Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ

Q1. ____________ is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior effectively in different situations.
a. Self Management
b. Self regulate
c. Self Control
d. All of the above
Q2. Ram is a very good student. He has a very strong self – management skills. He will be able to _____
a. manage different activities effectively
b. focus on different task.
c. cooperating with others in school and at home and perform better in their studies.
d. All of the above
Q3. Self-management can help in _________
a. developing good habits
b. overcoming bad habits
c. overcoming challenges and difficulties
d. All of the above
Q4. Self management skills include ___________
a. Self Confidence
b. Self-Awareness
c. Self-Motivation
d. All of the above
Q5. Anshuman believes that he can do any task and also he is not scared of taking risk. This shows that he is ____
a. Self-Aware
b. Self-Motivated
c. Self-Confident
d. Problem Solving
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ

Q6. If you Know yourself as an individual – your values, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It means that you are __________
a. Self-Confident
b. Self-Control
c. Self Motivated
d. Self-Aware
Q7. Which of the following is not a self-management skill?
a. Problem solving
b. Bargaining
c. Self understanding
d. Confidence building
Q8. Grooming is a term associated with _________________
a. time management
b. problem solving
c. neat and clean appearance
d. self-management
Q9. Which of the following skills refer to Working together with people to accomplish shared goals?
a. Time Management
b. Goal Setting
c. Team Work
d. Positive thinking
Q10. Which of the following skills refer to planning concrete goals to be accomplished within a set timeframe.
a. Time Management
b. Goal Setting
c. Team Work
d. Positive thinking
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q11. Which of the following is not an example of strength?
a. I am good at understanding other peoples
b. I am confident in dealing with strangers.
c. I don’t know, how to play chess.
d. I help my parents in household chores.
Q12. ________, also known as ‘areas of improvement’ are what we do not do well and are not good at.
a. Weaknesses
b. Strength
c. Interest
d. Abilities
Q13. _____ are the things that we enjoy doing.
a. Weaknesses
b. Strength
c. Interest
d. Abilities
Q14. __________ is an acquired or natural capacity that enables an individual to perform a particular job or task with considerable proficiency.
a. Weaknesses
b. Strength
c. Interest
d. Abilities
Q15. Which of the following statement showing ability of Abhishek?
a. He love to make new friends.
b. He like organizing events.
c. He enjoy making things with my own hands.
d. He can resolve problems between friends.
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q16. Which of the following statement showing Interest of Rani?
a. She is good at organising events.
b. She is good at athletics/sports.
c. She enjoy collecting coins/stamps.
d. She can quickly calculate the total of a list.
Q17. Which statement is showing weakness of Parth?
a. He can speak many languages.
b. He can play cricket very well.
c. He do not understand computers.
d. He write very fast.
Q18. Read the following statements and find who is confident, Naman or Anchal?
Naman had difficulty in speaking English. He, therefore, avoided talking to his classmates. He believed that he can learn English by joining English speaking classes and in few days he was able to speak English fluently.
Anchal, was preparing for her final board exams. She feared that she will not get good marks in English because of her poor memory. This made her nervous before the exam and she actually got poor marks in the exam.
a. Naman
b. Anchal
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q19. __________________ is a quality we build when we believe in our strength to succeed in anything we do in life.
a. Self-confidence
b. Self-awareness
c. Self-control
d. Positive attitude
Q20. Which of the following are qualities of self-confident people?
a. Self-belief
b. Positive Attitude
c. Hard Work
d. All of the above
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q21. Which of the following statement will help to build confidence?
a. When we think we cannot do a particular work
b. When we expect to be successful at the first attempt itself and do not try again.
c. When we loose a game , celebrate the efforts of those team members who performed well and talk to people who are confident.
d. When we keep thinking of our past mistakes and feel bad about it, instead of learning from them.
Q22. Which of the following is a quality of a self-confident person?
a. Patient
b. Compassionate
c. Committed
d. Passionate
Q23. Aman is doing a project. To retain positive attitude he should _______
a. look at the good in things
b. observe and understand
c. patiently work towards improving them rather than worrying and/or looking for the bad in things.
d. All of the above
Q24. What is the best way to start our day positively?
a. Think about all that can go wrong.
b. Think about the difficult test you will face during the day.
c. Think about all your accomplishment so far and feel good about it.
d. Think about the traffic on the road and feel stressed.
Q25. Rahul gets feedback on his project work from his class teacher. Which of these options demonstrates positive attitude in this situation?
a. Rahul ignores the feedback.
b. Rahul takes the feedback but does not use it.
c. Rahul tells others that the teacher is wrong.
d. Rahul learns from the feedback and makes his project work better
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q26. What can you do to get rid of negative thoughts or feelings?
a. Meditate to calm down and feel positive.
b. Act based on the negative thoughts or feelings
c. Talk to a friend and share all your negative feelings.
d. None of the above
Q27. Personal hygiene is important because, it helps us __________
a. to stay healthy
b. to create a good image of ourselves.
c. to avoid feeling ashamed in public due to our bad breadth, body odour, etc.
d. All of the above
Q28. Do you think people living in hill stations can skip taking a bath for many days?
a. No, irrespective of the climate, one should take a bath regularly.
b. Yes, not taking bath for many days is acceptable for people staying in cold climate.
c. Yes, if they wipe themselves with a wet cloth, then it is fine.
d. None of the above
Q29. Radha wants to grow her hair and she applies a lot of hair oil. She does not wash her hair for days and sometimes it smells bad too. What would be your suggestion to her?
a. She can leave the oil in her hair, after all it helps her hair to grow.
b. She can leave it on at night and wash her hair every day before leaving home.
c. She should not apply the oil at all
d. She can apply the oil and pour a little water on her hair before leaving home to reduce the smell
Q30. Dressing and grooming are important because they help us to look_____________________.
a. smart
b. untidy
c. shabby
d. All of the above
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q31. Which of the following is not an example of good dressing and grooming.
a. Clean clothes
b. Clean face
c. Long hair for boys
d. Neatly tied hair for girls
Q32. _____________ is the action of putting on clothes and _______ is the process of making yourself look neat, tidy and smart.
a. Dressing, Grooming
b. Grooming, Dressing
c. Dressing, Cleaning
d. None of the above
Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
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Self Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
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