Using Macros in Spreadsheet Question Answers
Using Macros in Spreadsheet Question Answers

A. Multiple choice questions
1. Macro Recordings can be enabled from the ________________ option in the menu bar.
(a) Sheet
(b) Data
(c) Tools
(d) Window.
2. Which of the following is valid Macro Name?
(a) 1formatword
(b) format word
(c) format*word
(d) Format_word.
3. Which of the following Libraries contains modules with prerecorded macros and should not be changed?
(a) My Macros
(b) LibreOfficeMacros
(c) Untitled1
(d) Test.
4. Identify which of the following is a programming Language?
(a) Calc
(c) Writer
(d) Macro.
5. The Module can be executed from the IDE by pressing ___________________.
(a) F3
(b) F4
(c) F5
(d) F6
6. Which of the following is the default name of the Macro ___________________.
(a) Default
(b) Main
(c) Macro1
(d) Main_Macro
B. Fill in the blanks
1. _______________ library is automatically loaded when the document is opened.
2. IDE stands for ___________________.
3. Macro as a function is capable of accepting and returning a _____________________.
4. Macro ______________ allows us to add, delete a module.
5. The code of macro begins with _______________ followed by the name of the macro and ends with _________.
6. By default a macro is saved in the ________________ .

C. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. Macro is a group of instructions executing a single instruction.
2. Once created, Macro can be used any number of times.
3. By default, the Macro recording feature is turned on.
4. It is not possible to stop recording of a Macro.
5. Every Macro should be given a unique name.
6. A macro once created can be edited later.
D. Answer the following questions
Q1. What is a Macro? List any two real life situations where they can be used.
Q2. List the actions that are not recorded by a macro.

Q3. How is LibreOffice Macros Library different from my Macros?
Q4. Differentiate between predefined function in Calc and Macros as a function
Q5. List the rules that should be kept in mind while naming a macro.
Q6. Give any one advantage of macros.
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