. Find the verb in the given sentence?
She kicked the football
a. She
b. Kicked
c. the
d. football
Q65. Sentences where the subject does an action are known to be in the __________
a. Passive voice
b. Active voice
c. Simple voice
d. High voice
Q66. Sentences in which the subject receives an action are known to be in the _____.
a. Passive voice
b. Active voice
c. Simple voice
d. High voice
Q67. Write the passive voice of given sentence.
She wrote a letter.
a. Letter wrote by her
b. Letter written by her
c. A letter was written by her.
d. Letter was wrote by her
Q68. The following sentence is an example of ____________
Who broke the glass?
a. Interrogative Sentence
b. Exclamatory Sentence
c. Imperative Sentence
d. Declarative Sentence
Q69. The following sentence is an example of ____________
No, I did not!
a. Interrogative Sentence
b. Exclamatory Sentence
c. Imperative Sentence
d. Declarative Sentence
Q70. The following sentence is an example of ____________
Pick up the pieces.
a. Interrogative Sentence
b. Exclamatory Sentence
c. Imperative Sentence
d. Declarative Sentence
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q71. A group of sentences forms a _______________
a. Paragraph
b. Word
c. Collection
d. None of the above
Q72. In reference to English language, Which of the following is smallest unit?
a. Alphabet/Character
b. Word
c. Paragraph
d. None of the above
Q73. _______________ is the study of the sounds that we make when we speak.
a. Pronunciation
b. Phonetics
c. Spelling
d. None of the above
Q74. What are the different types of sounds used in English pronunciation?
a. Vowel sounds
b. Diphthong sounds
c. Consonant sounds
d. All of the above
Q75. We use certain words called _____________ before we start talking to friends, people familiar to us, or people whom we are meeting for the first time.
a. Greetings
b. Phonetics
c. Introduction
d. None of the above
Q76. Which of the following is an example of Formal greetings?
a. Good morning everybody!
b. Good morning, Sir!
c. Hello Sir. How are you?
d. All of the above
Q77. Which of the following is an example of Informal greetings?
a. Hey!
b. Hey! How are you doing?
c. Hi!
d. All of the above
Q78. You say ‘Good Morning’ when it is ___.
a. 7:00 am
b. 9:00 am
c. 11:30 am
d. All of the above
Q79. You may say ‘Hi’ when you meet ___.
a. your teacher in class
b. a senior in the office
c. your Principal
d. your friends at a shop
Q80. We usually do not greet people by saying ___
a. Good night
b. Good morning
c. Good afternoon
d. Good evening
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q81. We usually start our introduction by telling our ______
a. Name
b. Class
c. Address
d. Mobile Number
Q82. A ______________ is a typed or printed page with blank spaces for information.
a. Frame
b. Form
c. Formation
d. None of the above
Q83. A postal code is ______________________.
a. a group of numbers or letters used to identify a government building
b. a code used to indicate the door number of a house
c. a group of numbers or letters used by the post office to identify a region.
d. a code used to identify different post offices.
Q84. We ask questions to ____________
a. gain new knowledge, get information
b. avoid doubts, confusion, misunderstanding
c. start talking to people by asking about them and their ideas
d. All of the above
Q85. “Who” word is used to ask about ____________________
a. people
b. reason
c. place
d. time
Q86. “When” word is used to ask about _____
a. people
b. reason
c. place
d. time
Q87. “Why” word is used to ask about _____
a. people
b. reason
c. place
d. time
Q88. If you have not understood a task given to you, which question should you ask?
a. Where are the reports of this task?
b. Can you repeat the instructions for this task?
c. Can you give me an example of this task?
d. Why are you doing this task?
Q89. Renuka is joining a new school. Which of the following questions will help her become comfortable with her new classmates?
a. How long have you been studying here?
b. Would you like to share my lunch?
c. What do you all do in your free time?
d. All of the above
Q90. Re-arrange the following words to form questions.
a. What waiting for you are?
b. What for you waiting are?
c. What are you waiting for?
d. What you are waiting for?
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q91. Re-arrange the words to form questions..
a. Do you like football to play?
b. Do football like to play you?
c. Do you like to play football?
d. Do like to play you football?
Q92. We always use a ______________ at the end of a question.
a. Question mark (?)
b. Comma(,)
c. Semi colon(;)
d. Exclamation(!)
Q93. Questions that can be answered with a “yes” or a “no” are called ______
a. close-ended question
b. open-ended question
c. ended question
d. fix-ended question
Q94. Question whose answers options are not limited or closed is called ________________
a. open ended question
b. close-ended question
c. fixed-ended question
d. limited question
Q95. Which of these is the correct way to convert the sentence “You are studying” into a question?
a. You are studying?
b. Studying you are?
c. Are you studying?
d. Studying are you?
Q96. Which of these are open-ended questions?
a. Where do you live?
b. Are you hungry?
c. How do you feel?
d. Did you meet him?
Q97. Which of these are question words?
a. What
b. Where
c. How
d. All of the above
Q98. Which of these are close-ended questions?
a. Is he there?
b. Were they cleaning their room?
c. Can you help me?
d. All of the above
Q99. Which of the following are disadvantages of Written Communication?
a. Time Consuming
b. Non-flexible
c. No scope of Clarification
d. All of the above
Q100. Which of the following words is verb?
a. eat
b. write
c. play
d. All of the above
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q101. Raju is the class monitor. He wants to know why Ramesh is coming late every day. Which of the following is a question that Raju can ask Ramesh?
a. Do you come on time?
b. Are you late?
c. Why are you late every day?
d. Will it not be easier to complete your work if you come on time?
Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS MCQ
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My exams are going to start and it’s really very helpful to us thanks sir
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All the best Abhijit.
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My exam will happen tomorrow so it is helpful for me
my exam is tommorow
My exam tomorrow and this will help hopefully..