Q21. Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as ____________________________
Q22. ___________________ is a term used for range of conditions, characterised by discomfort or persistent pain in muscles, tendons and other soft tissues
Q23. RSI is usually caused or aggravated by _____________________
Q24. One of the most common conditions related to repetitive use of muscles when using the computer is _______________________
Q25. Repetitive use of muscle may cause pain in _____________________________
Q26. Which of the following is not the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Q27. Which of the following statement is not correct in reference to working on computer?
Q28. What can be done to avoid Strain in Legs and Feet?
Q29. Eye strain and visual fatigue can be caused due to __________________
Q30. When we constantly focus on screen and forget to blink our eyes then it may cause __________________