Flow of Control in Python

Q1. Python executes one statement after another from beginning to the end of the program. This is a ________________
a. Selection Construct
b. Sequential Construct
c. Iteration Construct
d. None of the above
Q2. The order of execution of the statements in a program is known as ______
a. flow of control
b. central flow
c. selection
d. iteration
Q3. Python supports _____________ types of control structures.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q4. Which of the following are control structure in python?
a. Selection
b. Iteration
c. Both of the above
d. Sequential
Q5. In programming, the concept of decision making or selection is implemented with the help of ___________ statement
a. while loop
b. for loop
c. if..else
d. None of the above
Q6. Execution of statements in _________________ construct depend on a condition test.
a. Selection
b. Sequence
c. Iteration
d. Repetition
Q7. Correct syntax of writing ‘simple if’ statement is _____
a. if condition statements
b. if (condition) statements
c. if condition : statements
d. if condition -- statements
Q8. ______ statements can be written in if block.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 10
d. Any number of
Q9. Which of the following is variant of conditional statement in Python?
a. simple if without else
b. if .. else
c. if .. elif
d. All of the above
Q10. Number of elif in a program is dependent on the ___________
a. number of conditions to be checked
b. number of variables in a program
c. number of loops in a program
d. None of the above
Flow of Control in Python

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Flow of Control in Python
Q11. An ‘if’ condition inside another ‘if’ is called ___
a. Second if
b. nested if
c. another if
d. None of the above
Q12. Leading whitespace (spaces and tabs) at the beginning of a statement is called _________________.
a. indentation
b. orientation
c. Iteration
d. None of the above
Q13. Write the output of the following code :
if True: print("Hello") else: print("Bye")
a. Bye
b. Hello
c. Bye Hello
d. Hello Bye
Q14. Write the output of the following code :
y=2 if 2!=y: print("H") else : print("K")
a. H
b. K
c. Error
d. Nothing will be printed
Q15. ____ is an empty statement in Python.
a. Jump
b. Fail
c. Empty
d. Pass
Q16. Which of the following statement is not assigning a numerical value 8 to variable X, if original value of X is 0? ?
a. X = 8
b. X + = 8
c. X *= 8
d. None of the above
Q17. Write the output of the following :
x = 10 if x > 7: print("Hello") print("Bye")
a. Bye
b. Hello
c. Bye Hello
d. Hello Bye
Q18. A statement inside ‘if’ has an indentation of _________ spaces.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
Q19. Ravi wants to display “Hello”, if the condition is True, otherwise, “Pass” if the condition is False. Which of the following help to implement the same?
a. if statement
b. if .. else statement
c. if .. elif statement
d. for loop
Q20. Ram wants to create a program to check whether an year is leap year or not. For this he should have a good understanding of ____________
a. Conditional Statement
b. for loop
c. while loop
d. All of the above
Flow of Control in Python

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Flow of Control in Python
Q21. if-elif statement is used in situation which involves ____________
a. multiple condition
b. exactly one condition
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q22. What is the purpose of ‘else’ statement in if-elif ladder?
a. else statement in if-elif will execute, if none of the condition is True.
b. else statement in if-elif will execute, if all the condition is True.
c. else statement in if-elif will execute, if the condition just above else statement is True
d. None of the above
Q23. To write else statement in if-elif ladder is mandatory? (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q24. Number of elif in if-elif ladder depends on ____
a. number of conditions to be checked in program.
b. number of variables in program.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q25. A graphical representation that shows step by step solution to solve a given problem is ____________
a. Algorithm
b. Flow Chart
c. Line Chart
d. Pie Chart
Q26. Which of the following is not a keyword in Python?
a. True
b. False
c. if
d. For
Q27. Which of the following is not a conditional statement in Python?
a. if statement
b. if – else statement
c. if – elif statement
d. None of the above
Q28. Which of the following symbol is used to end an ‘if’ statement in Python?
a. Comma( , )
b. Colon( : )
c. Semi Colon( ; )
d. None of the above
Q29. Write the output of the following :
x = 10 if x > 7 and x <= 10: print("Pass", end="") print("Fail")
a. Pass
b. Fail
c. Pass Fail
d. PassFail
Q30. Which of the following value of ‘x’ makes the condition False in the given code?
if (x > 7 or x == 3) and x!=11 : print("H")
a. 8
b. 9
c. 5
d. 33
Flow of Control in Python

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Flow of Control in Python
Q31. Write the output of the following :
if 'i' == "i" : print(True) else: print("False")
a. True
b. False
c. Error
d. None of the above
Q32. Write the output of the following:
if (3+8//2 != 7): print("H") else: print("B")
a. H
b. B
c. Error
d. None of the above
Q33. Write the output of the following:
a=5 b=6 c=7 d=8 if a > b: if c > a: if d < c: print("Hello") else: print("B") else: print("A") print("What")
a. What
b. Hello
c. B
d. A
Q34. Write the output of the following:
a=15 b=6 c=7 d=8 if a > b: if c > a: if d < c: print("Hello") else: print("B") else: print("A")
a. Error
b. Hello
c. B
d. A
Q35. Write the output of the following:
a=155 b=126 c=237 d=388 if a > b: if c > a: if d < c: print("Hello") else: print("B") else: print("A")
a. Error
b. Hello
c. B
d. A
Q36. Repetition of a set of statements in a program is made possible using _____________
a. Selection Constructs
b. Sequential Constructs
c. Looping Constructs
d. None of the above
Q37. The statements in a loop are executed repeatedly as long as particular condition _____________.
a. remains False
b. remains True
c. gives error
d. None of the above
Q38. Condition in loops is checked based on the value of a variable called the ___________
a. loop’s special variable
b. loop’s control variable
c. loop’s execution variable
d. None of the above
Q39. When the condition in loops becomes false, the loop _________
a. terminates
b. begin
c. restart
d. none of the above
Q40. If the condition given in the loop never return False then the loop __________
a. never ends
b. ends after 50 times execution
c. ends after 150 times execution
d. give error
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q41. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(5): print(i)
a. 0 1 2 3 4
b. 1 2 3 4 5
c. 1 2 3 4
d. Error
Q42. Write the output of the following code :
for i in (1,2,3): print(i)
a. 1 2 3
b. 1 2
c. 0 1 2
d. Error
Q43. Write the output of the following code :
for i in (2,3,4): print("i")
a. 2 3 4
b. 2 3
c. i i i
d. Error
Q44. Write the output of the following code :
for i in (4,3,2,1,0): print(i, end=" ")
a. 4 3 2 1 0
b. 4 3 2 1
c. 4
d. Error
Q45. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(10): if(i%2!=0): print("Hello",i)
a. Hello 1 Hello 3 Hello 5 Hello 7 Hello 9
b. Hello 1 Hello 2 Hello 3 Hello 4 Hello 5 Hello 6 Hello 7 Hello 8 Hello 9
c. Hello 2 Hello 4 Hello 6 Hello 8
d. Error
Q46. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(10,2,-2): print(i, "Hello")
a. 10 Hello 8 Hello 6 Hello 4 Hello
b. 10 8 6 4 Hello Hello Hello Hello
c. 10 Hello 8 Hello 6 Hello 4 Hello 2 Hello
d. Error
Q47. Write the output of the following code :
str = "Python Output based Questions" word=str.split() for i in word: print(i)
a. Python Output based Questions
b. Python Output based Questions
c. PythonOutputbasedQuestions
d. Error
Q48. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(7,10): print("Flow of control in Python") print("Flow of control in Python")
a. Flow of control in Python Flow of control in Python Flow of control in Python Flow of control in Python
b. Flow of control in Python Flow of control in Python
c. Flow of control in Python
d. Error
Q49. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(7,-2,-9): for j in range(i): print(j)
a. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
b. 1 2 3 4 5 6
c. 0 1 2 3 4 5
d. 0 1 2 3
Q50. Write the output of the following code :
i="9" for k in i: print(k)
a. 4
b. 9
c. 8
d. 5
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q51. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(1, 8): print(i) i+=2
a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
c. 1 2 3 4 5 6
d. Error
Q52. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(4, 7): i=i+3 print("Hello")
a. Hello Hello Hello
b. Hello Hello
c. Hello
d. Error
Q53. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(4,7): i=i+3 print("Hello", i)
a. Hello 7 Hello 8 Hello 9
b. Hello 4 Hello 5 Hello 6
c. Hello 4
d. Error
Q54. Write the output of the following code :
i=4 while(i<10): i=i+3 print(i)
a. 7 10
b. 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. 7
d. Error
Q55. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(20): if i//4==0: print(i)
a. 0 1 2 3
b. 0 5 10 15
c. 5 10 15
d. Error
Q56. Write the output of the following code :
x=1234 while x%10: x=x//10 print(x)
a. 123 12 1
b. 123 12 1 0
c. 123 12
d. Error
Q57. Write the output of the following code :
for i in 1,2,3: print(i*i)
a. 1 4 9
b. 1 2 3
c. 1 2 3 4
d. Error
Q58. Write the output of the following code :
for i in 2,4,6: print("H"*i)
d. Error
Q59. Write the output of the following code :
p=10 q=20 p=p*q//4 q=p+q**3 print(p,q)
a. 50 8050
b. 50 8050
c. 50 80 50
d. Error
Q60. Write the output of the following code :
x=2 y=6 x=x+y/2 + y//4 print(x)
a. 6
b. 6.0
c. 5
d. 5.0
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q61. Write the output of the following :
a = 7 for i in 7: print(a)
a. Error
b. 1 2 3 4 5 6
c. 7
d. No output
Q62. Write the output of the following code :
a = "AMIT" for i in range(len(a)): print(a)
a. Error
d. A M I T
Q63. Write the output of the following code :
x = "Welcome to my blog" j = "i" while j in x: print(j)
a. No Output
b. Print “i” infinite times
c. Error
d. print ‘i’ five times
Q64. Write the output of the following code :
print(range (5, 0, -2))
a. range (5, 0, -2)
b. Error
c. No Output
d. 5 3 1
Q65. Write the output of the following code :
for i in range(0,2,-1): print("Hello")
a. Hello Hello Hello
b. Hello Hello
c. No Output
d. Error
Q66. Write the output of the following code :
s1="csiplearninghub.com" s2="" s3="" for x in s1: if(x=="s" or x=="n" or x=="p"): s2+=x print(s2,end=" ") print(s3)
a. spnn
b. nspp
c. npss
d. npps
Q67. Write the output of the following code :
s1="csiplearninghub.com" c=0 for x in s1: if(x!="l"): c=c+1 print(c)
a. 16
b. 19
c. 17
d. 18
Q68. Write the output of the following code :
j=12 c=9 while(j): if(j>5): c=c+j-2 j=j-1 else: break print(j, c)
a. 6 58
b. 5 58
c. Error
d. 5 60
Q69. Write the output of the following code :
L = [13 , 12 , 21 , 16 , 35 , 7, 4] sum = 5 sum1 = 3 for i in L: if (i % 4 == 0): sum = sum + i continue if (i % 7 == 0): sum1 = sum1 + i print(sum , end=" ") print(sum1)
a. 37 66
b. 32 66
c. 35 66
d. 38 66
Q70. Write the output of the following code :
print('cs' + 'ip' if '234'.isdigit( ) else 'IT' + '-402')
a. IT-402
b. cs
c. csip
d. Error
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q71. Write the output of the following:
a=10 while a>5: if a%7==0: print(a**2,end='@') else: print(a-1,end='@') a=a-3
a. 9@7@49@
b. 9@49@
c. 9@49
d. 9@7@5@
Q72. How many times the following loop will execute?
s1="flow of control in python" for i in s1[1:5]: print()
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
Q73. Write the output of the following:
s=0 L = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] for i in range(1,len(L),1): s = s + L[i] print(s)
a. 28
b. 30
c. 24
d. 26
Q74. How many times “Hello” will print:
s=0 L = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] for i in range(len(L)-1): print("Hello") print("Hello")
a. 4
b. 3
c. 5
d. 6
Q75. How many times “Bye” will print:
s=0 L = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] for i in range(len(L)): if L[i]//2==1: print("Bye")
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
Q76. Write the output of the following:
L = ["A","B","C","D","E"] for i in range(len(L)-2): L.pop() print(L)
a. [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’]
b. [ ]
c. [‘A’, ‘B’]
d. [‘A’, ‘C’, ‘E’]
Q77. Write the output of the following:
def ch(st): str ="" for i in range(1,4): if i%2==0: str=str+st[i] elif st[i].lower(): str = str + st[i-1] else: str=str+st[i] print('-'. join (str)) ch('flow')
a. -f-o-o
b. -f-o-o-
c. f-o-o-
d. -f-o-
Q78. Write the output of the following:
st1="Flow91" st2="gun" I=0 while I<len(st1): if st1[I]>="a" and st1[I]<="z": st2=st2+st1[I+1] elif st1[I]>="0" and st1[I]<="9": st2=st2+st1[I-1] else: st2=st2+"?" I=I+1 print(st2)
a. gun?ow9w
b. gun?ow9w9
c. gun??w9w9
d. gun?ow9w?
Q79. Write the output of the following:
T=["flow","of","Control"] T1=range(len(T)) for i in T1: print(T[i].upper(), end="-")
Q80. Write the output of the following:
d = [1, 2, 3] for k in d: print(k, end = "+") else: print("final")
a. 1+2+3+
b. 1+2+3+final+
c. 1+2+3+final
d. 6+final
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q81. Syntax of ‘for’ loop is given below:
for < _________ > in <sequence/ items in range>: Fill in the blank
a. control-variable
b. central-variable
c. center-variable
d. repeater-variable
Q82. Which of the following statement is not correct about ‘for’ loop?
a. The ‘for’ loop is used to iterate over a range of values or a sequence.
b. The ‘for’ loop is executed for each of the items in the range.
c. While using ‘for’ loop, it is known in advance the number of times the loop will execute
d. None of the above
Q83. _________ function is used in for loops for generating a sequence of numbers.
a. update( )
b. len( )
c. range( )
d. pop( )
Q84. Which of the following parameter of range( ) function is optional?
a. Start
b. Step
c. Both of the above
d. Stop
Q85. ________ statement terminates the current loop and resumes execution of the statement following that loop.
a. Continue
b. Break
c. Exit
d. Quit
Q86. _______________ statement skips the execution of remaining statements inside the body of the loop for the current iteration and jumps to the beginning of the loop for the next iteration
a. Continue
b. Break
c. Pass
d. Quit
Q87. A loop inside another loop is called ______
a. inner loop
b. nested loop
c. rest loop
d. None of the above
Q88. If the condition of the while loop is initially false, then the loop will execute ___
a. One time only
b. Three times only
c. Two times only
d. Zero time
Q89. Write the output of the following :
for x in range(1,4): for y in range(2,5): if x * y > 10: break print (x * y, end=" ")
a. 2 3 4 4 6 8 6
b. 2 3 4 4 6 8 6 9
c. 3 4 4 6 8 6 9
d. 2 3 4 4 6 8 6 9 9
Q90. Write the output of the following:
var = 7 while var > 0: print ('Current variable value: ', var) var = var -1 if var == 3: break else: if var == 6: var = var -1 continue print ("Good bye!")
a. Current variable value: 7 Current variable value: 5 Good bye! Current variable value: 4
b. Current variable value: 7 Current variable value: 5 Current variable value: 4
c. Current variable value: 7 Current variable value: 6 Current variable value: 5 Current variable value: 4
d. Current variable value: 7 Good bye! Current variable value: 5 Current variable value: 4
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q91. Execution of which statement is not dependent on the condition?
if i <=4 : print("Hello") #Statement 1 print("How") #Statement 2 else: print("are") #Statement 3 print("You") #Statement 4
a. Statement 1
b. Statement 2
c. Statement 3
d. Statement 4
Q92. Which of the following statement will return error?
a. for i in a : #a is a list
b. for i in range(5) :
c. for i not in a : # a is a list
d. for i in (1, 2, 3) :
Q93. How many times the following loop will execute?
a = [10, 11, 12, 13, 45] for a[3] in a: print("Flow")
a. 5
b. 13
c. 12
d. 6
Q94. Write the output of the following:
for l in range(3): if l == 2: continue else: print("i",end = " ") else: print("Here")
a. i i i Here
b. i i Here
c. i i i
d. i i Here i
Q95. Which of the following is an empty statement in python?
a. Pass
b. Continue
c. Break
d. Exit
Q96. Which of the following is jump statement in python?
a. Pass
b. Continue
c. Break
d. Break and Continue
Q97. Which symbol is used to end loop and conditional statements?
a. Semicolon(;)
b. Comma(,)
c. Colon(:)
d. Exclamation(!)
Q98. Write the output of the following:
St="Amit" for i in St: St.swapcase() print(St)
a. Amit
b. aMIT
c. aMiT
d. AMit
Q99. What will be the value of ‘m’ and ‘n’ after execution of following code:
m = 3; for n in range(2, 7, 2): n *= m n = n-1
a. 3 and 15
b. 3 and 17
c. 5 and 17
d. 5 and 15
Q100. What will be the value of ‘n’ and ‘n1’ after execution of following code:
n1=10 for n in range(10, 12): n1=n ** 2 n1=n1-10
a. 111 and 11
b. 11 and 12
c. 11 and 111
d. 12 and 11
Flow of Control in Python
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Flow of Control in Python
Q101. Write the output of the following:
k = 5 sk = 0; while k <= 12: sk = sk + k k = k + 4 print(sk, k)
a. 14 14
b. 13 14
c. 14 13
d. 13 13
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