Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes

SPREADSHEET : A spreadsheet is a grid which interactively manages and organizes data in rows and columns. It is also called as Electronic Spreadsheet. It can also store, manipulate and create graphical representations of data.
It is used for managing financial and accounting documents, creating data reports, generating invoices, and for doing a variety of calculations on data etc.
Advantages of Spreadsheet : There are various advantages of spreadsheet software.
- A spreadsheet software can create graphical representations of data.
- It can be used to calculate and analyze the data for decision making.
- It also provide built-in formulae and functions for common mathematical, financial, statistical operations.
- It is widely used for data analysis and accounting applications.
Examples of Spreadsheet software : Examples are
- Microsoft Excel
- LibreOffice Calc
- OpenOffice Calc
- Apple Inc. Numbers
LibreOffice Calc is used to perform the following activities accurately and efficiently.
- Tabulation of data.
- Simple mathematical calculations.
- Complex calculations using formula and functions.
- Arranging data in ascending and descending order.
- Filtering the required data.
- Check the validity of data.
- Protection of data using passwords.
- Saving for future use.
Starting LibreOffice Calc : LibreOffice Calc is the spreadsheet application of LibreOffice suite. In Linux (Ubuntu) operating system, the LibreOffice gets installed by default. In Windows, you need to download LibreOffice from its official website and install it on your computer.
Steps to open LibreOffice Calc in Window : In Windows, find the shortcut of LibreOffice on Start menu or on the desktop. Double click the shortcut to open LibreOffice. Or Click the window menu, select LibreOffice application, then click LibreOffice Calc.
Steps to open LibreOffice Calc in Linux : In Ubuntu Linux, find the Calc icon on application launcher or search it by clicking on “Show Applications”.
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes

Parts of LibreOffice Calc :
Following figure shows the parts of LibreOffice Calc. A brief explanation about the parts is given below.

a. Title bar : The Title bar, located at the top, shows the name of the current spreadsheet. The first created spreadsheet takes the name as Untitled 1, second is Untitled 2 and so on.
b. Menu bar : Menu bar is located just below the Title bar. It contains the menus with commands for various tasks.
c. Toolbars :The Calc opens with the Standard and Formatting toolbars at the top of the workspace by default. These toolbar provide a wide range of common commands and functions. Placing the mouse cursor over any
icon displays a small box called a tooltip.
d. Worksheet : The worksheet in Calc is also referred to as spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can have many sheets. Each sheet can have many individual cells arranged in rows and columns. The sheet tab shows its default name as Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, ….
e. Rows and columns : The sheet is divided into vertical columns and horizontal rows. Each sheet can have
a maximum of 1,048,576 (220) rows and 1024 (210) columns. The rows are numbered as 1,2,3,4,… and columns are numbered as A, B, C, D, …., Z, AA, AB, AC, …., AZ …
f. Cell and cell address : The intersection of a row and column is called a cell. It is the basic element of a
spreadsheet. It holds data, such as text, numbers, formulas and so on. A cell address is denoted by its column (letter) and row number. For example, D4, E9, Z89 are the valid example of cell address.
g. Active Cell : When we click on a cell it gets selected, and is ready to take data from the user. This selected or activated cell is called an active cell. It is always highlighted, with a thick border.
Key or Key Combination | Result of Key or Combination |
Arrow keys (←↑→↓) | Move a single cell in arrow direction |
Ctrl + Arrow Keys | Moves the cell to the end of the data range in a particular direction |
Home | Moves to column A along the row where the active cell is |
Ctrl + Home | Moves the cell to A1 position |
Ctrl + End | Moves to bottom right cell of the data range |
Page Up | Moves the worksheet one screen up |
Page Down | Moves the worksheet one screen down |

Let's Practice 1 Write the cell address of the following • First row and first column _______________ • First column and last row _______________ • First row and last column _______________ • Last column first row ___________________ • Seventh column and tenth row _____________ • Tenth column and nineteenth row ____________ • The cell address LK89 is situated in row number ______________ and column letter _____________
SOLUTIONS : Write the cell address of the following • First row and first column A1 • First column and last row A1048576 • First row and last column AMJ1 • Seventh column and tenth row G10 • Tenth column and nineteenth row J19 • The cell address LK89 is situated in row number 89 and column letter __LK_
Range of cells: A block of adjacent cells in a worksheet which is highlighted or selected is called a range of cells.
The column range is the number of cells spread across the column. The cell address is represented by single column letter and multiple row number in a sequence. for example C1 : C6, A9 : A18 etc
The row range is the number of cells spread across the row. The cell address is represented by single row number with different columns. for example C5 : H5, A2 : J2 etc.
The row and column range is the number of cells spread across the row and columns. This range is a matrix with number of rows and number of columns. for example A3 : G5, D2 : H4 etc.
Let’s Practice 2
- What is the address of the first cell represented by Range1?
- What is the address of the last cell represented by Range1?
- Write the cell range represented by Range1.
- Write the cell range represented by Range 2.
- What is the name of the cell range along a row?
- What is the name of the cell range along a column?
- Write the cell range represented by Range 3.
- Give the number of cells in the cell range represented by Range 3.

Ans. 1. B5 2. D5 3. B5 : D5 4. F5 : F11 5. Range 1 6. Range 2 7. B7 : C12 8. 12
Entering data : The data to be entered in a worksheet can be the label, values or formula.
a) Label : Label is the any text entered by using a keyboard. It may combine with letters, numbers, and special symbols. By default the labels are left aligned.
b) Values : The numerical data consisting of only numbers are called values. By default values are right aligned.
c) Formulae : Any expressions that begins with an equals ‘=’ is treated as formula.
Mathematical operators used in formulae : Spreadsheet Software has the most powerful features to calculate numerical data using formulae. LibreOffice Calc uses standard operators for formulae, such as a plus(+), minus(-), multiplication (*), a division (/) for arithmetic operation.
Mathematical Operators | Operator precedence | |
Addition (+) | First ( ) | |
Subtraction (-) | Second ^ | |
Multiplication (*) | Third /, * | |
Division (/) | Third /, * | |
Exponentiation (^) |
Note: The order of evaluation can be changed by using brackets.
Let's Practice 3 Evaluate the following equations using operator precedence and then test the result in the spreadsheet. 1. 8-4/2 2. 5*5+8 3. 3+5*4 4. 2^5+8 5. 3+2^2 6. 5+6*2^2 7. 8/4*4 8. -4/2+2 9. 1+2^2-2 10. 4*3/2
Solution : You can easily solve the above expression by using simple Mathematics BODMAS rule or you can also verify in spreadsheet by writing above expression after '=' sign in a cell and then press enter key. for example =8-4/2 Ans. 1. 6 2. 33 3. 23 4. 40 5. 7 6. 29 7. 8 8. 0 9. 3 10. 6
Note: Formula starts with ‘=’ sign and nothing should be written on the left side of the equal sign (‘=’). If you
forgot to put the ‘=’ before the formula, it will be treated as a label.
Steps to rename sheet :
- Select the menu Sheet → Rename Sheet.
- Give appropriate name and click OK
Steps to save the worksheet : To save the worksheet
- click on File → Save.
- A Save dialog box will appear.
- Select the location where you want to save the file.
- Enter the name of the file say, ‘Bill’
- Click on the Save button.
Steps to insert the column before any column : Position the cursor on any cell of the column before which you want to insert the column and select Sheet → Insert Columns → Columns → Columns left
Steps to insert the column after (right side) any column : Position the cursor on any cell of the column after which you want to insert the column and select Sheet → Insert Columns → Columns → Columns right.
Function : Functions are predefined formula in Calc which is used for tasks like finding the sum, count, average, maximum value, and minimum values for a range of cells.
Commonly used basic functions in Calc
Function | Syntax | Use |
SUM | =SUM(Number1,Number2,…..) | Adds the values contained in a range of cells. |
AVERAGE | =AVERAGE(Number1,Number2,….) | Return the average of the values contained in a range of cell |
MAX | =MAX(Number1,Number2,……) | Return the largest/Maximum value contained in a range of cells |
MIN | =MIN(Number1,Number2,……) | Return the Smallest/Minimum value contained in a range of cells |
COUNT | =COUNT(Number1,Number2,…..) | Return the Counts of the number of cells within a range of cells. |
Formatting the worksheet : The cell data can be formatted using Format cells dialog box. The Format cells dialog box can be opened using Format→cells using the Format menu, or from context menu opened through right clicking the cell. Shortcut to open this Format Cell dialog box is Ctrl+1. Various options of Format cell dialog box are shown below.
a) Formatting a range of cells with decimal places : Following are the steps to format a cell to the required number of decimal places:
- Select the range of cells.
- Open the ‘format cells dialog’ box
- Click the ‘Number’ tab
- Select the ‘Number’
- Change the decimal places as required
- Click ‘OK’
b) Formatting a range of cells to be seen as labels : Follow the steps below in order to format a range of cells as text.
- Select the range of cells
- Open the ‘format cells dialog’ box
- Click the Number tab
- Select Text
- Click ‘OK’
- Enter numbers
c) Formatting of a cell range as different date format : In a spreadsheet application, the user can change Date in many different formats. To do these follow the below steps.
- Select the range of cells.
- Open the ‘Format cells dialog’ box
- Click the ‘Number’ tab
- Select the ‘Date’ category
- Select the date format
- Click ‘OK’
d) Formatting a range of cells to display times : Follow the steps below to format a range of cells to display the time.
- Select the cell range
- Open the ‘format cells dialog’ box
- Click the ‘Number’ tab
- Select the ‘Time’ category
- Select category Time should be displayed
- Click ‘Ok’
e) Formatting alignment of a cell range : Follow the steps below to format the alignment of range of cells.
- Select the range of cells
- Open the ‘format cells dialog’ box
- Click the ‘Alignment’ tab
- Select left, right or center
- Click ‘OK’
Fill handle of a cell : The small black square in the bottom-right corner of the selected cell or range is called a fill handle.
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Referencing : Referencing is the way to refer the formula or function from one cell to the next cell along the row or column. There are three types of referencing.
- Relative referencing
- Mixed referencing
- Absolute referencing
1. Relative referencing : When you drag any formula in any row or column in any direction, the formula gets copied in the new cell with the relative reference. for example A1, H15 etc.
2. Mixed referencing : In Mixed Referencing, the $ sign is used before row number or column name to
make it constant. for example A$5, $C14.
3. Absolute referencing : In Absolute referencing, a $ symbol is used before the column name as well as row number to make it constant in any formula. For example, $C$12, $D$5, etc.
Identify the cell referencing in the following table:
Example | Type of Refencing |
A1 | Relative |
F45 | Relative |
D$4 | Mixed |
$A23 | Mixed |
$A$2 | Absolute |
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Creation of Charts Using Spreadsheets : It is not easy to comprehend, compare, analyze or present data when they are represented as numbers. But when data are presented in the form of charts they become an effective tool to communicate. The various types of charts are given below.
Types of Charts |
Column Chart |
Bar Chart |
Line Chart |
Pie Chart |
XY Scatter Chart |
Steps to create a column chart :
- Select the range of data say A1:F7
- Click on Insert → Chart
- Select the type of chart ie Column chart
- Click Finish
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Disclaimer : I tried to give you the correct “Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes ” , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in “Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes” given above, you can directly contact me at csiplearninghub@gmail.com. Book and Study material available on CBSE official website are used as reference to create above “Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes“. Screenshot of Electronic Spreadsheet interface used in the above blog is taken from CBSE study material.
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
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Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
=MIN- finds the smallest value in the range of cells. You typed there LARGEST, kindly change it