Digital Documentation (Advanced) Quiz 19

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Welcome to your Digital Documentation (Advanced) Quiz 19

Q181. __________________ can be used to style lists by putting numbering or bullets of a different kind

Q182. Predefined Styles in Writer, can be accessed by ___________________

Q183. When you open a new file in Writer, which of the following is default style?

Q184. From the bottom of the Style window, selecting ________________ option displays its style along with the name in the list

Q185. At the bottom of style window, there is a Drop Down list, to select the filter. By default this filter is set to ____________________

Q186. For creating any new styles. The first step is ______________________

Q187. Heading Style comes under the category of _____________________

Q188. Numbering ABC Style comes under the category of _____________________

Q189. Drag and Drop cannot be used to create a Page Style. (T/F)

Q190. The last option, in Style Action button of Style Menu is ______________________

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