str=input("Enter any String :")
L=str.split( )
L1=[ ]
for i in L:
if i not in L1:
for i in L1:
str=str+" "+i
print("String with unique words are :",str)Execution of Program
Enter any String : string program practice string program
String with unique words are : string program practice
Q14. Write a program to accept a string and display the ascii value of each character.
str=input("Enter any String :")
for i in str:
print("ASCII value of ",i,"is",ord(i))#Execution of the program
Enter any String : String Programs
ASCII value of S is 83
ASCII value of t is 116
ASCII value of r is 114
ASCII value of i is 105
ASCII value of n is 110
ASCII value of g is 103
ASCII value of is 32
ASCII value of P is 80
ASCII value of r is 114
ASCII value of o is 111
ASCII value of g is 103
ASCII value of r is 114
ASCII value of a is 97
ASCII value of m is 109 ASCII value of s is 115
Q15. Write a program to accept a string and replace all spaces by ‘#’ symbol.
Ans.str=input("Enter any String :")
for i in str:
if i.isspace():
print("Output String is :",str1)#Execution of program
Enter any String :practice string programs
Output String is : practice#string#programs
Q16. Write a program to accept two strings from the user and display the common words.(Ignore case)
Ans.str1=input("Enter first String :")
str2=input("Enter second String :")
for i in L1:
if i in L2:
print(i)#Execution of program is :
Enter first String : program string programs
Enter second String : program
Q17. Write a program to accept a string and count the frequency of each vowel.
str1=input("Enter String :")
print("frequency of vowel 'a' is :",str1.count('a'))
print("frequency of vowel 'e' is :",str1.count('e'))
print("frequency of vowel 'i' is :",str1.count('i'))
print("frequency of vowel 'o' is :",str1.count('o'))
print("frequency of vowel 'u' is :",str1.count('u'))#Execution of program Enter String :Important String Programs
frequency of vowel 'a' is : 2
frequency of vowel 'e' is : 0
frequency of vowel 'i' is : 1
frequency of vowel 'o' is : 2
frequency of vowel 'u' is : 0
Q18. Write a program to display the smallest word from the string.
Ans.str=input("Enter any String :")
L = str.split()
min=50 #we think that length of any word in the string is not larger than 50 (can give any other number)
for i in L:
if len(i) < min:
print("Smallest word is : ",b)#Execution of program:
Enter any String :important string programs
Smallest word is : string
Q19. Write a program to accept a string and display the string in Title case. (first alphabet of each word in upper case)
Disclaimer : I tried to give you the correct code of all the string programs, but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in the string programs given above, you can directly contact me at Also Share your feedback so that I can give better content to you.