Q11. Which of the following is not the application of stack?
Q12. If we enter 1, 2, 3, 4 elements in stack. In what order do they come out?
Q13. Write the output for first print statement
L = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def push(L):
   num = int(input("Enter")) #Entered element is 7
print(L) #First Print Statement
print(L) #Second Print Statement
print(L) #Third Print Statement
print(L.get()) #Fourth Print Statement
Q14. Refer to the above code, write output of Second Print Statement
Q15. Refer to the above code, write output of Third Print Statement
Q16. Refer to the above code, write output of Fourth Print Statement
Q17. Fill in the blank for statement 1.
L = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def pop(L):
if L==________: #statement 1
print("Stack is empty")
L.pop(_______) #statement 2
pop(__________) #statement 3
Q18. Refer to the above code, fill in the blank for statement 2.
Q19. Refer to the above code, fill in the blank for statement 3.
Q20. Inbuilt function pop( ), can remove only last element from List.(T/F)