Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes

Computer :
It is an electronic device which takes data as input, processes it and produces the results as output.
Data :
Data refers to the raw facts and figures.
Information :
Processed data is called information.
NOTE : The decisions are taken on the basis of data and information.
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It becomes one of the basic requirements of the
modern society. In today’s digital era, we use mobile to perform the tasks of our daily life. It is difficult to think of any event without the use of digital devices.
Information Technology :
Information Technology (IT) means creating, managing, storing and exchanging information digitally by using hardware and software. IT is one of the world’s fastest growing economic activities.
IT has several benefits for a business such as :
- IT helps in reaching more potential customers.
- IT helps in developing a business relationship with potential customers.
- IT helps in providing better service to customers.

Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS)
Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS). It is also called web-enabled services or remote services.
In other words ITeS is defined as outsourcing of processes that can be enabled with information technology and covers diverse areas like finance, HR, administration, etc.
BPO services :
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services means performing business operations through an outside service provider. BPO also comes under IT services as IT plays a very useful role in optimising the business performance.
Some of the BPO services are as follows:
- Financial and Accounting Services
- Taxation and Insurance Services
- Multimedia and Design Services
- Document Management Services
- Software Testing Services
- Health Care Services
Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
BPM industry in India :
The IT BPM (Business Process Management) industry has been fueling India’s growth. The growth of the IT BPM industry has provided India with a wide range of economic and social benefits which includes creating employment, raising income levels, and promoting exports.
BPO Service Industry is doing exceptionally well in India because of the following advantages:
a) BPO service providers in India invest in hi-tech hardware and software to deliver the best of services.
b) Government of India is encouraging the BPO Industry in India by providing necessary infrastructure and logistical support.
c) BPO Industry in India is capable of delivering numerous types of BPO services in exceptional quality.
Structure of the IT-BPM industry :
The organizations within the IT-BPM industry are categorized along the following parameters:
- Sector the organization is serving.
- Type as well as range of offering the organization provides
- Geographic spread of operations.
- Revenues and size of operations.
1. Multinational Companies (MNCs): MNCs have their headquarters outside India but operate in multiple locations worldwide including those in India.
2. Indian Service Providers (ISPs): ISPs started with their operations in India. Most of these organizations have their headquarters in India while having offices in many international locations.
3. Global In-house Centers (GIC): GIC organizations cater to the needs of their parent company only and do not serve external clients.
IT applications : Various Applications of IT are
1) IT in home computing :
- A personal computer (PC) is used to work at home, to do household accounts, play games, surf the web etc.
- Computers and digital devices are now used for online shopping.
- A computer can be used to study online training courses.
2) IT in everyday life :
In our daily life, we use washing machines, microwave oven and many other products which have embedded software. We can store all our important work, appointments schedules and list of contacts in a computer.
3) IT in library
Nowadays many libraries are computerized. Each book has a barcode associated with it. This makes it easier for the library to a keep track of books and the availability of a specific book.
4) IT at workplace :
In the office environment, computers and computer applications are used to perform office work more effectively.
Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
5) IT in education :
Computers and Information Technology are extensively used in education for teaching-learning and assessment. The learning becomes easy and accessible through IT. A lot of teaching resources are available for teachers to teach in a better way. Online assessment helps to assess the students without any biasness.
(a) ICT in the classroom : There are many ways in which the ICT is used for education in the classroom, such as
- e-learning classrooms;
- smart-board presentations;
- videos on experiments;
- creation of images and video;
- desktop publishing of magazines, letters and documents;
- educational games;
(b) Education — anywhere anytime : Any student in India can access the NCERT book online through the website or mobile app. There are a variety of websites and mobile apps to access educational resources on any topic.
(c) Teaching aids and media : ICT is used mostly as a teaching aid in schools to
- Use pictures, animations and audio-visuals to explain subjects that are difficult to explain.
- Make the lessons interesting using presentations.
- Organise lessons using the computer.
(d) Learning Management System (LMS) : A Learning Management System (LMS) is being used by many countries to manage school systems. A student or teacher can register himself/herself to access LMS and can get many services like :
- Learn lessons anytime and anywhere.
- Submit queries, getting replies and submit comments through forums.
- Participate in the co-curricular activities via video.
- Monitor the progress of their children (by parents).
Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
(6) IT in entertainment :
Internet is a major source of entertainment. One can download and view movies, play games, chat, use multimedia, incorporate visual and sound effects using computers, etc.
(7) IT in business :
Computers are used in business organizations for payroll calculation, budgeting, sales analysis, financial forecasting, managing and maintaining stocks. A lot of business transactions happen through Internet called e-commerce.
(8) IT in science and engineering :
Scientists and engineers use computers for performing complex scientific calculations, Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) applications are used for drawing, designing and for simulating and testing the designs.
(9) IT in banking :
Every activity of a bank is now online. The customer’s data and transactions are recorded by computers. Recurring deposits (e-RD), Fixed deposits (e-FD), money transfer from one account to another (NEFT, RTGS), online transactions are done using Internet.
(10) IT in insurance :
Insurance companies keep all records up to date with the help of computer database. Many online policies are also available which can be purchased by using internet.
Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
(11) IT in marketing :
In marketing, computers are used for advertising of products, by using arts and graphics facility so that the goal of selling can be achieved.
(12) IT in health care :
ICT is used in the health sector in numerous ways. Hospital Management System is used to maintain and
manage patients’ records as well as various activities. Various high-tech machines are used in the diagnosis and treatment of critical diseases. Some of these machines are:
(i) Computerized Axial Tomography Machine (CAT): Using this machine three-dimensional (3D) images of different parts of the body can be made.
(ii) MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine): MRI machines are used to give the digital impression of internal organs of the body by using strong magnetic fields and radio waves.
(iii) Electrocardiogram (ECG) Machine: The ECG machine is used to monitor the heartbeat.
(iv) Cardiac Screening Machine: This machine displays the physiology of the heart and it displays the movements inside the heart.
(v) EEG (Electro – encephalography) Machine: This machine is used to record the activities of the brain.
(vi) Blood Sugar Testing Machine: This device analyses a sample of blood and determines the blood glucose level.
13) IT in the government and public service :
The government uses large-scale computer applications in its daily operations. The Income tax department, sales tax department, preparations of voters list, preparation of PAN card makes use of the computer system.
Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
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Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
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Thank You so much Sahil
Thank you so much
These notes are amazing
Thankyou Chirag.
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Thanks for these notes very helpful 💯
Very helpful notes thanks!
Very helpfull And Amazing Notes THANKS SIR
Thank you so much Gurpreet.
thanks a lot, very accurate and useful
it was nice . and healpful for study
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Can we download MCQ and practice questions