Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Green Skills Class 9 MCQ

Q1. A _____ can be defined as any natural or artificial substance, energy or organism, which is used by human being for its welfare.
a. Resource
b. Fuel
c. Fossil
d. Underground Substance
Q2. Which of the following are natural resources?
a. Land
b. Soil
c. Forest
d. All of the above
Q3. Humans depend directly on forests for ________________
a. Food
b. Biomass
c. Health
d. All of the above
Q4. Forests helps in controlling _____
a. Flood
b. Storm
c. Climate
d. All of the above
Q5. The resources, which have been developed by human beings during the growth of civilisation, are called ____
a. Natural Resources
b. Artificial Resources
c. Nature Resources
d. Human Resources
Q6. Which of the following is not an example of Artificial Resources?
a. Biogas
b. Thermal Electricity
c. Plastics
d. Petrol
Q7. Which natural resource is used for production, residence and recreation as well as for infrastructure development?
a. Forest
b. Water
c. Land
d. Electricity
Q8. Which natural resource is a necessary element for life?
a. Forest
b. Water
c. Land
d. Mineral
Q9. Which of the following is not a natural resource?
a. Petrol
b. Plastics
c. Land
d. Forest
Q10. Which of the following is not a mineral?
a. Gold
b. Sand
c. Plastics
d. Salt
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q11. Everything that surround us (living or non living) constitute _______
a. Atmosphere
b. Air
c. Environment
d. Flora and Fauna
Q12. The physical environment of school includes _____________
a. School building
b. Classrooms
c. Playground
d. All of the above
Q13. The sociocultural environment is manifested by the school with ____________
a. Student activities
b. Social behavior
c. Discipline
d. All of the above
Q14. Villagers are dependent on forests, grasslands, rivers, seashores, for resources like ______________
a. Water
b. Wood
c. Fodder
d. All of the above
Q15. Farmers can grow more food by using ___________
a. Fertilizers
b. Pesticides
c. Hybrid Crops
d. All of the above
Q16. Overuse of chemicals in fields, will led to soil _______
a. Upgradation
b. Degradation
c. Fertility
d. None of the above
Q17. We should plan the maintenance of the areas in a sustainable manner so that we can enjoy the good environment. This can be achieved by ____________
a. manufacturing solar panels
b. designing environmentally sustainable homes
c. developing eco-fashion design
d. All of the above
Q18. Which article of the constitution of India contains specific provisions for the protection and improvement of environmental quality
a. Article 47-B
b. Article 48-B
c. Article 48-A
d. Article 47-A
Q19. People live together in villages, cities, states and countries, thus forming a _____
a. Family
b. Society
c. Colony
d. Group
Q20. The industrial development and intensive agriculture uses up large amounts of natural resources like ____________
a. Water
b. Minerals
c. Petroleum Products
d. All of the above

Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q21. Plants serve as food resources for _____
a. Herbivores
b. Omnivores
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q22. Animals and birds are the source of food for ____________
a. Carnivores
b. Omnivores
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q23. Agriculture is the main source of plant food for ____________
a. Animals
b. Birds
c. Humans
d. Reptiles
Q24. Which of the following produce energy in Sun?
a. Nuclear Fission
b. Chemical Reaction
c. Nuclear Fusion
d. All of the above
Q25. The resources which cannot be exhausted by human consumption are called ______
a. Inexhaustible Resources
b. Exhaustible Resources
c. Renewable Resources
d. Non-Renewable Resources
Q26. Solar radiation, wind power, water power and tidal power are ______ and _____ resources.
a. Natural, Exhaustible
b. Natural, Inexhaustible
c. Natural, Renewable
d. Natural, Non-Renewable
Q27. Identify the non-renewable resources from the following.
a. Water
b. Wind
c. Biomass
d. Coal
Q28. Which of the following human activity, may cause damage to the environment?
a. Over exploitation of resources
b. Pollution
c. Deforestation
d. All of the above
Q29. When harvesting of resources exceeds their reproduction or replenishment is called _________
a. Over exploitation
b. Pollution
c. Mining
d. Under exploitation
Q30. Identify the environmental impacts of mining from the following.
a. Soil erosion
b. Formation of sinkholes
c. Loss of biodiversity
d. All of the above
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q31. ________ word is derived from the Latin word “polluere” meaning “to soil” or “defile (contaminate)”.
a. Pollution
b. Pollutant
c. Pollute
d. None of the above
Q32. Pollutants that break down into simpler, harmless substances naturally is called _______
a. Non-biodegradable pollutants
b. Biodegradable pollutants
c. Bio pollutants
d. Natural pollutants
Q33. Pollutants which cannot be broken down into simpler and harmless substances are called _______
a. Non-biodegradable pollutants
b. Biodegradable pollutants
c. Bio pollutants
d. Natural pollutants
Q34. Which of the following is non-biodegradable pollutants?
a. Vegetable waste
b. Wood
c. Cattle dung
d. Plastics
Q35. Which of the following is not the type of Pollution?
a. Air Pollution
b. Water Pollution
c. Paper Pollution
d. Land Pollution
Q36. ________ affect the alkailinity of the soil or the soil pH.
a. Plastic waste
b. Excessive use of chemicals in agriculture
c. Dangerous gases released into air
d. Exhaust fumes released from vehicle pollutes the air
Q37. ____________ pollution is responsible for breathing problems in humans.
a. Land
b. Water
c. Air
d. Noise
Q38. Which factor is responsible for land pollution?
a. Mining and heavy construction
b. Leakage from sewer lines
c. Burning of fuels
d. Accidental oil leakage from ships
Q39. Which factor is responsible for air pollution?
a. Cutting down forests
b. Leakage from sewer lines
c. Burning of fuels
d. Accidental oil leakage from ships
Q40. Carbon-dioxide gas trap and prevent the earth’s heat from escaping, leading to a global warming. This is called ____________
a. House effect
b. Green house effect
c. Green effect
d. Global warming

Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q41. Which of the following is not a green house gas?
a. Nitrous oxide
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Methane
d. Oxygen
Q42. Which layer of atmosphere protect us from harmful radiation?
a. Ozone
b. Exosphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Troposphere
Q43. Which of the following is an Ozone depleting substance?
a. LPG
b. CNG
c. Nitrogen
d. CFC
Q44. ____________ is a natural disaster.
a. Flood
b. Earthquake
c. Landslides
d. All of the above
Q45. There are three Rs which we can apply for saving the environment. These 3R’s stands for _____
a. Reduce, Reuse, Restart
b. Remove, Reuse, Restart
c. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
d. Remove, Restart, Reuse
Q46. “Do not use what you do not need.” This statement refers to which ‘R’ of 3R?
a. Reuse
b. Reduce
c. Recycle
d. None of the above
Q47. Aman’s mother is making pillow covers out of used shirts. Which ‘R’ out of 3R she is following?
a. Reuse
b. Reduce
c. Recycle
d. None of the above
Q48. Conservation is the proper management of a natural resources to prevent its ____________
a. Exploitation
b. Destruction
c. Degradation
d. All of the above
Q49. Soil conservation means _______
a. Checking soil erosion
b. Improving soil fertility
c. Maintaining soil fertility
d. All of the above
Q50. Planting of trees and vegetation again where we cut previously to reduces soil erosion is called ____
a. Reforestation
b. Deforestation
c. Plantation
d. Afforestation
Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q51. ___________ is dividing a slope into several flat fields to control rapid run of water. It is practiced mostly in hilly areas.
a. Terracing
b. Topping
c. Terrace fields
d. Hill agriculture
Q52. When Ploughing is done at right angles to the slope allows the furrows to trap water and check soil erosion by rain water is called _______________
a. Hill Ploughing
b. Contour Ploughing
c. Top Ploughing
d. Slant Ploughing
Q53. Conservation and management of water is essential for the survival of ____
a. Human
b. Plants
c. Animals
d. All of the above
Q54. Which of the following activity will help in Water Conservation?
a. Sewage should be treated and only the clear water should be released into the rivers.
b. Industrial wastes (effluents) should be treated to prevent chemical and thermal pollution of fresh water.
c. Judicious use of water in our day-to-day life.
d. All of the above
Q55. Conservation of resources or energy means ________________
a. Saving the resources
b. Using the resources efficiently.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q56. Which of the following actions can help us to save energy?
a. Switch off lights, fans, TV and other electrical items, when not in use.
b. Keep the bulbs and tubes clean.
c. Do not keep the door of a refrigerator open for a long time.
d. All of the above
Q57. Food is stored in _______ on large scale and in _______ at home.
a. Warehouse, Store
b. Refrigerator, Warehouse
c. Warehouse, Refrigerator
d. Store, Warehouse
Q58. __________ means the retention of existing forest or the creation of new forest at the levels prescribed by the State or local authority.
a. Forest conservation
b. Plantation drive
c. Deforestation
d. Forest Plantation
Q59. Which methods of cooking uses less energy?
a. Use a pressure cooker
b. Use of solar cooker
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q60. ____ is defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
a. Regular development
b. Sustainable development
c. Unsustainable development
d. Economic development

Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q61. Sustainable agriculture includes __________
a. Environment friendly methods of farming.
b. Production of agricultural crops or livestock without damage to human or natural systems.
c. Preventing the use of chemicals so as to avoid adverse effects to soil, water.
d. All of the above
Q62. Biological diversity is essential for preserving ecological processes, such as_________________
a. Cleansing of air and water.
b. Maintaining the water balance within ecosystems.
c. Erosion control and local flood reduction.
d. All of the above
Q63. Sustainable development is a concept that appeared for the first time in _____
a. 1986
b. 1987
c. 1988
d. 1990
Q64. Sustainable development includes ____________
a. Reducing excessive use of resources.
b. Planting more trees.
c. Recycling and reuse of waste materials
d. All of the above
Q65. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched at the ________
a. Model United Nation
b. United Nation
c. China
d. USA
Q66. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched in New York in _____
a. September 2017
b. September 2016
c. September 2015
d. September 2014
Q67. How many SDGs were launched?
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
Q68. The term ‘Green Economy’ was first coined in ______
a. 1988
b. 1989
c. 1995
d. 2000
Q69. A ______________ is a system which helps in economic growth while at the same time, taking care of the environment.
a. Green Economy
b. Green Skill
c. Green System
d. Green link
Q70. Which of the following statement is wrong about green economy?
a. It uses less resources.
b. It causes less pollution
c. It provides growth for everyone.
d. None of the above
Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q71. The skills used for promoting green economy are known as _____________
a. Economic Skills
b. Finance Skills
c. Green Skills
d. Agriculture skills
Q72. Areas in which green skills contribute to the sustainable development are ________
a. Water and waste management
b. Rain water harvesting
c. Reducing pollution
d. All of the above
Q73. Green Consumer Day is celebrated on ________ of each year.
a. 27th September
b. 28th September
c. 26th September
d. 29th September
Q74. The National Skill Development Mission, which was officially launched by Government of India in _______ has been developed to create convergence across sectors and States in terms of skill training activities, including green skills.
a. 2013
b. 2014
c. 2015
d. 2016
Q75. GSDP stands for _____
a. Green Science Development Programme
b. Green Skill Development Partner
c. Green Skill Development Plan
d. Green Skill Development Programme
Q76. A _______ is employment in any industry that contributes to preserving or restoring environmental quality in that sector and allowing for sustainable development.
a. Green job
b. Green Skill
c. Green Economy
d. Green work
Q77. Which of the following is an example of Green Projects?
a. Solid Waste Management by ‘Swachh Cooperative’
b. Modern Chulha of ‘Society of Development and Environment Protection’
c. Biotoilet by ‘Green Solution Foundation’
d. All of the above
Q78. Which of the following options describe a green economy correctly? A green economy _________.
a. Uses less resources
b. Uses more resources
c. Wastes less items
d. Wastes more items
Q79. Which of the following is our duty to save energy?
a. We should keep hot food in refrigerator.
b. We should cook our food in open container.
c. We should switch off lights, fans, TV and other electrical items, when not in use.
d. We should not use public transport.
Q80. The fertility of the soil can be maintained by _________
a. Adding manure
b. Adding Fertilizers
c. Rotation of crops
d. All of the above
Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Green Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills
Unit 5: Green Skills
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