Chapter 1 – Introduction to Styles using LibreOffice Writer Question Answers
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Styles using LibreOffice Writer Question Answers

A. Multiple choice questions
1. Which of the following features in LibreOffice Writer is/are used to create the given document?
(a) Page borders
(b) Envelope
(c) Picture from File
(d) Indexes and Tables
2. Styles menu (from sidebar) in Writer provide options to work on
(a) Paragraph Styles
(b) Frame Styles
(c) Page Styles
(d) All of the above
3. What is style template in LibreOffice Writer?
(a) Pre-determined form and mode of document file
(b) One kind of model style
(c) One type of document
(d) Cluster of documents in Writer
4. Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers, number of pages?
(a) Status bar
(b) Standard toolbar
(c) Formatting
(d) Title bar
5. Which of the following can be used to access a style menu?
(a) F11 function key
(b) Sidebar Menu
(c) Formatting toolbar
(d) All of these

B. Fill in the blanks
1. A _____________________ is a collection of different formats
2. Styles are especially handy in ___________________________.
3. Proper use of styles improves __ in a document
4. The first five buttons at the top of the Styles window select the category of ________________________.
5. Using predefined ____________________ creates Bookmark in the document.
6. On opening a new file ____________________ Style is used for formatting the document.
7. In page layout documents, you can arrange ____________________ like text boxes and graphics.
8. Character styles are often integrated in ____________________________ Style.
9. ______________________ allows to apply style at different places in the document.
10. Predefined Style ___________________ be updated by Drag and Drop method.
C. Short answer questions
Q1. What do you understand by styles in LibreOffice writer document?
Q2. Write advantages of using Style over manual formatting, for designing a document.
Q3. What are the different categories of style in LibreOffice writer document?

Q4. Write down the steps to update a style.
Q5. What do you understand by custom styles in LibreOffice writer?
Q7. Give two examples, where instead of Style, using manual formatting will be beneficial.
Q8. Give one situation, in which you will prefer to use Fill Format for styling your document.
Q9. Write steps to load style(s) from a template

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