Ch 15 Prevent Accidents and Emergencies Notes Important Points

Ch 15 Prevent Accidents and Emergencies Notes Important Points Ch 15 Prevent Accidents and Emergencies Notes Important Points Introduction In an organisation, any small accident or unforeseen situation may turn into emergencies if not given due attention. The emergencies can be natural, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or man-made emergencies such as fire, toxic gas … Read more

Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Question Answers

Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Question Answers Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Question Answers Check Your Progress A. Multiple choice questions Q1. To provide healthy and safety working environment, every organisation must have _______. (a) Cleanliness(b) Filtered water(c) Clean wash-room(d) All of the above Q2. Air pollution is mostly caused by production of the ________in … Read more

Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Notes Important Points

Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Notes Important Points Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Notes Important Points Introduction In any organisation it is necessary to maintain a good air quality to improve the working capabilities of employees. A pollution free air is an essential requirement for any organisation. Also most of the IT companies makes use … Read more

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers A. Multiple choice questions Q1. Workplace safety is essential in organisation _______________. (a) to avoid the accident and injury(b) to increase the productivity(b) to improve the work environment(d) All of the above Q2. … Read more

Ch 13 Health, Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NOTES Important Points

Ch 13 Health, Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NOTES Important Points Ch 13 Health, Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NOTES Important Points Introduction to Health, Safety and Security at Workplace Every workplace accident, illness or dispute is a cost to organization, as well as a cost to injured individualsand their families. … Read more

Ch 12 Forms & Reports Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 12 Forms & Reports Class 10 Question Answers Ch 12 Forms & Reports Class 10 Question Answers A. Multiple choice questions Q1. Which of the following toolbars contains the Label tool? (a) Standard Toolbar(b) Forms Controls Toolbar(c) Records toolbar(d) Formatting toolbar Q2. The Record toolbar has the buttons to move to the (a) first … Read more

Ch 12 Forms and Reports Class 10 NOTES Important Points

Ch 12 Forms and Reports Class 10 NOTES Important Points Ch 12 Forms and Reports Class 10 NOTES Important Points Introduction Data-sheet view is used to enter data into the tables which is not a user friendly interface. So it is required to develop a user friendly data entry screen for data entry operator or … Read more

Ch 11 Queries in LibreOffice Base Class 10 IT-402

Ch 11 Queries in LibreOffice Base Class 10 IT-402 Ch 11 Queries in LibreOffice Base Class 10 IT-402 A. Multiple choice questions Q1. Which of the following is refer to asking questions from the database? (a) Report(b) Table(c) Query(d) Database Q2. Which of the following are the ways to design a query? (a) Wizard(b) Design … Read more

Ch 11 Queries in Libre Office Base NOTES Important Points

Ch 11 Queries in Libre Office Base NOTES Important Points Ch 11 Queries in Libre Office Base NOTES Important Points Introduction A database is used to store data in an organized manner. Queries are used to retrieve the desired data easily and accurately from database. In other words we can say that a query is … Read more

Ch 10 Working with Multiple Tables Question Answers

IT-402 Ch 10 Working with Multiple Tables Question Answers IT-402 Ch 10 Working with Multiple Tables Question Answers A. Multiple choice questions Q1. Which of the following actions can be performed once the tables are created in a database? (a) Add a field in a table(b) Rename a table(c) Delete a table(d) All of the … Read more

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