Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ

Q1. Which of the following skills are important to communicate properly?
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Speaking
d. All of the above
Q2. The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word ____
a. Commūnicāre
b. Commūnicāte
c. Commūnicāreon
d. Commūnicā
Q3. _______ are needed to communicate effectively with people.
a. Self Management Skills
b. Communication Skills
c. ICT Skills
d. Time Management Skills
Q4. Which of the following transmits/sending the message through one medium or another?
a. Receiver
b. Listener
c. Sender
d. None of the above
Q5. Which of the following listens or understands the message?
a. Receiver
b. Channel
c. Sender
d. None of the above
Q6. The ___________ conveys the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle.
a. Sender
b. Environment
c. Receiver
d. Circumstances
Q7. A ______________ is used to transfer the message.
a. Change
b. Channel
c. Receiver
d. Listener
Q8. ________________ is/are elements of a communication cycle.
a. Sender
b. Receiver
c. Channel
d. All of the above
Q9. ‘A’ is sending a message to ‘B’. Who is Receiver here?
a. A
b. B
c. Both A nd B
d. None of the above
Q10. _________ is the receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message.
a. Feedback
b. Backfeed
c. Feed
d. Information
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ

Q11. Which of the following is the method of communication?
a. Face to Face
b. E-mail
c. Notices/Posters
d. All of the above
Q12. Which of the following method is used to communicate quickly with one or many individuals in various locations.
a. Face to Face
b. E-mail
c. Notices/Posters
d. Business Meetings
Q13. Which of the following method is used to communicate when the same message has to go out to a large group of people.
a. Face to Face
b. E-mail
c. Notices/Posters
d. Business Meetings
Q14. Ananya is the manager of a Store and many workers are working under her. Which of the following method is effective to inform everyone about the change in duty hours?
a. Face to Face
b. E-mail
c. Notices/Posters
d. Business Meetings
Q15. Choosing the right method of communication depends on _________
a. Target audience
b. Costs
c. Urgency/Priority
d. All of the above
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q16. Which of the following is not an element of communication process cycle?
a. Channel
b. Receiver
c. Sender
d. Time
Q17. Suman need to apply leave at work? Which method of communication will she use?
a. E-mail
b. Poster
c. Newsletter
d. Blog
Q18. In which of the following method of communication, body language can be seen?
a. Face to Face
b. Email
c. Blog
d. Posters
Q19. _________ is one of the most effective and commonly used way of communicating.
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Speaking
d. Listening
Q20. ____ includes sounds, words, language, and speech.
a. Verbal communication
b. Non-Verbal communication
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q21. Two friends discussing about homework is an example of _______
a. Interpersonal Communication
b. Written Communication
c. Small Group Communication
d. Public Communication
Q22. Aman is writing an email to his Boss for leave. This mode of communication is an example of ____
a. Public Communication
b. Small Group Communication
c. Written Communication
d. Interpersonal Communication
Q23. Social media chats, reports, SMS is an example of _____________
a. Public Communication
b. Small Group Communication
c. Written Communication
d. Interpersonal Communication
Q24. Communication in which more than two people are involved and each participant can interact with each other is an example of ___________
a. Public Communication
b. Small Group Communication
c. Written Communication
d. Interpersonal Communication
Q25. ______ takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering.
a. Public Communication
b. Small Group Communication
c. Written Communication
d. Interpersonal Communication
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q26. Two people talking to each other over phone or video call is an example of ______
a. Public Communication
b. Small Group Communication
c. Written Communication
d. Interpersonal Communication
Q27. Simran is going to speak in morning assembly in her school. Which of the following points she should focus during her speech.
a. She should not repeat the same sentences.
b. She should be confident.
c. Maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive
d. All of the above
Q28. Which of the following is an example of oral communication?
a. Newspapers
b. Letters
c. Phone call
d. E-mail
Q29. What are the types of words we should use for verbal communication?
a. Acronyms
b. Simple
c. Technical
d. Jargons
Q30. Why do we use e-mails?
a. To communicate with many people at the same time
b. To share documents and files.
c. To talk to each other in real-time.
d. To keep a record of communication
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q31. ______ is the exchange of information or messages without using any spoken or written word.
a. Non-verbal communication
b. Verbal communication
c. Written communication
d. None of the above
Q32. Raising a hand to greet or say goodbye is an example of ______
a. Non-verbal communication
b. Verbal communication
c. Written communication
d. None of the above
Q33. Non-Verbal Communication includes ______
a. Gestures
b. Expressions
c. Body Language
d. All of the above
Q34. Which of the following is not a non-verbal communication?
a. Gestures or Body Language
b. Posture
c. Poster
d. Facial Expressions
Q35. When we communicate verbally, we should use ___________________
a. difficult words
b. simple words
c. confusing words
d. abbreviations
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q36. Classroom teaching is an example of ______
a. Written Communication
b. Verbal Communication
c. Non – Verbal Communication
d. None of the above
Q37. When we greet someone by raising/waving hand, then we are communicating by non verbal method using ___________
a. Eye contact
b. Expressions
c. Gestures
d. None of the above
Q38. We can show our happiness or sadness to others by our ____
a. Facial Expressions
b. Postures
c. Touch
d. None of the above
Q39. Biting nails shows _______
a. Happiness
b. Angerness
c. Nervousness
d. Confidence
Q40. Walking with a straight body posture shows _______
a. Happiness
b. Angerness
c. Nervousness
d. Confidence
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q41. Visual Communication involves interchanging messages only through ____________
a. Images
b. Actions
c. Body Language
d. Postures
Q42. Which of these is a positive (good) facial expression?
a. Frowning while concentrating
b. Maintaining eye contact
c. Smiling continuously
d. Rolling up your eyes
Q43. What does an upright (straight) body posture convey or show?
a. Pride
b. Professionalism
c. Confidence
d. Humility
Q44. Which of these is NOT an appropriate non-verbal communication at work?
a. Keeping hands in pockets while talking
b. Talking at moderate speed
c. Sitting straight
d. Tilting head a bit to listen
Q45. Which of the following statement is true about communication?
a. 50% of our communication is non-verbal
b. 20% communication is done using body movements, face, arms, etc.
c. 5% communication is done using voice, tone, pauses, etc.
d. 7% communication is done using words
Q46. Which of the following is not the method of Communication?
a. Verbal
b. Non-Verbal
c. Visual
d. Visible
Q47. Talking fast may show ____
a. Happiness
b. Excitement
c. Nervousness
d. All of the above
Q48. Basic principles of professional communication skills can be abbreviated as _______________
a. 7 Cs
b. 7 Ss
c. 7 Ns
d. 7 Fs
Q49. Which of the following are barriers of effective communication?
a. Physical and Organizational
b. Interpersonal
c. Linguistic
d. All of the above
Q50. Text messages are often _________ effective than face-to-face communication
a. more
b. less
c. very
d. None of the above
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q51. A sender sends information, the receiver provides _____ on the received message.
a. data
b. information
c. feedback
d. None of the above
Q52. Feedback given by the receiver is ______
a. always positive
b. always negative
c. positive or negative
d. None of the above
Q53. A good feedback is always _____
a. Specific
b. Helpful
c. Kind
d. All of the above
Q54. Which of the following is a positive feedback?
a. You take really long to reply to e-mails!
b. You are not working hard
c. You keep forgetting to smile at the hotel guests when you talk to them.
d. You have done a great job
Q55. ____________ is the final component in the process of communication cycle.
a. Answer
b. Data
c. Information
d. Feedback
Q56. Feedback is defined ___________
a. as the response given by the sender to the receiver.
b. as the response given by the receiver to the sender
c. as the channel used by the receiver
d. None of the above
Q57. Why feedback is important?
a. It validates effective listening
b. It motivates
c. It boosts learning
d. All of the above
Q58. Which of the following is not the feature of feedback?
a. It improves performance
b. It improves relationship
c. It helps to plan better and develop improved products and services
d. None of the above
Q59. Which of these are examples of positive feedback?
a. Excellent, your work has improved.
b. I didn’t noticed your dedication towards the project.
c. You are always doing it the wrong way.
d. All of the above
Q60. Which of these are examples of negative feedback?
a. I hate to tell you this but your drawing skills are poor.
b. You can surely improve your drawing.
c. This is a good drawing but you can do better.
d. None of the above
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q61. Which of the following is not the 7Cs principle of communication?
a. Concrete
b. Coherent
c. Complete
d. Compare
Q62. Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Use exact words and facts”
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Concrete
d. Correct
Q63. Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Be clear what you want to say”
a. Clear
b. Concise
c. Concrete
d. Correct
Q64. Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Include all the needed information”
a. Clear
b. Complete
c. Concrete
d. Correct
Q65. Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Words should make sense and related to the main topic”
a. Clear
b. Coherent
c. Concrete
d. Correct
Q66. The inability to communicate using a language is known as _____________
a. Physical Barrier
b. Linguistic Barrier
c. Interpersonal Barrier
d. Organisational Barrier
Q67. People of different cultures are unable to communicate due to _____
a. Physical Barrier
b. Linguistic Barrier
c. Cultural Barriers
d. Organisational Barrier
Q68. Which of these are ways to overcome language barriers?
a. Respecting each other’s differences
b. Using a translator
c. Not communicating at all
d. Using your own language for comfort
Q69. Which of these is NOT a common communication barrier?
a. Linguistic barrier
b. Interpersonal barrier
c. Financial barrier
d. Organisational barrier
Q70. Which of the following ways help to overcome barriers to effective communication?
a. Use simple language
b. Take help of a translator to overcome differences in language
c. Use visuals
d. All of the above
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q71. Writing Skills is a part of _______________
a. Verbal communication
b. Non-verbal communication
c. Visual communication
d. None of the above
Q72. Which of the following is not the form of Written Communication?
a. Email
b. Letter
c. Mobile
d. Blog
Q73. A sentence is a group of ________
a. Paragraph
b. Words
c. Pages
d. Vowels
Q74. A sentence always begins with _________
a. Capital letter
b. Small letter
c. Alphabet ‘A’
d. Word “The”
Q75. A group of words, which does not make complete sense, is known as a __________
a. Sentence
b. Phrase
c. Paragraph
d. Poster
Q76. Which of the following punctuation mark is used to end the given sentence?
When will you complete your homework
a. !
b. .
c. ?
d. :
Q77. Which of the following punctuation mark is used to end the given sentence?
What a beautiful dress
a. !
b. .
c. ?
d. :
Q78. Which of the following punctuation mark is used at the end of a word or a sentence to indicate a strong feeling?
a. Exclamation mark
b. Comma
c. Question mark
d. Full stop
Q79. Which of the following punctuation mark is used at the end of a question?
a. Exclamation mark
b. Comma
c. Question mark
d. Full stop
Q80. How many punctuation mark are we using in the given sentence?
Are these Rahim’s colour pencils?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 0
d. 3
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q81. Those words which are used to refer a person, place, thing or idea is called ______________
a. Noun
b. Pronoun
c. Adjective
d. Verb
Q82. Those words which are used in place of noun is called ________
a. Adjective
b. Pronoun
c. Verb
d. Adverb
Q83. Those word that show action is called ____________________
a. Adjective
b. Pronoun
c. Verb
d. Adverb
Q84. Which of the following is not the basic part of speech?
a. Adjective
b. Pronoun
c. Verb
d. Action
Q85. Which of these sentences is capitalised correctly?
a. Ravi and i are going to the movies
b. Salim is visiting India in july
c. the Tiger is a strong animal.
d. She is arriving on Monday.
Q86. Which of the following is supporting parts of speech?
a. Conjunctions
b. Articles
c. Interjection
d. All of the above
Q87. Which of the following joins two nouns, phrases or sentences?
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjections
Q88. Which of the following generally used before nouns.?
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjections
Q89. ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ are _________________________
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjections
Q90. ‘on’, ‘in’, ‘over’, ‘under’ are _____________
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjections
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
Q91. Which of the following is not the part of the sentence?
a. Subject
b. Object
c. Action
d. Verb
Q92. Which of the following describes an action in the sentence?
a. Subject
b. Object
c. Action
d. Verb
Q93. Which of the following are the types of objects in a sentence?
a. Direct and Indirect
b. Upper and Lower
c. First and Second
d. None of the above
Q94. Sentences where the subject does an action are known as ______________
a. Active Voice
b. Passive Voice
c. Inactive Voice
d. Direct Voice
Q95. Sentences in which the subject receives an action are known as _________________
a. Active Voice
b. Passive Voice
c. Inactive Voice
d. Direct Voice
Q96. Which of the following types of sentences shows strong emotions or feelings?
a. Declarative Sentence
b. Exclamatory Sentence
c. Imperative Sentence
d. Interrogative Sentence
Q97. Which of the following types of sentences shows an order, command, request or advice?
a. Declarative Sentence
b. Exclamatory Sentence
c. Imperative Sentence
d. Interrogative Sentence
Q98. Identify the correct increasing order.
a. Character, Word, Sentence, Paragraph
b. Character, Word, Paragraph, Sentence
c. Word, Character, Sentence, Paragraph
d. Character, Sentence, Word, Paragraph
Q99. Which of these is an imperative sentence?
a. Switch off the fan.
b. Sheila has gone to the market.
c. Where are my pen colours?
d. Oh no! I missed my flight.
Q100. Identify the object, verb and subject in the sentence, ‘The car crashed into a tree.’
a. Object: a tree; Verb: crashed; Subject: the car
b. Object: The car; Verb: crashed; Subject: a tree
c. Object: crashed; Verb: the tree; Subject: the car
d. Object: crashed; Verb: the car; Subject: the tree
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Q101. Raju is the class monitor. He wants to know why Ramesh is coming late every day. Which of the following is a question that Raju can ask Ramesh?
a. Do you come on time?
b. Are you late?
c. Why are you late every day?
d. Will it not be easier to complete your work if you come on time?
Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
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FIRST SAMPLE PAPER 2020-21 (Class 10)
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ans of 75th question is wrong ans should be phrase not poster
Thankyou Nikhil for your feedback.
It’s a phrase only… it carefully
It was really amazing and it have helped me a lot .thanks for providing such a great content it is really very effective . I have not to go any other site or more questions it have provided a sufficient amount of questions and answers .
Thankyou so much and keep it on😇😇😇😇
Thankyou Arpita.
Great work !!
you are helping us lot in our studies and before exam
your mcq questions are awesome
Thanks Brother .. 🙂
Thankyou so much Narayan.
Thnx mam
I have not to go any other site or more questions it have provided a sufficient amount of questions and answers . Thank you very much 😊 ☺ 🙏 😀 🙂 😄 😊 ☺ 🧡🤍💚🧡🤍💚🧡🤍💚 Jai Hind 😀 😊
Thankyou so much Kashish.
My Pleasure Aravind.
Watch carefully, the given ans is correct (phrase) ………
Thank u 👌👌
My Pleasure Priya Sharma.
I LOVE how there’s “100+” in the title and the page literally contains 101 MCQs
Anyways, it’s very helpful…THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
My pleasure 😄😄
This content is very helpful
I like it ☺
Thankyou Sneha.
You have my gratitude, sir…
I love this site amazing for studies really good. It covers the whole chapter. Very helpful🤗
Thankyou so much.
Amazing site. very helpful. It covers the whole chapters.🤗💕
Thankyou Qudsiyah Nigar.
it was poster before you gone through it it is now corrected
Thank you 😊
80th question ans is wrong
it has 3 puncuation marks used namely
chapital letter in ARE and RAHIM
apastrophee in RAHIMS
and a question mark at last
hence answer is 3
A capital letter at the beginning of a sentence is not a punctuation.
answer of 80 question is right…..