Important MCQ Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

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Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

Encoding Schemes
Encoding Schemes

Q1. Computer understands only _______

a. Binary Language

b. C++

c. High level language

d. Assembly Language

Q2. ___________________ has only two digits 0 and 1

a. High level language

b. Machine language

c. C#

d. Assembly language

Q3. When a key on the English keyboard is pressed, it is internally mapped to a ________

a. unique hexadecimal code

b. unique octal code

c. unique decimal code

d. none of the above

Q4. When the key ‘A’ is pressed , it is internally mapped to a decimal value _______________

a. 97

b. 96

c. 66

d. 65

Q5. When we press alphabet ‘अ’ on hindi keyboard, internally it is mapped to a ____ value 0905, whose binary equivalent is 0000100100000101

a. decimal

b. hexadecimal

c. octal

d. none of the above

Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

Q6. The mechanism of converting data into an equivalent cipher using specific code is called ______

a. coding

b. encoding

c. decoding

d. recording

Q7. Alphabet ‘a’ is internally mapped to a code value 97. Is it same in all the keyboards?(T/F)

a. True

b. False

Q8. ________ means to convert some data to a coded form to hide/conceal it from others.

a. Encryption

b. Decryption

c. Coding

d. None of the above

Q9. A process which convert encrypted data to original content/data is called _____

a. programming

b. recryption

c. decryption

d. cecryption

Q10. When key ‘B’ is pressed from keyboard, it is internally stored (in computer memory) in the form of _______________

a. binary numbers

b. decimal numbers

c. hexadecimal numbers

d. octal numbers

Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

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Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

Q11. Which of the following is not an encoding scheme?





Q12. ASCII stands for _____________________

a. American Standard Coding for Information Interchange.

b. American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

c. American Standard Code for Internally Interchange

d. Amazing Standard Code for Information Interchange

Q13. ISCII stands for _____________

a. Indian Script Code for Information Interchange

b. Indian Standard Code for Information Internal

c. Italian Script Code for Information Interchange

d. None of the above

Q14. ASCII is able to encode character set of _____________ language only

a. Hindi

b. Urdu

c. English

d. Gurmukhi

Q15. ASCII value of ‘D’ is _____________

a. 68

b. 67

c. 65

d. 69

Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

Q16. ISCII is an ______________ code representation for Indian languages

a. 6-bit

b. 12-bit

c. 10-bit

d. 8-bit

Q17. ASCII used _________ to represent characters.

a. 7 bits

b. 6 bits

c. 8 bits

d. 9 bits

Q18. ______ has been developed to incorporate all the characters of every written language of the world.




d. All of the above

Q19. UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 are encodings of __________




d. None of the above

Q20. ________ represent a single encoding scheme for all languages and characters.




d. None of the above

Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

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Encoding Schemes Class 11 Computer Science

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