Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures MCQ
Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures MCQ

Q1. In any organisation it is necessary to maintain a good air quality to ____________________
a. improve the working capabilities of employees
b. improve the noise levels of machine
c. improve the working capacities of machines
d. reduce the electricity bills
Q2. The polluted water may cause the ________________
a. irritation in eyes
b. pain in wrist
c. diseases
d. All of the above
Q3. The water and air samples can be analysed by performing some __________________
a. Physical Analysis
b. Chemical Analysis
c. Biological Analysis
d. All of the above
Q4. The PH value of the water can be measured through __________
a. Physical Analysis
b. Chemical Analysis
c. Biological Analysis
d. None of the above
Q5. The _____________________ are used to monitor the health of the ecosystem
a. Acid Indicators
b. Physical Analysis
c. Microbial Indicators
d. Base Indicators
Q6. Air pollution is mostly caused by _______________
a. production of the dust
b. mixture of solid particles
c. gases in the surrounding air
d. All of the above
Q7. Which of the following is responsible for air pollution?
a. Extensive use of automobile vehicles
b. Production of the dust
c. Ozone production in the air
d. All of the above
Q8. Ground water pollution is caused by _______________
a. Production of Dust particles
b. Extensive use of fertilizers and pesticide
c. Gases in the surrounding air
d. All of the above
Q9. What should not be done by an organisation to keep the air and water pollution free?
a. Organisation must use limited number of vehicles
b. The generation of ozone gas must be kept at low level by the organisation.
c. Sewage water should not mixed with the surrounding water
d. Dust production should be increased
Q10. Air and water pollution can be analysed by using several methods. There are three common forms of analysis. Names of analysis are ______________________
a. Physical, Biological and Chemical
b. Physical, Analytical and Chemical
c. Physical, Biological and Sample
d. Sewage, Biological and Chemical
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Q11. What is the importance of cleanliness at Workplace?
a. Cleanliness helps to avoid any hazardous situation.
b. Clean work station makes our job easier and more pleasant.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q12. Which of the following statement is True, in reference to cleanliness at Workplace?
a. Each employee is responsible for the cleanliness of their work area.
b. Spills and breakage are to be cleaned up immediately.
c. Floors should be kept clean and clear to prevent slipping and collision.
d. All of the above
Q13. _____________ is the science concerned with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely.
a. Psychology
b. Ergonomics
c. Economics
d. Sociology
Q14. Aman was used to sit in a chair for a very long hours without lumbar support. This may cause ________
a. Sore shoulders
b. Burning in the upper back
c. Stiff neck
d. Sore lower back
Q15. When a person is holding telephone between the ear and shoulder then he may suffer _____
a. Stiff neck
b. Arching wrists
c. Eye strain and sore eyes
d. Sore lower back
Q16. Anuj was advised to use wrist rest to the front of keyboard. It means he is suffering from ______
a. Dry eyes
b. Arching wrists
c. Stiff neck
d. Eye strain and sore eyes
Q17. The potential cause for dry eyes is ________
a. Glares from overhead lights
b. Working with wrists extended too much repetition
c. Forget to blink
d. No lumbar support
Q18. Musculoskeletal Problems occurs due to ____________
a. Wrong posture
b. Using ergonomically incorrect chair
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q19. What can be done to avoid Musculoskeletal Problems?
a. Keep the neck neutral with monitor directly ahead to prevent to turn your neck.
b. Keep your monitor at least arm length distance away from you.
c. Use a keyboard palm rest as needed only when you are not typing.
d. All of the above
Q20. We should not rest our wrists when typing. It may leads to ___________
a. Sore Shoulders
b. Arching wrists
c. Wrist Strain
d. Stiff Neck
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Q21. Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as _____________
a. Repetition Strain Injury
b. Over Time work
c. Injury due to Occupation
d. Repeated Work
Q22. _______ is a term used for range of conditions, characterised by discomfort or persistent pain in muscles, tendons and other soft tissues
a. Occupational Syndrome
b. Occupational Overuse
c. Overuse Occupational Syndrome
d. Occupational Overuse Syndrome
Q23. RSI is usually caused or aggravated by _________
a. Repetitive movement
b. Sustained or constrained postures
c. Forceful movements
d. All of the above
Q24. One of the most common conditions related to repetitive use of muscles when using the computer is ___________
a. Occupational overuse syndrome
b. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
c. Working Syndrome
d. Tunnel Syndrome
Q25. Repetitive use of muscle may cause pain in _________________
a. Shoulder
b. Neck
c. Wrist
d. All of the above
Q26. Which of the following is not the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
a. Tingling in the hand and arm
b. Pain in the hand and arm
c. Itching in the hand and arm
d. Numbness in the hand and arm
Q27. Which of the following statement is not correct in reference to working on computer?
a. The keyboard and mouse should be kept at the same level
b. We should use ergonomic keyboard and mouse to reduce the risk of wrist related conditions.
c. Users should avoid gripping the mouse too tightly.
d. One hand should remain on mouse and one hand always be on keyboard
Q28. What can be done to avoid Strain in Legs and Feet?
a. We can position our desk chair to sit comfortably with our feet flat on the floor.
b. We can use a footrest for more support.
c. We should make sure that while sitting our lower legs should be vertical.
d. All of the above
Q29. Eye strain and visual fatigue can be caused due to ______
a. Computer’s bright light glare and flickering images
b. Uncomfortable sitting posture
c. Sitting to work for long time
d. All of the above
Q30. When we constantly focus on screen and forget to blink our eyes then it may cause ______
a. Drying eyes.
b. Eyes Strain
c. Visual fatigue
d. All of the above
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Q31. Which Syndrome is caused by poor lighting and glare on the computer screen?
a. Computer Vision Syndrome
b. Computer Syndrome
c. Eye Vision Syndrome
d. Eye Syndrome
Q32. To reduce eye strain while working on computer we should ___________
a. sit ergonomically correct
b. keep mouse and keyboard at same level.
c. wear anti-glare glasses
d. stretch our muscles at regular intervals
Q33. What should be done to reduce the risks of visual problems?
a. Adjust the brightness of computer screen
b. Keep a proper vision distance from computer screen and blink your eyes in an interval.
c. Give your eyes periodic breaks from the screen and perform frequent blinking.
d. All of the above
Q34. Headache may occur due to _________
a. Muscle tension or pain in the neck.
b. Strain on the eyes
c. Vision problem
d. All of the above
Q35. Which of the following problem may occur due to long working hours on Computer?
a. Strain in Legs and Feet
b. Headaches
c. Eye Strain
d. All of the above
Q36. Spending long hours on computers and lacks of physical activity and exercise may lead to _______
a. Skin rashes
b. Obesity
c. Itchy Skin
d. Hair Fall
Q37. Stress can lead to __________
a. Decreased attention span
b. Lack of concentration
c. Dizziness
d. All of the above
Q38. What should be done to combat our stress?
a. Work on Computer for long hours.
b. Proper sitting posture
c. Yoga
d. All of the above
Q39. Laptops are designed for short periods of use. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q40. Which of the following can be set up ergonomically correct, while working for long hours?
a. Desktop
b. Laptop
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
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Q41. Which hormone regulate our sleeping pattern?
a. Testosterone
b. Melatonin
c. Oestrogen
d. Growth hormone
Q42. We should refrain from using a computer or mobile right before going to bed because _________
a. it causes strain on wrist
b. it causes drying of eyes
c. it suppress release of melatonin substance and disturb sleeping pattern
d. it causes stiffness in neck
Q43. The screen/monitor must be free from ________ and _____ which causes discomfort to the user.
a. Reflective glare, Current
b. Reflective glare, Image Stability
c. Reflective glare, Reflections
d. Reflective glare, Wire
Q44. We should use _______ monitors of legible size and with adequate spacing between the characters and lines to avoid strain on eyes.
a. CRT
b. Plasma
c. LED
d. LCD
Q45. The keyboard should be ________ and ________ the screen to avoid fatigue in the arms or hands.
a. Tilt, Separate from
b. Tilt, Attached with
c. Flat, Separate from
d. Flat, Attached with
Q46. The work chair should be _____ in height and the user’s feet must be placed ______ on the floor.
a. Fixed, Flat
b. Fixed, Tilted
c. Adjustable, Tilted
d. Adjustable, Flat
Q47. What is the main point to be considered while choosing Work desk for placing computer?
a. The work desk should be sufficiently large
b. It should have low reflective surface
c. It should allow a flexible arrangement of the screen, keyboard, documents and related equipment.
d. All of the above
Q48. What precautions should be taken while working on computer?
a. Use a surge protector when you plug your system in..
b. A battery backup system should be used to protect against a power outage.
c. Remove rings, watches and necklaces while working on the computer.
d. All of the above
Q49 If a cord or wire will cross a pathway safety it should be mark it with ___________________ tape
a. Electric
b. Masking
c. Hazard
d. Green
Q50. Modern processors will overheat within ______ if heat sink is not attached
a. 7 seconds
b. 15 seconds
c. 20 seconds
d. 17 seconds
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